The 100 Best Phrases About Ingenuity

A very common mistake is to believe that ingenuity is reduced to being a characteristic of people with great scientific intelligence. However, we can all develop ingenuity in our daily lives, since ingenuity is closely linked to creativity and humor. . Ingenuity helps us find an effective solution to different problems.

In this selection of the best phrases about ingenuity You will find interesting quotes and reflections on this human quality.

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    The most interesting phrases about ingenuity

    Although we can all give more than we think, sometimes we need a little push to find that necessary motivation to continue. Therefore, we bring a compilation with great phrases about ingenuity.

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    1. Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower. (Steve Jobs)

    The things that take us far are the ones we create from scratch.

    2. Creativity is contagious, pass it on. (Albert Einstein)

    An excellent way to give back is to share your knowledge.

    3. What would life be if we didn’t have the courage to try something new? (Vincent van Gogh)

    If we do not dare, we will not know what we are capable of doing.

      4. It is not enough to have good wit; The main thing is to apply it well. (Rene Descartes)

      Ingenuity must be used to develop our skills.

      5. Ingenuity is perhaps to talent what instinct is to reason. (Jules Renard)

      That’s why it’s important sometimes to listen to our instincts.

      6. Bread may be lacking in Spain, but ingenuity and good humor never end. (Ramón María del Valle-Inclán)

      A fun way to see the good humor of the Spanish people, in the face of various crises.

      7. The ingenious man is always fantastic, while the truly imaginative never ceases to be analytical. (Edgar Allan Poe)

      Ingenuity allows us to use our imagination in reality.

      8. From childhood, ingenuity gives signs. (Seneca)

      It is especially children, who have excellent use of their creativity.

      9. The genius of the writer lies in doing differently something that everyone else knows how to do: writing. (Joel Dicker)

      The magic behind writing? Practice.

      10. What great ingenuity is manifested in unforeseen events! (Marco Valerio Marcial)

      Difficult moments can serve as a motivator to find a creative resolution.

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      11. Most children do not lack ingenuity, but rather application. (Quintilian)

      Many parents, by following a traditional education, hold back their children’s unique abilities.

      12. An individual’s intelligence is measured by the amount of uncertainties he or she is able to withstand. (Immanuel Kant)

      Intelligence is a tool to find effective solutions to any problem.

      13. Someone intelligent learns from the experience of others. (Voltaire)

      Someone who wants to improve takes advantage of learning from the experiences of those who know more.

      14. Only intelligence examines itself (Jaime Balmes)

      It is necessary to analyze our actions and thoughts to continue growing.

      15. Creativity is thinking of new ideas. Innovation is doing new things. (Theodore Levitt)

      Both are related to each other, because they are needed.

      16. Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes and having fun. (Mary Lou Cook)

      Creativity is taking risks and not losing enthusiasm to keep trying.

      17. Creativity is the place no one else has ever been. You have to leave the city of your comfort and go to the desert of your intuition. What you will discover will be wonderful. What you will discover is yourself. (Alan Alda)

      You can’t reach high if you insist on staying in your comfort zone.

      18. Being creative means being in love with life. (Osho)

      When you see the positive side of life, inspiration comes at any time.

      19. Authenticity is incalculable, originality is non-existent and, don’t bother hiding your theft, celebrate it if you want. (Jim Jarmusch)

      Of course, to find our direction, it’s okay to be inspired by the work of others.

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        20. The internal fire is the most important thing that humanity possesses. (Edith Södergran)

        Passion is what allows people to achieve their goals.

        21. Creativity is a natural extension of our enthusiasm. (Earl Nightingale)

        We all have the ability to be creative.

        22. Creativity requires the courage to let go of certainties. (Erich Fromm)

        You have to have an open mind to see beyond what we believe.

        23. See what others don’t see. Then show it. That’s creativity. (Brian Vaszily)

        Go where others have not wanted to.

        24. Miracles are born from difficulties. (Jean de la Bruyere)

        We can create our own miracles, when we work towards a goal.

        25. Be yourself, everyone else is already ordered. (Oscar Wilde)

        You can’t be creative if you’re busy imitating someone else.

        26. The great enemy of creativity is “good taste.” (Pablo Picasso)

        There is no such thing as good or bad taste when we create something.

        27. Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced. (Soren Kierkegaard)

        We can shape our lives as we learn and take risks.

        28. Perseverance can transform failure into extraordinary achievement. (Matt Biondi)

        Being constant in our steps is what leads us to success.

        29. The errors of great intelligences are more instructive than the truths of mediocre geniuses. (Arturo Graf)

        Errors let us see what we need to change, but ‘absolute truths’ limit our imagination.

        30. Don’t fear perfection: you will never reach it. (Salvador Dali)

        Perfection does not exist, so there is nothing to fear in our path.

        31. You see, the imagination needs mood swings, lazing around for a long time, ineffectively and happily. (Brenda Ueland)

        Having a good mood gives us energy to keep trying.

        32. The comfort zone is the great enemy of creativity. (Dan Stevens)

        Creativity needs challenges to develop.

        33. Wit is the appearance, the external flash of the imagination. Hence his divinity and the ingenious character of mysticism. (Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel)

        It’s what we all have but not everyone knows how to use.

        34. Ingenuity consists in knowing the similarity of things that differ and the difference of things that are equal. (Madame De Stael)

        Knowing that we are a whole and at the same time we are made up of thousands of parts.

        35. Your ingenuity always takes you beyond the limits. (Alexandre Dumas)

        It is ingenuity that allows us to break down any barrier we think we have.

        36. The desire to create is one of the deepest desires of the human soul. (Dieter F. Uchtdorf)

        We all have the desire to create something of our own.

        37. What drives and moves the world are not machines but ideas. (Victor Hugo)

        Nothing we know would be here if someone hadn’t thought about it.

        38. How is it that, although children are so intelligent, most men are so stupid? It must be the fruit of education (Alexander Dumas)

        We are what we learn, that is why we must know how to be self-taught.

        39. The thing is to become a teacher and, in old age, acquire the courage to do what children did when they knew nothing. (Ernest Hemingway)

        There is no age to start doing something we want to do.

        40. Being a genius, in reality, means little more than having the ability to perceive things in a different way. (William James)

        It’s thinking outside the box.

        41. Be patient with all things, especially with yourself. (Saint Francis de Sales)

        You can’t claim to be great if you don’t have love for yourself.

        42. Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity. (George Smith Patton)

        People are more independent when they are taught than when they are given everything.

          43. Wit is a dangerous weapon, even for the possessor, if he does not know how to use it discreetly. (Michel de Montaigne)

          Many use ingenuity for corrupt acts.

          44. I would rather die than imitate other people, that is why we have had to work so hard, because we do not imitate. (Soichiro Honda)

          Imitating someone prevents you from growing to be your best version.

          45. The origin of men’s intelligence lies in their hands. (Anaxagoras)

          The best way to depress intelligence is to create.

          46. ​​We have to abandon that feeling of surprise in the face of creativity, as if it were a miracle that someone created something. (Abraham Maslow)

          Stop seeing creativity as a surprise and see it as a natural tool for every person.

          47. All great deeds and all great thoughts have a ridiculous beginning. (Albert Camus)

          Don’t be afraid of your spontaneous ideas, they can mix together to create a fixed path.

          48. What is done hastily is never done well; Always work calmly and calmly. (Saint Francis de Sales)

          Quick things may bring fruit, but they wither just as quickly.

          49. The difficulty lies not so much in developing new ideas as in escaping old ones. (John Maynard Keynes)

          It’s the same thing that we need to move forward, to stop clinging to the past.

          50. Ingenuity is the best safety valve that modern man has developed; The more civilization, the more repression, the more need there is for ingenuity. (Sigmund Freud)

          Ingenuity is a perpetual rebellion that knows no chains.

          51. Creative people don’t see things for what they are; They see it for what they can be. (Julie Israel)

          They see beyond what their eyes allow.

          52. What we know is a drop of water; what we ignore is the ocean. (Isaac Newton)

          There is always something new to learn.

          53. A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to surpass others. (Ayn Rand)

          If your desire is to be better than someone, ambition will end up consuming you.

          54. To be successful is to fail repeatedly, but without losing enthusiasm. (Winston Churchill)

          It is knowing that a fall does not determine our ability to achieve new things.

          55. Everyone has talent because all humans have something to express. (Brenda Ueland)

          Talent is the way we develop our way of communicating.

          56. True wit involves a ray of thought into the essence of a question, a flash that illuminates a situation. (Arthur Lynch)

          It is understanding that a problem does not have to have a single solution.

          57. This world is nothing but a canvas for our imagination. (Henry David Thoreau)

          Life is a time to try new things.

          58. Creativity is a drug that I can’t live without. (Cecil B. DeMille)

          The only drug that brings us long-term benefits.

          59. We will discover the nature of our particular genius when we stop conforming to our own or other people’s models, learn to be ourselves and allow our natural channel to open. (Shakti Gawain)

          The best way to free your ingenuity is to stop listening to society’s beliefs.

          60. Anyone can hold the helm when the sea is calm. (Publilio Syrus)

          What really matters is being able to find a way out in the middle of a storm.

          61. We are not creatures of circumstances; We are creators of circumstances. (Benjamin Disraeli)

          We can create our own destiny.

          62. Wit is a form of strength that leaves the limbs at rest. (George Eliot)

          Can take command of a situation when necessary.

          63. You can’t wait for inspiration, you have to look for it. (Jack London)

          You can find inspiration anywhere, as long as you open your mind.

          64. Never stop writing until you are better. (Gary Henderson)

          Valuable advice for any activity.

          65. Just as iron rusts from lack of use, so also inactivity destroys the intellect (Leonardo da Vinci)

          Ingenuity is like any skill, it is necessary to train to master it.

          66. Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. (Scott Adams)

          The best way to overcome a mistake is to stop fearing them.

          67. To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong. (Joseph Chilton Pearce)

          It is impossible to be right about everything, but when we are wrong, we can learn.

          68. Ingenuity knows that its place is at the end of a procession. (Mark Twain)

          Ingenuity teaches us to have patience to know how to act at the right time.

          69. Ingenuity is more than a gymnastic trick of the intellect. (Arthur Lynch)

          It becomes part of our personality.

          70. Wit is more necessary than beauty; and I believe no young woman ugly without it, and no pretty young woman agreeable without it. (William Wycherley)

          Dazzling beauty is of no use if the mind is hollow.

          71. A dream is the creative vision of your life in the future. You must break your comfort zone and be comfortable with the unfamiliar and unknown. (Denis Waitley)

          Every dream can come true if we turn it into a goal.

          72. If you hear a voice inside you that says “you can’t paint”, paint and the voice will be silenced. (Vincent van Gogh)

          Remember that your thoughts can be your enemy, if you let them take control.

          73. Creativity is a great force that is unleashed, because if you are passionate about something, you are more willing to take risks. (Yo-Yo Ma)

          Risks are present in everything you want to do.

          74. Don’t look at the clock; Do the same as him, move forward.

          Don’t focus on wasted time, think about how you can take advantage of it from now on.

          75. You are more than capable of finding success, but it will only happen if you put in the work. (Vince Lombardi)

          Success will not fall from the sky, it is a path we decide to take.

          76. Go where there is silence and say something. (Amy Goodman)

          Don’t be afraid to express your opinions.

          77. We are facilitators of our own creative evolution. (Bill Hicks)

          We are more creative as we can have new experiences.

          78. Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. The art is knowing which ones to keep. (Scott Adams)

          Mistakes are the order of the day, but falling into the same mistake is a serious act.

          79. You can’t exhaust creativity; the more you use it, the more you have. (Maya Angelou)

          Creativity is like a muscle, you have to work on it to make it grow.

          80. Creativity is the power to connect the seemingly disconnected. (William Plomer)

          An ability to unite different thoughts into a concrete idea.

          81. Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist. (Pablo Picasso)

          To excel at something, you first have to learn everything you need to.

          82. It’s not where you take things from, it’s where you take them. (Jean-Luc Godard)

          Remember that your beginnings are not an indication of where your future will go.

          83. You can be creative only if you love life enough to want to enhance its beauty, bring a little more music to it, a little more poetry to it, a little more dance to it. (Osho)

          When we are at peace with the world around us, happiness motivates us.

          84. It is better to have enough ideas even if some of them are wrong, than to always be right without having any ideas. (Edward de Bono)

          Some of the ideas we have end up being correct, but having only one belief stagnates us.

          85. When we engage in what we are naturally capable of doing, our work takes on the quality of play, and it is play that stimulates creativity. (Linda Naiman)

          The importance of doing what we like most.

          86. Creativity can solve almost any problem: originality defeats habit, the creative act overcomes everything. (George Lois)

          To defeat monotony, you sometimes have to escape reality.

          87. Less capable intelligences are interested in the extraordinary; powerful intelligences, in ordinary things (Victor Hugo)

          It all depends on how you see the world.

          88. Thought is the steed, reason is the rider. (Aurore Dupin)

          Reason must act as a filter for all our ideas.

          89. A wise man will look for more opportunities than are presented to him. (Francis Bacon)

          Opportunities don’t always come alone, we make them appear.

          90. Energy is the key to creativity. Energy is the key to life. (William Shatner)

          This is why good humor is so necessary in our lives.

          91. Naturally curious is our ingenuity. (Seneca)

          Curiosity is what leads us to experience new things.

          92. Self-love is more ingenious than the most ingenious man in this world. (François de La Rochefoucauld)

          When we have strong self-confidence, nothing affects us.

          93. A formula to achieve celebrity can be this: express simple ideas with clarity, wit and courtesy. (André Maurois)

          One of the most difficult challenges on the path to success is maintaining humility.

          94. Who will dare to put limits on the ingenuity of men? (Galileo Galilei)

          The imagination is the only place where there is no room for a dictatorship.

          95. What good is ingenuity when it doesn’t entertain us? there is nothing more tiring than a sad ingenuity. (Ivan Turgenev)

          Whatever you do, stand out in what you like most.

          96. It is doubtful that the human race will be able to create an enigma that human ingenuity itself will not solve. (Edgar Allan Poe)

          All questions are eventually resolved.

          97. Creativity is how I share my soul with the world. (Brene Brown)

          A form of expression that reaches more eyes.

          98. Creative people are curious, flexible, persistent and independent with a tremendous spirit of adventure and a love of play. (Henri Matisse)

          An excellent description of creative people.

          99. Creativity is a wild mind and disciplined eyes. (Dorothy Parker)

          To use creativity you have to let your imagination free, but apply it with discipline.

          100. The power of imagination makes us infinite. (John Muir)

          No one can limit a person’s imagination.