Decalogue Of Healthy Self-esteem

It is never too late to build positive and healthy self-esteem. If you want to improve your self-esteem, here are some tips to get you started:

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1. Give up self-destructive thoughts

If you are used to focus attention on your flaws, start abandoning this practice today. He starts a new habit, starts thinking positive aspects about yourself. When you realize that you are being too critical of yourself, counteract it with your strengths. As a daily exercise, write down 3 things that make you happy about yourself and how you would enhance them.

2. Aim for achievement instead of perfection

Some people end up paralyzing themselves due to their desire for perfection. Remember that the most important thing is not the goal, but the path we take to get there. Instead of holding yourself back with thoughts like, “I’m not going to the play audition until I’ve lost 10 pounds,” make the decision to fight for your goals. enjoy that activity that you are so passionate about and go for them.

3. Consider mistakes as learning opportunities

Accept that you will make mistakes because everyone makes them. Mistakes are one of the most important parts of life, they show us if we are on the right path and push us to improve. Remember that a person’s abilities are in constant development and that everyone excels at different things—that’s what makes people interesting.

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4. Try new things

Experiment with different activities that put you in touch with your abilities. Do not allow your life to stagnate, when we are afraid to take the next step is the best time to do it, break your comfort zone and you will see how later you will be proud of the new skills you have acquired.

5. Identify what you can change and what you can not

If you realize that there is something about you that doesn’t make you happy and you can change it, start right now. If it’s something you can’t change (like your height), “learn to accept it,” start working to love yourself just the way you are

6. Set goals

Think about what you I would like to get and then devise a plan to do it. Stick to the plan and keep track of your progress. It is of utmost importance that the goals we set are achievable, as high as our dreams, but within our reach. Never set out to do impossible things, for example, learning to breathe underwater.

How to deal with depression

7. Be proud of your opinions and ideas

Do not you have afraid to express them Everyone has a different perception of the world, argue with yourself and defend your ideas, if you believe in them with your heart, you will make everyone who hears it take them into consideration.

8. Collaborate in social work

Give classes to a classmate who has problems, help clean up your neighborhood, participate in a charity marathon for a good cause or volunteer for an association. Feeling that you contribute something and that your help is recognized does wonders for increase self-esteem

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9. Do exercise!

You will mitigate stress and you will be healthier and happier. Additionally, the changes in your body will make you feel more attractive and your confidence will grow.

10. Have fun

Have you ever found yourself thinking things like: “I would have more friends if I were thinner or if I were more talkative”? Enjoy spending your time with people you care about and doing things you like. Relax and have a good time—and don’t leave your life on hold

It is true that building a good and healthy self-esteem It may take some effort and dedication, but in exchange you will gain a skill that will be very useful for your entire life. Go ahead and little by little you will see the results, they will surely surprise you positively.