Why Is It So Important To Disconnect From Work?

We know that it is necessary to disconnect from work but… Do you know why? How important is it? What repercussions can the absence of disconnection from work have in the long term?

Why is disconnecting from work so important?

Know disconnect from work Not only is it a good way to maintain your emotional and physical health, but it is also a way to take care of your loved ones. Having certain limits and establishing schedules when you leave work is one of the best ways to enjoy your profession and every moment of your life.

Therefore, learn to disconnect from work It should be a priority in your life. Many people who forget to establish a barrier between personal and work boundaries end up succumbing to diseases such as chronic stress, anxiety and even depression. For this precise reason, you must identify if you are in such a situation to take care of your health in all aspects.

Symptoms of lack of work disconnection

From a psychological point of view, being permanently hooked on work can cause serious consequences in personal, couple and family life. Do not disconnect from work It can entail certain repercussions that will not only affect you at a work level, but also at a personal level. It is for this reason that it is vitally important to learn to disconnect. We show you some of the main signs of not disconnecting from work.

  1. Personal problems: Being on emails or calls 24-7 means that a closing time is not perceived. The person is permanently connected to work and that ends up leading to continued stress that can cause significant psychological effects as well as physical symptoms: discouragement due to feeling that life is monotonous, anxiety and panic attacks, insomnia, lack of appetite or binge eating, personal dissatisfaction, irritability and increased aggressiveness, incorrect eating habits, gastrointestinal problems, hair loss, contractures, heart problems, etc.
  2. Social problems: If you are permanently tied to work That anguish will probably translate into your topics of conversation. You may only talk about work or the stress you have and therefore, the quality of your social relationships may worsen. In addition, it is also likely that you meet less with people because you want to rest in the little time you have free or because you are embarrassed to constantly leave the cinema to answer calls (for example). The consequence is distancing in social relationships and a reduction in your social network.
  3. Relationship problems: We already spend a very high percentage of the day working, which leaves very little time for life as a couple. But if you also add that when you leave you continue working, the quality of your relationship will be quite bad. It may be that your partner ends up getting tired of that situation, of the interruptions and of the half-baked weekends or vacations. Therefore, arguments will surely be the order of the day and may end up causing a romantic breakup due to not covering the necessary minimums required for time as a couple. Furthermore, the prolonged stress associated with not disconnecting from work also ends up affecting sexual desire. It is likely that your sexual desire is inhibited, as a result of fatigue and fueled by the other symptoms mentioned such as insomnia. But if arguments are also frequent, sexual desire will be even lower, so relationship problems can enter a vicious circle that is difficult to get out of.
  4. Parenting problems: If you have children, especially if they are small, they require a lot of attention and especially the first years of life are essential to generate a secure attachment and establish strong bonds. Having absent parents (or one of the two) can cause psychological problems in the child that will manifest in some way when they become an adult. Not to mention how it will make you feel to see that you have missed part of their upbringing and that you don’t know your child well. Furthermore, if not you disconnect from work You will surely be more irritable and less patient, so the education you give them will not be what you want and you will become frustrated, fueling personal and relationship problems at the same time, because there may also be discussions in the type of education they are given. to the kids.
  5. Problems with extended family: The lack of free time It can also cause abuse in the time that children spend with grandparents, which can lead to arguments with the extended family, both their own and politically. Therefore, seeing all this, it is evident that it is tremendously important disconnect from work and dedicate themselves to other areas of the person’s life: family life, social life, leisure, relaxation, personal growth tasks, self-care, etc.
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Life is not just about work and we do not deserve to function as if we were robots. In the same way that a machine needs to be turned off and restarted from time to time, people also need know how to disconnect, and sometimes we don’t allow it. It is in our hands to change that, and if work does not allow us to disconnect, we must propose the change in life priorities Now, if that demand comes from outside, you should know that it is no longer legal and that you have the right to disconnect, and if you don’t dare to talk about it, you can always consider changing jobs.

Why should you learn to disconnect from work?

What are the most frequent problems that prevent you from disconnecting from work?

  • Take part of the work: Many people spend moments of rest to send delayed emails, do paperwork or advance work for the return, since frequently the moment of returning becomes difficult, since we usually find ourselves with the accumulated work since whoever replaces us has not been able to do it.
  • Housework is with you: There are many people who dedicate their vacations or free time to changing locations but not responsibilities. For example, people who have an apartment on the beach. Those people disconnect from work and routine, yes, but they have to continue doing household chores as if they were at home and many times they have to do more than they would do at home, since they are usually closed apartments the rest of the year and they have to do a tune-up. By the time you’re done with the cleaning, you probably won’t feel like doing anything else or your days of partying will be over.
  • There are relationship problems that interfere with disconnection: Spending many hours with your partner often leads to problems in the relationship. If the relationship is not going through a good moment, it may be difficult to disconnect on vacation or during moments of rest, since arguments will be frequent and clashes will occur that are difficult to resolve with so much time together.
  • Take care of children full time: Many people dedicate their vacations or weekends to enjoying their children and forget about themselves. Going to hotels where there are multiple activities for children or campsites with the same conditions can make the vacation boring and unprofitable.
  • Have a dependent person in charge: Either because you take the dependent person on vacation or in your free time, or because you leave them at home with someone and you go alone with your partner and/or family, the disconnection it can be difficult. If you go with the dependent person you will have to dedicate a lot of time to them and if you leave them at home, the feeling of guilt may accompany you throughout the vacation for enjoying yourself when you feel that you should be taking care of that person who needs you.
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Learn to disconnect from work

Tips to disconnect on vacation

  1. Put electronic devices aside: Try to forget that you have a cell phone and discounted, do not use computers or tablets for anything other than watching movies or playing music. Returning to work can be hard, but you’ll get over it. The goal is to completely forget about your profession and dedicate yourself fully to enjoying your days off as you want. You deserve it!
  2. Notify that you will not be operational on those days and set some times: When they call you or try to contact you, do not answer. Remember that you will have already notified the leave work and they will have to wait for the return.
  3. Try to have as few tasks as possible on your vacation: Try to get your free time Have as few household chores and responsibilities as possible. If you have an apartment, eat out a few days, clean the essentials and focus on enjoying your days. Think that cleanliness is not the most important thing.
  4. Look for activities that fulfill you: Hobbies are an alternative to learning to disconnect from work and your profession. Do everything you’ve been wanting to do for a long time. Dedicate yourself to yourself and savor each day to the fullest. Discover new places, relax and do recreational activities that you like. Is your moment. If you have children you will have to combine your time with that of your children, but try not to make sure that all that time is for them. Think about yourself too.
  5. Spend time with your companions and avoid arguments: Remember that these are moments of disconnection for you and for your companion/s. Spend time with them and take the opportunity to talk and do things that you can’t during the rest of the year. If an argument arises, try to resolve it in the moment and if things get complicated, find a way to distance yourself temporarily to make the anger go away and then try to reach agreements.
  6. Work your thoughts: If worries and obligations such as caring for a dependent person or work come to mind, think that when you return you will take care of it. You have the right to have a moment to disconnect from work
  7. Find a different routine: Even if the economy is not with you, it is important to change your routine. Go on excursions, picnics, day trips to the mountains or the beach, eat out one day, go for a walk, play sports, etc. Not everything involves money. For enjoy the free time You don’t need a very buoyant economy.
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It is essential that learning to disconnect from your work and relax in free moments. Work is an important part of your life, but there are many other areas that you should not forget. For this precise reason, if you think you are in a situation of even burnout or that you cannot separate yourself from work, psychologists can help you see the solution. Life is much more than work.