Leaving The Comfort Zone: 7 Tricks To Leave Comfort Behind

Why should you leave your comfort zone? What does it mean to be in your comfort zone? Discover the psychological secrets to eliminate comfort and be your best version.

How to get out of our comfort zone

The concept of comfort zone It refers to the conditions that surround us in which we are comfortable and in which we have the perception of mastery of the situation. Seen this way, it seems that being in this comfort zone is something very positive, since we tend to be calm, it seems that everything flows normally and the worries are not very big.

The problem arises when we spend too much time in this area and adopt a conformist attitude with the situation we live in. Making the decision to change may be the best option, but in this case, the fear of facing a new situation and having to make the effort to leave aside the comfortable situation of having everything under control, are what generates for a person to continue in his comfort space and don’t achieve what you really want in your life.

But the comfort zone They are not just big changes in our lives. When in our daily lives we adapt to the situation in which we live even knowing that we could be better by introducing small changes such as starting a new activity that can help me disconnect from the daily routine of family and work or modify certain aspects that They prevent us from moving towards where I want. We also say that we are within our comfort zone. Getting out of it is difficult for us because it implies changes, and changes, whether big or small, lead us to feel insecure, afraid of the unknown and generate uncertainty in us and we do not perceive these sensations as pleasant.

What is the comfort zone?

The comfort zone and its meaning They refer to a state of behavior in which a person copes with their daily challenges, avoiding any type of risk at all costs. Therefore, being within our circle of comfort, people fail to reach their goals since they do not face what they really want to do with their lives.

According to various studies, the comfort zone in psychology It is explained since there are two human responses to a situation that can generate a degree of anxiety. The first is to fight and face the challenges that are presented to us, and the second is to hide or flee from these types of situations.

In this way, if we end up getting used to our comfort state The result is boredom and emptiness. Through research it has been discovered that the key to being able to progress without suffering consequences is precisely to try to leave the comfort zone in a way that is balanced with our comfort zone.

How do you know if you are in your comfort zone?

For know if we are in our comfort zone We could ask ourselves the following questions:

  • Am I satisfied with the situation I am in now?
  • Would I like to make any changes in my life?
  • Is there something that is causing me constant discomfort?

The important thing is to identify how we are at this moment and if there is something that is holding me back from making any small change. Perhaps fear, shame or what others will say may be preventing leave this area In these cases, we can have the help of a mental health professional.

Why should we leave the comfort zone?

Many people wonder why we should get out of this comfort zone if it provides us with security and peace of mind. However, living safely and comfortably does not mean that you live happily or that you are on track to achieve what you set out to do. Among the main reasons why you should avoid constantly being in the comfort of your body and mind, psychologists highlight the following.

  • Personal fulfillment: This is because we are personally setting a series of barriers or limits that do not allow us to advance or grow, since these limits that we establish as sufficient really are not sufficient, they oppress us and are inferior to what we need to feel more satisfied or made in our lives.
  • Self-knowledge: Expand our comfort zone It allows us to know ourselves better, since by eliminating these barriers (that we have imposed on ourselves) a range of possibilities opens up and each of them brings us closer to discovering new skills or enhancing those that were silenced, meeting new people, facing new challenges, living unimaginable experiences in the comfort zone, etc.
  • You will improve as a person: It must be taken into account that some of our areas are going to change, perhaps some of these changes may be difficult for us at first, but in the long run they will bring us closer to our objectives, change means evolution. All this allows us expand our comfort zone and thereby enrich both our area and our life.
  • You will learn to be resilient: Resilience is the ability to resist bad times and be able to bring out the positive side of negative experiences. Your comfort zone means that you cannot learn this vital skill to face life and be happy. In this way, taking small steps to get out of your comfort zone It will make you more resistant to the adversities that you may encounter in your life.
  • Greater self-efficacy: According to the theories of psychologist Albert Bandura, self-efficacy is the belief of being able to execute the most optimal actions and decisions to achieve a goal. This ability involves knowing how to define specific objectives, not too difficult and short-term in order to achieve your personal and professional self-realization. When a person begins to get out of your comfort circle Learn techniques to make better decisions and more effectively achieve your success.
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As we can see there are many benefits of leaving the comfort zone Still, many people will have a hard time starting to leave this comfort zone behind. Despite this, it is vital to try to work together with exercises to get out of the comfort zone or with the help of a mental health professional.

Why are we afraid to leave our comfort zone?

The fear of leaving the comfort zone is the expression of other deeper fears, which end up tying us to a place that limits our growth and is even counterproductive, causing us harm. Although it may seem contradictory, sometimes we prefer to stay in what is known, even if it causes us suffering. Understanding what stops us, what fears paralyze us, is the first step to leaving behind the problems that come with our comfort zone

  1. Fear of losing control: The comfort zone It is a space where we believe that everything is under our control. Leaving that ‘safe’ space scares us because it means facing our fears and improving our circumstances.
  2. Fear of uncertainty: The comfort zone It is a space where we can foresee with certainty everything that happens. Leaving the routine and this space allows us to evolve in aspects that we want to improve in our lives.
  3. Fear of failure: Leaving the comfort zone It implies facing a risk, since every time we go out we face the possibility of failure.
  4. Fear of rejection: Following what others dictate to us is also one of the attitudes that people who do not leave their comfort zone On the other hand, leaving our comfort zone involves challenging the socially pre-established path as well as the expectations that others place on us.
  5. Fear of personal change: Sometimes the comfort zone It is due to an excessive attachment to our ‘ego’, that is, we reject what is new or different because we fear that it will unbalance the image we have formed of ourselves.
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Is the comfort zone bad?

The comfort zone It is a more or less restricted behavioral space where our activities and behaviors fit into a routine that minimizes our stress and risk. That is, it gives us a state of certain mental security, which implies: low anxiety, little stress and an acceptable level of satisfaction. The disadvantages of the comfort zone are so many that it is not worth staying in it. Mainly, we can find the following:

  • It prevents us from reaching the maximum of our potential: If we want to maximize our performance we need to slightly increase our anxiety levels until we reach a state of ‘optimal anxiety’ which is just outside of our comfort zone This state of ‘productive discomfort’ is what allows us to grow and become the person we truly want to be.
  • It will be increasingly difficult for us to face change: As we become more comfortable with the known, our abilities will be reduced, making it increasingly difficult for us to cope with unexpected and new changes.
  • We will close ourselves to new ideas and creativity: Creativity needs to feed on novelty. Therefore, if we lock ourselves in our comfort zone we are killing our creativity.

The comfort zone It represents the past made present, that is, it is about trying to end the uncertainty of the future. Leaving this comfort area makes us face not having control and adapting to new adversities, something that will make us grow as people. However, staying in this mental zone means condemning ourselves to immobility.

How can we get out of the comfort zone?

How do we get out of our comfort zone?

Get out of the comfort zone It is nothing more than betting everything on a single card. It is difficult, because the possibility of losing exists, but the profit you can achieve is very high.

  1. Set your goals and objectives: Think about your dreams and goals, and weigh the pros and cons of each option. Normally the pro the comfort zone is to stay as you are. And that, very sorry, is not a pro. Leaving your comfort zone is risky, but at the very least you will feel brave and pursue your goals. For example, imagine that you have been behaving for years in a way that you do not want, you go unnoticed for fear of criticism, you do not show yourself and you have friends who do not fulfill you because you go to the tune that they set due to that fear that you have of show yourself and be rejected. Maybe you don’t like the people you surround yourself with, but they are the ones you have. Leaving your comfort zone in this case would mean taking off that mask and disagreeing if something bothers you, starting to be you. That exposes you to rejection, but perhaps it is important that you consider whether those people you are surrounding yourself with are the ones you want to relate to. Meeting new people and doing it without the mask would also be get out of that comfort zone “All growth begins at the end of your comfort zone” Tony Robbins, writer
  2. Act like a daring person: Think of someone you know who is not at all conformist and who pursues their dreams. You got it? Well now try one day, just one day, to play at being that person. But not with his tastes and values, but with yours. Embrace their bravery and courage to get out of your comfort space Think like that person who is brave and confident would do and act like that person would do. Remember, it’s only one day. It’s like Cinderella, at the end of the day, you will be you again, and therefore, you will not have lost anything. Now, you may want to repeat one more day in that person’s skin.
  3. Start by taking small steps: Look for small changes that you feel comfortable with and that don’t pose a big challenge. If your problem is that you don’t know if you are still in love with your partner and you don’t dare to leave your comfort zone, it will obviously be very difficult for you to raise the situation with him or her. Therefore, look for little things that help you get out of that comfort zone Do more things on your own, meet up with friends more, take up hobbies, etc. All of these changes will give you clues about the state of the relationship and help you see more clearly.
  4. Become aware of your comfort zone: HE aware of your comfort zone and the little traps it puts in your way. Become aware of the fear and excuses that you make when leaving your comfort zone. Think about what you would do if you were not afraid and face it. Normally the anticipation is usually more catastrophic than what actually happens when we put ourselves to the test. Appreciate the times you anticipated something would go wrong and then it wasn’t so dramatic. Why will it be different now?Keys to get out of the comfort zone
  5. Use visualization: Visualize your future if you continue the same way and then visualize your ideal future. Do they match? If not, don’t wait for a magic wand to help you achieve your goals. Remember, the path is made by walking. Therefore, focus on small goals, small changes that help you get out of the comfort zone and risks.
  6. Learn new skills: One of the ways of end up leaving your comfort space It’s trying to learn new skills that you are passionate about. In this way, try to set goals around your favorite hobbies that present a challenge that you can face. Thanks to this you will be able to see how you cope with new adversities and you will learn not only to leave your comfort zone but to see new aspects of yourself. “My comfort zone is like a little bubble around me, and I pushed it in different directions and made it bigger and bigger until these goals that seemed totally crazy finally fell within the realm of possibility.” Alex Honnold, professional climber
  7. Propose new challenges: Another of the exercises to get out of the comfort zone It involves trying to establish small challenges in your life that you can take on. For example, you can try to go on a trip alone to that place that you like so much or try to establish new conversations with strangers. The key is to try to challenge yourself every day to get out of your comfort zone even a little.
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Remember, a little anxiety is positive and makes us feel alive. If you act out of inertia, it is as if you were an automaton. Live your life, there is only one! Every day is an opportunity for change.
