5 Effective Steps To Manage Your Emotions


Learning to manage emotions is essential for our psychological well-being Because not doing so is, without a doubt, one of the greatest sources of discomfort in all facets of human life. But despite the various discomforts that they can cause us (undesirable ones such as fear), we must understand that emotions are a normal response of our brain to the external or internal, physical or psychological changes that are generated in our life.

I invite you to reflect a little, let’s try to remember how many times our emotions took control of our mind, and only after a period of time did we discover that perhaps the response could have been disproportionate or inappropriate for the real magnitude of the event. The milk is already spilled, as our parents would say, but let’s analyze what was the emotional, financial and well-being cost of that extra insult, that unnecessary retaliation, that call to the ex. Surely you have discovered with horror that the lack of emotional management really costs us very, very expensive.

How to learn to manage our emotions

And that is why one of the best investments we can make for our general well-being is to dedicate time and resources to improving our emotional competencies. Here are some suggestions to manage your emotions:

1. Identify your emotions

Recognizing what you are feeling is the first step to managing your emotions. Try to identify your emotions so you can understand them better. A very useful strategy to become aware is the development of an emotional log ; which is nothing more than writing in some safe place, physical or digital notebook, your emotional experiences and what triggers them, and after a while with this practice, you will be able to discover recurring patterns and situations that will give you clues about what changes you could make in your life. life.

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2. Accept your emotions

It is essential to accept that all emotions are valid, even those we consider negative. Don’t try to repress or ignore them, but don’t let them dominate you either. This point is, in my opinion, one of the most important, since it involves communicating with ourselves and others without the mask of false ego; the one that generates inefficient communication, that I know things that the other does not know, and by not sharing them, it is impossible to create solid and deep bonds in a relationship.

3. Communicate your emotions

Talking to someone you trust about what you are experiencing can be very helpful in processing your emotions If you are not comfortable talking to someone, you can also journal. In this section it is vitally relevant that I know about communication from emotional honesty; Because if you don’t truly express what you feel, there won’t be much benefit from talking to someone else.

4. Find healthy ways to express your emotions

Creative expression, meditation, and physical exercise are some healthy ways to channel your emotions. You should think of emotions like your cell phone battery, if you charge it to the maximum and store it in a dark place; That load is going to last a looong time. But if instead of saving it you used it to watch online videos, the battery would surely drain quickly. In a metaphorical sense, the same thing happens with our emotional energy, which if we channel it into other activities, we can lower their intensity and we can act with greater rationality and assertiveness.

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5. Seek professional support

If you are aware that your emotions are having a negative effect on your life, consider seeking help from a mental health professional A therapist or counselor can help you develop strategies to manage your emotions effectively. If you want to improve the quality of your personal and interpersonal relationships, your emotional education is essential, and as many studies on the subject indicate, your emotional competencies are more decisive for success and well-being than your IQ or economic advantages.

So make space in your agenda and give the acquisition of these tools a chance. And remember, it is not repressing or hiding your emotions; It is managing and facing them, listening to their message (example: This is dangerous, don’t jump) and acting in a manner consistent with said information, because remember, your emotions are your allies, not your enemies.
