What Are Your Goals? 7 Keys To Achieve Your Life Projects

Have you ever asked yourself where you want to go? What are your goals? Why do you make that decision and not another? Discover how to take control of your life.

Defining goals and objectives is the first step to self-realization

We all need to have a goal in our life. Have personal objectives or professional goals or vital is the key to achieving our evolution and reaching our happiness. Getting to know our life projects is the secret to being our best version.

What is a goal?

The goals They are what determine the direction of our behavior. We are constantly deciding to do one thing or another. And this is because those decisions are what are leading us along the path of our goals and values.

It is important to understand the value as the process that makes us behave in a consistent, coherent, satisfactory manner… In this way, we get closer every day to those goals and objectives which are: how I want my life to be, how I want to be in this life. Advancing along the path of our values ​​is already achieving our goal, but many times we are so focused on the end of the path that we are not able to enjoy it.

To enjoy the road that brings us closer to the culmination of what we want to be or achieve in our life, we have to be aware of our values ​​and identify what our personal goals or goals in life are. What is important to you? What do you value in your life? How would you like to be remembered? Ask yourself these questions day by day and you will discover what you want to be.

What is a life project and how to know it?

You life Proyect, or the goal for your life, is where you want to go in your life. This way, you will be able to determine what your goals and objectives are in life.

Therefore, we will have to identify how to discover these life projects. To know what our goals or objectives are in life, it is important to know what our values ​​are. That is, to know the short-term and long-term goals the starting point of our values ​​and from there, let’s start walking down that path.

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what are your life goals?

To know all this, there are visualization exercises that can help us know both our goal and its meaning for us. This exercise will help us clarify our values: what do you want to do in your life? Take your time, you can even stop if you feel discomfort. This exercise is the funeral exercise, in which we have to reflect on how we would like to be remembered by the people around us.

Sit in a comfortable position and relax. Notice the cold air that enters through your nostrils and leaves them slowly and somewhat warmer. You can put on some calm and pleasant melody.

Now, begin the exercise: imagine that you have died, that it is the day and time of your own funeral. You are present there, in the room, and you observe who is going to say goodbye to you, what they say, what they do… Visualize the scene… who would you like to be there?

How would you like to be a rememberer? At one point, someone in your family gets up to give a short speech. He is going to talk about you, who you have been and the importance of your journey through life, how you have influenced him and why he appreciates your legacy.

Get well into the situation, reflect and write on paper what you would like that person to say about you. It may be just a few lines or several pages, but try to write something. After writing it, close your eyes… imagine it, what would you like that person to say?

Then, imagine that, one after another, all the important people in your life get up to give those little talks. Write, again, and imagine, one by one, what you would like them to say about you.

When all these people have already expressed their speech… think…. If my funeral were today… would those people come… would they say that about me?

How to achieve our goals

This exercise helps us clarify our values, that is, the path or life project we want to follow during our lives, it helps us make those small day-to-day decisions and follow our goals. short-term and long-term goals because it tells us which of them is on the right path.

The end of the path is not so important, but enjoying that path. Enjoy being the person you want to be, enjoy every day being able to be in the right direction. But above all, enjoy that day and that moment… Don’t focus your mind on the end of the road…Thanks to knowing your professional and personal goals live in the present, live in the path of your values… Be who you want to be.

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Tips to achieve your goals

To conclude, I will present a series of tips that will help us stay on that path, being consistent with those values ​​and with our goals will help us persist:

1. Accept yourself

Recognize that sometimes you need some change, don’t paralyze yourself along the way. The key is knowing what you need to change to reach your personal goals and your objectives in life In this way, the secret is not to be perfect or have a great ability from the beginning, but to know how to improve and go on the path to what you really want to be.

2. Serenity

Take things easy, don’t give up. If you are getting tired and this day you cannot work towards your life projects or objectives and goals what you have in mind, you should not punish yourself, the key is to continue despite the difficulties.

3. Be aware

It is normal to find stones on the road, trip and fall. Now, don’t focus your attention on that stone. Open your mind and look at the path, don’t focus on the negative and get up. Be aware of what you can do to work on your personal goals and keep focusing on enjoying what you do every day.

4. Enhances positive emotions

Congratulate yourself for your achievements, for being who you are, for your improvements, for walking on the right path. It doesn’t matter if you are at the beginning of the path, in the middle or at the end. The important thing is that you are on that path, that is, that you fight for your life projects and to achieve your vital goals

5. Move forward

Walk, act, have clear, short-term personal goals Don’t be paralyzed if you find a stone in the way. Don’t abandon your path, love yourself and don’t judge yourself.

How to achieve your goals?

6. Stay away from toxic people and negative thoughts

Hang out with motivated, happy and optimistic people, they will encourage you to try. Negative people will tell you that your professional goals and personal objectives They will never be possible. This doesn’t suit you. Although people can offer you advice, the reality is that it is you who must realize this and know what your limits are.

7. Enhance your qualities

The only person responsible for making things happen is you, read and prepare to enhance your qualities. Knowing what you are good at and how to enhance it can be the key to achieving each of your goals. Long-term goals

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In many situations, people cannot work for your goals in life because they do not work inside. Having a strong psyche is one of the main ways to achieve your goals and objectives in life. Therefore, a professional psychologist can be the push you need so much to achieve each goal you set for yourself.

How to achieve your goals?

According to psychologists, there are a series of steps to follow to reach your goals To do this, you can follow the following.

  • Write down the dream/s you have

Discover your passion and what really motivates you, this gives us the security of knowing where we want to go.

  • Set some goals

Previous and flexible in the form of a ladder that you need to achieve that dream (for example, if your dream is to be a lawyer, we need to have a master’s degree, degree, selectivity or entrance test, and so on, depending on where you are today) This tells us will provide a path we must follow

  • Write the strategies

Mark the strategies that will help you climb those steps or goals (for example, studying to pass exams, attending courses, reading related books… etc.).

Difference between goal and objectives

Difference between goal and objective

On the one hand, the personal and professional goals They must be concrete and quantifiable. It is not worth saying, for example: study more, since we will not know if we have achieved it or not. How much are you going to study? In this way, the objectives must be proportional, neither mini steps that do not motivate, nor steps that are too large that disappoint. Which should be challenging but at the same time realistic.

If you don’t reach a aim or you get stuck between two steps, perhaps it is because there is a big difference between step and step, add the necessary steps between these two (going from having 5 clients a week to 20 people, perhaps it is too high a step).

The goals They should be long-term and not so specific, differentiate the goals that are short-term, medium-term or long-term (for example, passing the first year of university can be short-term, passing the degree would be a medium-term goal and specializing in a specific area would be a long-term goal).

What should your goals be like?

First of all, dreams have to be clear and uncompromising. These dreams make you different from others, it is something that would be worth the daily effort to overcome the obstacles that we will encounter along the way. These dreams add value to our lives and inspire or motivate us to make a big change. Get our dream or life project It is the last step with which we want to be remembered.