Do You See The Glass Half Full Or Half Empty? 7 Habits That Will Make You More Positive

How do you see the glass, half full or half empty? Discover how to know what your attitude is when faced with problems and how to improve your attitude in case you can’t see the glass half full.

How to see the glass half full?

See the glass half full or half empty It can determine how we deal with the different problems that arise in our daily lives. Although we cannot change whether something has been black or white or we cannot change what is happening with just our thoughts, but what is going to be the way to face these challenges.

What is better to see the glass half full or half empty?

In many cases, people believe that it is much better see the full glass than the empty glass But the reality is that sometimes being realistic is also an attitude that we must practice.

Although most people think that optimism is always the best, on many occasions being realistic, that is, practicing a realistic optimism Is the best option. This happens because seeing the glass full can always cause certain consequences that in the end are negative for the person in question.

Unrealistic optimism refers to those people who believe they are less likely to experience negative events on a wide range of occasions. This can end up being bad for these individuals since they end up believing that they have a kind of invulnerability that will mean that nothing will ever happen to them. This naive optimism where never see the glass half full ends up being harmful on certain occasions.

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How do I know if I see the glass half full or half empty?

See the glass half full half empty It also determines whether you are positive or negative. Although being too positive can be bad when you are too naive, the reality is that being pessimistic is not the solution.

To realize if we are positive or negative people and be aware of it in order to To change that way of acting is by doing this exercise that I propose below. Something so simple and so easy that no one will be able to say that they are not capable of doing it. Maybe later you will think that perhaps it was of no use, but at most I will have wasted two minutes of your time.

We take a empty glass in the hand and extend the arm. We can see that this exercise does not require a special effort on our part. Obviously there is not too much weight and it is very simple.

Do you see the glass as half full or empty?

Now we repeat the same exercise, but adding two fingers of water. We can see how things are costing a little more than before, after a minute our arm feels slightly sore. The increase in water weight, even if it is little in the glass, is obviously making it difficult to maintain the position. We repeat the exercise again, but now with the glass above half. After a few moments we see that it is really annoying. The increase in weight is making it much more difficult to hold the position than at the beginning, perhaps even lowering the arm.

Finally, we fill it completely. Now the weight will become unsustainable in a short time. The weight has multiplied a lot since the beginning and now, no matter how much we want to maintain the position, it has become very annoying. Well then the glass It’s like our life and water would be the problems. When we try to solve all problems at once, they become impossible to deal with, and it is much easier to do so when there are few of them, or one at a time. So let’s keep in mind that we have to solve things one by one, and not allow them to accumulate because they will be more difficult to solve and the difficulties will have increased exponentially.

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How to see the glass half full and be positive?

If you want to change your way of see the empty glass To see the glass fuller, psychologists suggest you carry out these tasks in your daily life.

1. Set your intention

A good form of power stop seeing the glass half full It is by setting an intention every day. This way, before getting out of bed, take a minute to think about how you want to face your day to day. Thanks to making this small gesture, you will be able to see improvements since you will try with all your might to have this attitude from the first minute of your day.

2. Do something outside your comfort zone

Face the pessimistic attitude of seeing the glass half full is not easy. Our mind always acts to try to stay where we are most comfortable. Therefore, if you want to be a more optimistic person, you must make the effort to try to get out of your comfort zone.

3. Turn problems into opportunities

Complaining only hurts you and others. In order to stop see the glass half empty and see it half full you should try to see those problems you face as an opportunity to improve your skills.

On many occasions, where pessimists see problems, optimists find their opportunities. If you change the way you see problems, this will make you change the way you act and access opportunities that you may not have seen before.

“Problems cannot be solved at the same level of thinking at which they were created”


4. Avoid surrounding yourself with toxic people

Both optimism and pessimism are contagious. In this way, for see the glass half full You should try to avoid those toxic people who only see the negative things in life. This does not mean not helping people who need it, but trying to surround yourself with people who fill you with energy with their positivity.

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How to see the glass half full?

5. Visualize yourself as an optimist

Scientists have shown that the way you present yourself and behave on the outside has a huge impact on how you feel on the inside. This is because your body language has effects on your unconscious, therefore, it helps you to see the glass half full of water and more optimistic options.

6. Have more sense of humor

A sense of humor is a direct pass to optimism. For this reason, you can help yourself stop see the glass half full trying to practice more humor in your daily life. Try to give a humorous touch to everything bad that can happen to you, so you can have a more positive attitude.

7. Exercise

Moving and doing more physical exercise is another key to being more optimistic. It is not only a way to improve your body on a physical level but also your mind. Therefore, to stop see the glass half full Start by exercising more.

See the glass half full or half empty It can be a sign of how you are in your day to day life. If you think you need to change this way of seeing life, you can try using these tips or with the help of a professional psychologist. Discover the happy side of life.