Déjà Vu: 9 Explanations Of This Curious Phenomenon

Have you ever felt like you’ve already experienced a situation or that you already know a person? Déjà vu is a phenomenon that still has many mysteries surrounding it today. Find out.

What is déjà vu? What is your explanation?

It is very possible that at some point in your life you have experienced a deja vu In these cases, people feel as if they have already experienced a situation in the past, but the reality is that this sensation and its meaning is more linked to certain mental problems that your brain is trying to make you visualize. But what is true behind the phenomenon of déjà vu?

What is déjà vu and why does it happen?

Déjà vu is a word that comes from French and means ‘Already seen’. In this way we use déjà vu and its meaning to be able to refer to the feeling of having met someone before, or having been in a place before or even when we live an experience that we seem to have already lived. According to various surveys, between 60 and 70% of the population has experienced this mystery and its meaning.

According to the magazine Scientific Americanit was reported that several studies had indicated that déjà vu It was due to small seizures in the brain that could be responsible for memory formation and retrieval. In this way, this memory recovery could explain the familiarity with which the déjà vu phenomenon is felt.

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Although this could be a good déjà vu explanation the reality is that there are many other theories that try to give a scientific meaning to respect.

What is the explanation for déjà vu?

As we have already seen the déjà vu and its definition They leave many things in the air that even today have not been able to be explained through science and psychology. Thus, there are some theories that try to find an explanation for this sensation and its meaning.

1. It is related to the hippocampus

According to various studies carried out by cognitive scientists, it has been seen what produces déjà vu in the brain. One section of the hippocampus activates two different neural circuits that simultaneously absorb the current experience while the other circuit evaluates these memories. When this happens, déjà vu occurs, making us feel like we have already experienced this before.

2. It is a memory failure

Some mental health professionals have stated that deja vu They happen due to a breakdown between short-term and long-term memories. So much so that this sensation and its meaning is sometimes perceived as short-term memories filter into our long-term memories, causing us to experience a familiar sensation.

Déjà vu explained

3. It is related to emotions and memory

Many investigations have been able to verify that those that occur during a deja vu It is related to the parts of the brain responsible for emotions and memory.

4. It may be related to stress

Research has also found something in common. In many cases where the déjà vu are frequent, people were going through a very extreme situation of stress and exhaustion. So much so that these individuals experienced this feeling and its meaning very frequently.

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5. You don’t pay attention

Attention makes us perceive things as we feel them in our daily lives. Although we may not give it enough importance, attention can determine how we feel and how we live our lives. In it case of déjà vu the more distracted you are, the more likely you are to suffer from this phenomenon.

6. It really happened

Even if you feel like that memory never happened before in your life, even if you feel very familiar, the reality is that something very similar could have happened. This way, you may not remember it but it happened. Our memory, especially long-term memory, has many more errors than we can at first intuit. That is why you see our memories of the past are not as we perceive them at first.

7. You have a dominant eye

Déjà vu can also be related to the use of our vision and eyes. In this case, we all have a dominant eye that can contribute to the feeling of déjà vu According to research, this happens since the ‘strong eye’ it sends information to the subconscious before both eyes focus and register the input as a conscious experience. So much so that before you see what happens, you will have the feeling that you have seen it before.

What is the meaning of déjà vu?

8. Sleep problems

Insomnia can also be a good déjà vu explanation In this way, when the brain is very fatigued (in the same way as when we are stressed) it may happen that déjà vu is experienced more often due to lack of energy.

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9. Non-scientific explanations

Science sometimes can’t explain everything. That is why we leave the door open to more religious or philosophical explanations that relate this term to past lives. According to various pseudo-scientific theories the déjà vu They could be a sign that reincarnation really exists. Therefore, we experience something that has already happened to us in another life.

All things happen for a reason, and déjà vu is no exception. Studies in this regard have indicated some psychological causes why it can happen. How can we verify the phenomenon of the déjà vu You still have many questions to answer. Despite this, if you frequently experience this situation, it is very likely that you require the help of a mental health professional.