How To Be Optimistic? Learn To See The Positive Side Of Life

What are the virtues of optimists? Can you learn to be an optimistic person? Discover all the benefits of having an optimistic attitude and how to see the positive side.

How to be optimistic?

On many occasions, having an optimistic or pessimistic attitude can cause things to be perceived in a completely different way. Optimists can learn from mistakes and take advantage of any situation. Therefore, being a optimistic person It can help us see life with different eyes. But can optimism be learned?

What is the meaning of optimism?

He optimism or the optimist by definition It is that person who has a mental attitude that is characterized by having confidence in success and hope for things to turn out much better. So much so that optimist and its meaning refers to those attitudes that tend to face and manage stress much better, making it easier to achieve a series of objectives.

The great ability of optimists is that they can visualize the difficulties that we may encounter in life as a learning experience or a challenge. Therefore, this type of attitude is one of the most positive values ​​of a person.

What is it to be optimistic? Characteristics of optimistic people

If you think you are one of the optimists and optimism is your flag, here we will show you the main characteristics of these people. According to psychologists the optimism It can be identified through the following attitudes.

1. You think good things in the future

A meaning of optimism It is seeing the good perspective of the future. In these cases, optimists try to visualize the most positive thing that can happen in the future. For this reason, they always manage to go further than those who see only the negative side of events.

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2. They see opportunities and challenges

As he pessimist and optimist They have bad days. The difference is that those who are optimistic can see these bumps in life as an opportunity to improve or to try to value the good we have in our daily lives.

3. They learn from bad moments

Be optimistic It allows us to learn from any situation. For this reason, people seek to know how to be more positive and optimistic since through this attitude they can take advantage of any obstacle to learn from it.

4. They use gratitude

On many occasions, people tend to put aside everything we have and forget how truly lucky we are. Through the optimism, people often give thanks for everything they have achieved and who they are. Through gratitude we can motivate ourselves and go much further.

5. Positive attitude in yourself and towards others

The optimistic people They see a person’s positive values ​​instead of focusing on their flaws. In this way they have a good perspective of themselves as well as everyone around them.

6. They accept responsibility

He meaning of optimism It is taking responsibility both in our attitude and in the things in which we have some control. That is why optimists usually try to face situations with much more responsibility. Therefore, they do not think about those events over which they have no control (such as responses from others, or mistakes that have affected us). They focus on what they can act on to obtain a solution.

7. They focus on the present

Someone who is used to be optimistic He usually tries to focus on the present. In these cases, the optimist does not tend to focus his attention on the past or the future, he focuses on the here and now.

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Characteristics of an optimistic person

Why are we optimistic or pessimistic?

The reason why there is a way think pessimistic and optimistic In us it is mainly the way we explain the events that happen in our lives. There are three facets of how people can explain a situation that can influence whether they are optimistic or pessimistic.

  • Stable or unstable

The optimistic people They usually think that things or feelings around something or someone can change.

  • Global or local

When someone is optimist or a realistic person He usually sees some situations as a reflection of a part of his personality. That is to say, if they have an error, that does not mean that this fact defines us as a person.

  • Internal or external

Being optimistic means taking control of situations. For this reason, the optimism It involves learning from the events that surround us and taking responsibility for them. On the other hand, a pessimist always feels that his mistakes are due to a cause external to them.

Benefits of being an optimistic person

Benefits of being optimistic

When we have a more optimistic attitude towards the events of our lives, we end up benefiting in various aspects. Research highlights the following improvements in our health.

1. Improved health

Various studies show that be optimistic It helps to improve our physical health in many aspects. On the other hand, by having a more pessimistic attitude, health is harmed. By seeing things from this perspective we can better face certain physical illnesses.

2. Greater capacity for success

Psychologist Martin Seligman, founding father of positive psychology, analyzed the probability of success of both optimistic people as one of the pessimists. Their studies showed that those who saw the good side of life were able to see more opportunities and were more likely to achieve success in their tasks.

3. Motivation

The optimistic They tend not to give up in the face of adversity and are more able to motivate themselves in the face of challenges. In this way, an optimistic person is more likely to continue working towards their goals and achieve them.

4. Emotional health

Pessimistic people tend to be more prone to suffering from mental illnesses such as anxiety, depression and stress. For this reason, the optimism It may be a way of thinking that provides us with some protection against these pandemics in today’s society.

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5. Longevity

Various investigations have shown that the optimist They tend to live longer than those who have a more pessimistic attitude. The reason is precisely that they tend to suffer less physical and mental illnesses.

How to be more optimistic?

How to be optimistic?

You can learn to be more optimistic and to see the positive values ​​of a person or those around you. If you are interested in knowing how to be more positive and optimistic, according to psychologists we can use the following tips.

  • Be more aware

Mindfulness is one of the most effective methods to be more attentive to everything that happens around us and to be able to enjoy the here and now. To do this you must try to be aware of your body and your thoughts to be able to control that they are in the present. Living in the moment is one of the virtues of a optimistic person

  • Practice gratitude

Gratitude is the ability to understand that we have many positive things Around us. Being grateful for what surrounds us is a capacity that allows us to be more optimistic about everything that may happen to us.

  • Write your positive emotions

Every night try to remember the positive thing that happened to you during the day. Writing down at least five positive things from your day at night can help you take a positive attitude. More optimistic before life.

  • Take control of your thoughts

The optimistic people They tend to have more control over their thoughts. For this reason, we must try to see which thoughts begin our debacle towards the negative. Once we identify them we have to try to reason them and replace them with more positive ones.

  • Watch your health

Practicing more exercise or eating a healthier diet will help you the optimism be more present in your life. Also, do not hesitate to consult with a psychologist if you think you suffer from any problem within yourself. Taking care of your health will help you be an optimistic person and see the positive side of things.

The optimism It allows us to evaluate the events that happen in our lives from a more constructive perspective. Achieving this skill will allow you to grow in every way. You will see life with more color than ever.