Increase Your Self-esteem!

Self-esteem is the appreciation we have for ourselves. In this article I give you important keys to improve it.

Increase your self-esteem!

  • Increase the number of positive things you think: The practice acquired in these years has made me maintain what I learned in my psychology degree: The continuous repetition of an idea becomes part of your belief system. Disorders are often sustained by the negative evaluations that people make of themselves. Therefore, if we have learned to do these evaluations, we can, through psychological therapy, learn to do the opposite, doing the following:
  • Focus on small successes and positive experiences marking a positive phrase about it.
  • Identify your capabilities regularly We all have them, so it may be difficult at first because you tend to tell yourself more negative things than positive things, but little by little you will be able to find them.
  • Speak positively in front of the mirror After identifying your capabilities, learn to tell them to yourself in front of the mirror. At first you will feel strange because it may be difficult for you to believe them, but after practicing it continuously you will make it part of your psychological routine.
  • Reduce the number of negative thoughts you tell yourself about your weaknesses: In order to do this, it is important that you ask yourself these questions, which are similar to the ones we would work on in therapy: What kinds of situations make you feel bad about yourself? What do you want to do but don’t do because you think you won’t be able to? What interactions have you had that left you feeling negative about yourself? What negative labels have you put on yourself these weeks? Then try to refute these situations with more realistic and pleasant phrases about yourself.
  • Practice giving and receiving compliments: Kind interactions with the people around us increase positive thoughts and feelings. This exercise not only consists of doing them but also when someone tells you positive things, you are grateful and even say: I think that too! This exercise helps your self-esteem increase.
  • Develop a realistic view of the world and your place in it: If you want to do it, implement these strategies that I offer below:
  • Develop an appreciation of your own value: You are special simply for being you. No one can think and act like you, and without you your environment would not be the same.
  • No one is responsible for the emotions of others: The reactions that others have toward ourselves and those around us are the result of their beliefs and interpretations, so making ourselves responsible can lead to our energy decreasing.
  • Look for facts, not opinions: Your self-esteem will grow if your opinions are created through objective information. Take time to think and don’t simply accept the thoughts and beliefs of others.
  • Accept your weaknesses and mistakes: There is a difference between your behavior and your person. If once you don’t know how to do something you are not useless, if one day someone tells you that you have not sung well it is not that you are a bad singer. Learn to laugh at your “mistakes” as it is a way to naturalize and de-dramatize life.
  • Increase your self-esteem and do not compare yourself with others: We tend to enhance other people’s virtues and belittle our own. A healthy phrase would be “I’m not worse. I’m currently doing my own business and that’s why I’m worth a lot.” You are unique and because of your uniqueness you will never be like other people.
  • Work to reduce your indecision: Indecision is the result of your excessive worry about whether your decision will be appropriate or not and that makes you unable to do everything you want. To narrow down your decision:
  • Spend time thinking about what you want and how you want it
  • Speak decisively and act decisively Practicing this helps you feel more confident.
  • Repeat that decisions are not wrong or not, they are decisions Each of us makes decisions thinking that at that moment they are the best.
  • Don’t do things you don’t feel like doing: If you tend to overcommit to obtain the approval of others, limit the number of dates you go on. Go to the meetings and parties that you are able to fulfill, if you are willing to make the effort and if you really want to fulfill them. If you do things so that others accept you, every time you do them you feel like you are “betraying” yourself and your self-esteem decreases.
  • Use your imagination: Remember positive situations, remember positive feelings and imagine a positive future. People with low self-esteem dwell on negative experiences and failures, while those with high self-esteem spend time remembering and enjoying positive memories.
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Thanks for reading me!

Blanca de Lamo Guerras

Your Psychotherapy Madrid