10 Unusual Curiosities About The Human Brain

Do you know that the brain is fascinating? To this day we still do not know how our brain works. Discover the most curious facts and the most amazing curiosities of the human brain.

10 Curiosities about the human brain

One of the most interesting things in life is precisely the human brain. Not only are there a large number of brain curiosities that may give you something to think about but also that at present we still do not know many things about this part of our body. That is why even today we do not know how the human brain works in many of its daily tasks.

What is the brain? How does the human brain work?

We know that the brain is made up of 100 billion neurons: specialized cells that transmit information and regulate brain functions. These communicate through substances called neurotransmitters, which are in turn involved in regulating mood; There are about 80 types, among which we can find:

  • Serotonin: low levels are associated with depression and/or obsessions.
  • Dopamine: responsible for the brain’s reward system as well as addictive behaviors.
  • Norepinephrine: associated with depression, anxiety, anger dysregulation, etc.
  • Glutamate: involved in memory and emotional information.
  • Others.
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On the other hand, the human brain consists of two hemispheres, which communicate through the corpus callosum (the “bridge” that joins them). In this way, in the brain its parts or areas are specialized in various functions but both share and manage information, so they are not considered two isolated nuclei. Thus, the right hemisphere is more related to emotional expression and interpretation (non-verbal communication); while the left hemisphere has more weight in the verbal communication of emotions.

Finally, comment that the appearance of Homo Sapiens Sapiens (our species) determines the brain system we have today. Therefore, the human brain It has barely changed in the last 50,000 years. This implies that the brain is programmed for survival in extreme conditions (continuous dangers) and not so much for the civilized world in which we currently live.

Therefore, the difficulty arises from the fact that 40,000 years ago the areas related to survival were activated (primitive brain) when there was a real danger (e.g. a dangerous animal), while in present times, these mechanisms usually trigger. facing imaginary dangers (generating anticipatory anxiety) and/or non-lethal dangers.

As can be seen, the brain It is based on the ability to survive, for which it is necessary to have acquired certain abilities to adapt to the environment. However, the context for which it was conceived is far from resembling the current one, so knowing its mechanism will help us understand the reason for certain interpretive “failures.”

Curious facts about the brain

Curiosities about the brain

One of the most curious topics to expose about our human nature is precisely the way our brain works. There are many curious facts that no one knows (or very few people know) about the different parts of the human brain and the functioning of one of the most interesting organs in our body.

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1. It’s mostly water

He human brain It is made up of approximately 75 percent water. That is why being well hydrated is one of the most effective ways to make our brain function more optimally.

2. You can form new connections, even in adulthood

There is a myth that there comes a time when the human brain You can no longer create new connections. The reality is that an interesting fact for us is precisely that our brain continues to form new connections between neurons and in fact these never stop changing during the course of our lives.

3. Playing video games can improve your cognitive skills

One of the brain curiosities What may interest you most is that there are various scientific studies that show that playing video games helps improve our cognitive skills. However, there is still not enough research to indicate what type of games can help with this.

4. It is the fattiest organ in the human body

Sixty percent of the human brain is made up of fat. In this way, fatty acids are crucial for the performance of our brain and neurons. Therefore, foods with healthy fat are crucial for the proper functioning of our thinking brain

5. The brain is not fully formed until we are 25 years old

He human brain It does not finish developing until around 25 years of age. The last parts of the brain to form are those areas that control planning and reasoning.

6. It has practically unlimited storage capacity

According to various investigations, it has been shown that the human brain It is made up of approximately 100 billion neurons (more specifically 86 billion according to the latest studies). Over time, neurons can combine and increase their storage capacity. In this way, it is estimated that we can learn almost any subject we set our minds to.

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Fascinating facts about the human brain

7. It is a myth that we only use 10 percent of the brain

A few years ago it spread like a Interesting fact that we only use 10 percent of our brain. The reality is that even when we are sleeping we use the full capacity of the human brain.

8. We make up stories to think we have free will

According to different studies carried out by neuroscientists, it has been shown that if a part of the motor area is stimulated to generate a certain behavior, the person usually invents a story about why they performed that action. Through these investigations it is shown that our brains They try to explain any inconsistencies with the help of reason and imagination. Although this is one of the most impressive things about our brain, this does not imply that humans do not have free will.

9. Most of your neurons live with you your entire life.

One of the brain curiosities What will surprise you the most is that normally the neurons you are born with are the same ones you will have when you die.

10. The brain needs to forget to function correctly.

On many occasions we can forget certain details of our life that perhaps we previously remembered perfectly. The reality is that the human brain You need to forget since it is not good to accumulate information that seems unnecessary to our daily lives.

These are some of the interesting facts about the brain that can help you understand the impressive things we can do thanks to this part of our body. On many occasions, we forget about the great abilities that we have thanks to the human brain.