13 Habits That Will Help You Be A Happier Person

Do happy people have common behaviors? What do happy people do to be happy? Discover the habits that will help you be happier according to science.

Habits of a happy person

We all want to be happy. In fact, the vast majority of us live lives doing things that we believe will allow us to achieve happiness. There are many occasions in which we focus on a goal with which we believe we will become happy people. But the reality is that happiness usually comes in small doses, so if we want to achieve it it is more useful to think about those habits to be happy than in a goal to achieve it. Happiness is an attitude, so we shouldn’t wait to benefit from it. So what can we do to be happier?

Habits to be a happy person

It is our habits that define us. For this reason, it is the small actions and behaviors of daily life that can make us happier and more successful

“We are what we repeatedly do. “Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.”


The good news is that many scientific researches support that there are certain habits that can help us be happier people and to achieve greater well-being. Among the most supported by studies, we can find the following:

  1. Practice gratitude and appreciation: We can all find reasons to be grateful. In fact, waking up and being grateful for some reason will automatically make you think of happier things and be part of the happy people Normally, we tend to be more inclined to think negatively than positively, so if you make the effort to be grateful for some aspects of your life in the morning, you will be able to focus your attention on more joyful aspects. This is one of the habits to be happy that will help you the most every day. The reason for this is that people tend to act like mirrors: if we see someone smiling, we tend to smile back; on the other hand, if we see someone in a bad mood, we tend to treat them worse. In this way, having the habit of giving thanks in the morning will allow you to be a happier person.
  2. Be optimistic and realistic: Optimism does not mean having a positive view of everything around you. In reality, optimism focuses on being positive about what you can control and being realistic about the results you can expect. That is, it is a balance between thinking that things are going to turn out well and knowing that they are not going to happen by themselves. Realistic optimism is one of the habits to be happy that you should implement in your routine since it will allow you to motivate yourself and work better despite the circumstances.
  3. Do things that make you smile: We all have a video, song or person that helps us smile more. Leaving time for those things that make us smile is also one of the habits that will allow you to be a happiest person
  4. Take breaks: Working tirelessly will not only make you more unhappy but you will also be less productive. Short but more constant breaks are one of the habits of the happiest people The reason behind this effect is that you give your brain time to refresh, allowing you to have more energy for the rest of the day. It is best to take a short five-minute break for every hour worked.
  5. Set smart goals: Having goals that are achievable will improve both your motivation and your productivity. This will allow you to be a happier person since by meeting these small goals within your day, it will make you more satisfied with yourself. Discipline is also one of the habits to be happy
  6. Learn something new: When you feel sad or down, try to force yourself to learn something new. Whatever it is, giving your brain new information will both boost your creativity and unlock new neural pathways, helping your brain become healthier. One of the things that make us happy, and that perhaps we tend to ignore, is precisely learning something that really interests us. Whether it’s a curiosity or a skill, try to learn something new every day.
  7. Help the others: Trying to improve the lives of others a little is also one of the habits that will help you be a happiest and happiest person Think about those qualities you have that could help others be happier and try to apply them daily.
  8. Go more to nature: There is different research that suggests that amazement allows us to feel less stressed and more satisfied with life. One of the best ways to experience awe is precisely when we are in nature: contemplating the vegetation or the view from a hill can help us focus on those more joyful things in life. In addition, various studies point to the positive effects of simply walking through nature. Therefore, frequently going to a more natural environment will allow you to be a happiest person How to be a happier person
  9. Drink coffee (moderately): It is not by simple chance that most people usually drink coffee every morning. In fact, coffee helps us increase our alertness and provides us with a boost that stimulates our central nervous system. So much so that some research has found a link between reducing the risk of depression and coffee consumption. According to this research, people who drink coffee moderately are 20% less likely to become depressed. This effect is because caffeine causes our brain to increase levels of dopamine, one of the neurotransmitters related to happiness. Therefore, if incorporated in moderation, coffee consumption can be one of the habits to be happier
  10. Meditate: Meditation practiced regularly can help us reduce feelings of depression and anxiety. The habit of meditating began to be related to the behavior of a happy person due to research carried out in 1992 on the Dalai Lama while he was meditating. The results showed that through meditation Buddhist monks were able to enter a deeper emotional state than most people experience.
  11. Read adventure stories: Studies have shown that reading, especially if it is done in novels, can help us feel less stressed and have a more generous attitude towards others. Therefore, this habit can also contribute to try to be happier
  12. Invest in experiences, not objects: Research shows that people who report be happier They tend to spend their money on experiences rather than items. This is one of the habits that will help you be happier because our brain remembers experiences for a longer period of time, allowing us to experience longer-lasting positive emotions. So, instead of buying something, try signing up for yoga classes or inviting a friend to the movies.
  13. Take care of yourself inside and out: Taking care of yourself means putting yourself as a priority. Eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly and, no less important, focusing on your psychological well-being, will be what will help you the most to be a happiest person
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Although these are some of the habits to be happy that will help you the most, the reality is that there are cases in which, despite following them, they will not work for you. People with chronic stress, a depressive disorder or other psychological pathologies should go to a mental health professional to treat them since they are disorders that cannot be solved only through good daily habits. Every day is an opportunity to be a happier person.