How Do I Know If I Am A Toxic Person? 9 Signs To Know If I Am Toxic

What happens if you discover that you are a toxic person? How to stop being toxic? Discover the main signs that you have a toxic attitude towards others.

How do I know if I am toxic?

We all know how to identify toxic people around us, since meeting someone with this attitude is usually very unpleasant. But now, what can you do if you think that the toxic person is you? The first step and something very positive is to realize that you can become one.

The first step to changing something is to recognize that there is a problem and if you suspect that you may become a toxic person, It is a good sign, since recognition will make you free to change it.

What is a toxic person?

A toxic person is someone who acts in a way that unintentionally hurts others and harms those around them. Normally, toxic people do not know they are toxic and act because they are bad and do not realize that they transmit it to their loved ones. Sometimes without knowing it, people can have these toxic behaviors and not be aware.

The good news is that a toxic or toxic You can stop being one if you become aware of habits that can harm others. In this way, it is good to identify those ‘toxic’ actions to stop doing them and contribute to building better relationships.

Am I a toxic person? Test

To know if you have attitudes typical of toxic people here we leave you a test with which you can verify it.

How do I know if I am a toxic person?

In addition to taking the test, there are also some signs that can help you identify if you are toxic or toxic towards others. If you want to know what a toxic person is like and if you are one, these are their most common traits.

  1. Abuse others: If you realize that you only call some people when you are interested or to get some kind of benefit, you are taking advantage of the kindness of the people and the possible friendship. This does not make you a toxic friend In itself, you should simply try to be more considerate of the people around you.
  2. Manipulate people: You always manage to turn the tables. Even if you are responsible for something, you end up making the other person believe that they are guilty. In the same way, you get others to do what you want even if you know that it goes against their principles and values. A toxic person He will always try to manipulate others to get what they want so much.
  3. Go where it hurts: When you argue you are capable of doing a lot of damage. You know which key to play and you do it very naturally. Then you ask for forgiveness but that forgiveness is not sincere, since in the next argument you will do the same thing again.
  4. You continually blackmail and reproach: You have a great capacity to memorize everything that has hurt you at some point and at the first opportunity you bring it up to get your way. Furthermore, you are capable of threatening something that you know will hurt the other person in order to achieve your goals when you want others to do something for you. This type of blackmail is typical of a toxic
  5. You have a good time insulting and criticizing others: You like to “skin” everyone who crosses your path. When the conversation is not based on criticizing or speaking badly of someone, you get bored. Signs that you are toxic
  6. Everything is a competition: A toxic man or toxic woman He usually competes in everything he can, even in what he shouldn’t be. If when you are with a person you tend to say ‘and me more’ or you simply compete to be better than him or her, you are a toxic partner or a toxic friend.
  7. You always want to be the center of attention: It’s okay to want to be the center of attention when we have good and bad news, but when this becomes a habit you may have a somewhat toxic behavior
  8. You point out the flaws of others: If you are always pointing out the defects of others as a habit, perhaps you should rethink this type of behavior. It’s good to point out someone’s flaw if they ask you to or if they’re interfering in your relationship, but as a general rule it’s not good to go around telling people what they should improve. It is better to focus on fixing our defects before those of others.
  9. Always you have the reason: Everyone likes to be right, but obviously, we all make mistakes. A toxic person He usually never reconsiders, even when he sees that he really doesn’t have the truth.
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These are some of the attitudes and behaviors that can identify a toxic person It is common for all of us to have at some point or another some trait that we have described, since we can all have bad days or go through bad times. The important thing in these cases is to identify that there is a problem in us and that we must solve it.

Why am I toxic?

When people are in a bad streak, we are tired and we see the world with a pessimistic tone, that is when our toxic behaviors emerge. A toxic person He usually acts this way not because he likes to hurt people, but because he is going through a bad situation in his life. That is why when phrases like ‘I feel like a bad person‘ translate into toxic behavior, this is a sign that we need the help of a professional psychologist.

How to stop being a toxic person?

How to stop being toxic?

If you want to change a toxic behavior, it is because you have realized that there is something in you that is not working, you feel guilty or because people are leaving your side. We can all change and the first step is to realize that we are facing a problem.

  1. Learn to put yourself in the other person’s shoes: Surely you don’t have very developed empathy. This is the ability to put yourself in other people’s shoes. If you wouldn’t like to be criticized, don’t do it to others. If you wouldn’t like to be used, don’t use people yourself. Think about how these manipulations can affect the person in front of you and act accordingly.
  2. Develop social skills: Learn to relate to each other by talking about topics that interest you, more positive topics that do not involve “skinning” someone. Create your own list of topics of interest, hobbies, hobbies, skills, etc. Also talk about your internal world and what you feel.
  3. Listen to others: Relationships are not one-way. Try listening to the other people you have in your life. Be interested in them, ask questions, accept the other person, value the virtues of others, focus on others and stop looking at your navel. If you see that you are talking to them more than 70% of the time, try to compensate for it by asking questions and getting the other person to talk.
  4. Stop competing with others: You can’t be the best at everything. Accept that there will be people who would prefer to be with others than to be with you, but that does not mean that they do not love you as a friend. Work on your jealousy and do some self-criticism. If everyone chooses someone else over you, what could you be doing wrong?
  5. Try to see the positive side of things: You are always in the negative; Try putting yourself on the other side. Think about the positive things about what happens to you and what happens to others. It is an exercise that will cost you but everything or almost everything in this life has a positive part and it is much better to live seeing that part than seeing what makes you feel bad.
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To finish, I would like to offer the following reflection: if you are a toxic person, you probably tend to look for a problem in each solution, try to do the opposite exercise and look for solutions to the problems. And finally, stop using others as the bucket in which to throw your trash, if you continue doing so people will end up distancing themselves from you.