10 Tips To Deal With Menopause

Staying active, showing a positive attitude and taking care of your health are some of the tips that help reduce the symptoms of menopause. Discover tips to face this stage.

Tips for coping with menopause

Between the ages of 45 and 55, women experience a physiological process that is also noticeable in their emotions. The cessation of menstruation involves a mixture of mixed feelings. During menopause women experience problems falling asleep, weight gain, hot flashes and hot flashes, but also sadness, irritability and anguish, symptoms that, in the most serious cases, can end in depression.

What is menopause?

The menopause It is a transition period in a woman’s life. During menopause, the ovaries begin to produce fewer sex hormones, that is, there is a detriment of estrogen and progesterone. Because of this, one of the main symptoms of menopause occurs when a woman stops having a menstrual period for 12 consecutive months, marking the end of her reproductive years.

When it happens menopause Naturally, this process begins with perimenopause, which usually occurs at age 40. Perimenopause can last up to 10 years, as the menstrual cycle slows and symptoms of menopause begin to occur, such as hot flashes, night sweats, and mood swings.

Psychological symptoms of menopause

The menopause symptoms The best known are the physicists. Still, cognitive and psychological symptoms can be just as challenging for women. Among the most frequent emotional menopause symptoms we can highlight the following:

  1. Humor changes: Mood changes are one of the menopause symptoms more common. These emotional ups and downs can end up wreaking havoc on relationships, as well as increasing feelings of frustration or anxiety.
  2. Brain fog: Forgetfulness, difficulties in multitasking or lack of concentration is also one of the symptoms of menopause more common. Faced with these effects, some women may feel bad themselves, something that can affect their self-esteem.
  3. Increased risk of depression: Some of the menopause symptoms such as mood swings, fluctuating hormones, among others, can make women feel irritable, sad or anxious, increasing the chances of suffering from a depressive disorder.
  4. Insomnia: Night sweats, decreased estrogen, as well as others menopause symptoms They can also trigger insomnia in women. In fact, according to research, a quarter of perimenopausal women report problems falling asleep.
  5. Relationship problems: Due to the big change that menopause entails For women, facing all these factors can wreak havoc on friendships or relationships.
  6. Constant worry: The women who pass by menopause stage, can be constantly affected due to a series of thoughts or ideas that influence their mental and emotional state. For example, concerns about old age, the health of parents or partners, as well as the need to reevaluate life expectations.
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These are some of the symptoms that menopause entails on a psychological level. In many cases, women can be emotionally affected by this stage of life, therefore, if you think that this process is taking a toll on your mental health, we recommend the help of a professional psychologist.

Keys to facing menopause

Tips for menopause

To make this moment more bearable, experts recommend following a series of habits that will benefit not only our health but also our emotional stability. In this way, you can follow the following Tips for coping with menopause:

  1. Eat healthy and varied: Yes, it is something we already know, but during this phase the woman needs to take care of her health so that this physical stability is reflected in her emotional state. Therefore, it is extremely important to follow a healthy, varied and balanced diet, a diet that includes foods rich in omega-3 and calcium.
  2. Do physical exercise: It is not only about preventing the weight gain associated with menopause from being significant, but also about strengthening bones and muscles at a time when, due to changes, they suffer much more. In addition, this will strengthen our heart and circulatory system.
  3. Reduce salt: In addition to the usual weight gain, women tend to retain fluid very easily, especially during the climacteric. Therefore, it is important that we reduce salt consumption in meals.
  4. Take care of your heart: Salt consumption, leading a sedentary life, stress… All these causes can alter our cardiovascular health. Therefore, it is important that we reduce our high pace of life, take things more calmly and incorporate healthy living habits.
  5. Say goodbye to tobacco: Tobacco has harmful effects on health, especially during menopause. In addition to the fact that it can be the cause of the climacteric advance in some women, it can cause serious problems with the heart and blood pressure.
  6. Reduce alcohol consumption: Alcohol can also be harmful to our health. It influences weight gain and may be behind coronary heart conditions. By reducing its consumption we will take care of our health. Most experts agree that one glass of wine a day is enough.
  7. Don’t drink more than two cups of coffee a day: Like alcohol, coffee abuse can cause cardiac disorders, in addition to promoting fluid retention and altering our weight. With two cups a day we can continue with our pace of life without affecting our rest, which is already altered during that stage.
  8. Take care of your teeth: After forty, teeth show the passage of age. They yellow, the enamel wears away and we are more prone to cavities and other oral problems. Good oral hygiene will prevent bacteria from spreading freely on our teeth and will allow us to continue maintaining a white and radiant smile.
  9. Increase visits to the gynecologist: During menopause, women should be monitored by their trusted gynecologist. It is important that we go to her visits regularly and that we consult with him about any doubts or symptoms that we manifest, no matter how small.
  10. Pamper yourself: Despite the changes that our body will experience, it is essential that we know how to love ourselves and take care of ourselves. Although it will not eliminate the roller coaster of emotions that we will experience, maintaining a positive and realistic attitude will help us cope with the changes. Get ready, meet up with friends, go shopping… The important thing is to stay active.
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The menopause It is a stage that involves many changes on a physical, psychological and emotional level for women. Even so, it is another process in life that can help us love ourselves more inside and out.