How To Live In The Present? 7 Methods To Be In The Now

Do you live in the present? Many of us focus on the past or the future. To learn to live in the present it is essential to control our mind. Find out how to do it.

How to live day to day?

Even though being in the here and now It is the only thing we can experience, the reality is that living the present along with all its nuances is quite difficult for most people. In this way, enjoying everyday life is a complicated fact when our mind is in the future or in the past.

Why can’t we live in the present?

Due to the nature of our mind and the lack of control we often have, most of us find it quite difficult live in the now According to psychology, this happens because of the following mental habits:

  • Think about the past and/or future

Memories of the past often pass through our minds in the present So much so that in many cases in order to enjoy the moment we must forget the past and focus on the now. The same happens with the future, since sometimes we can focus too much on our goals or fears and stop being in the present.

  • Multitask

Doing more than one task at a time is the most widespread evil of our current era. When a person is in several activities at the same time it is much more difficult live in the present moment In fact, to enjoy the moment we must be completely focused on a single activity.

  • Negativity

One of the ways of being of people who cannot be in the present moment is precisely the continuous presence of mental negativity. By letting go of negative thoughts, we can have the ability to focus much more on the present and enjoy the moment

  • Leave obsessive thoughts behind

When we can’t learn to live in the present On many occasions it is precisely because of the obsessive thoughts that make us stay in the past or the future. In order to live day to day we must have them mentally separated.

  • Not having an intention

Not having a goal or an objective, people often resort to thoughts about the past or the future. In this way, self-knowledge is one of the keys to knowing how to live in the present

  • Lack of selfesteem

A person without self-esteem usually lives worried more about the outside than the inside. Therefore, it is difficult focus on the present when there is no good psychological foundation within us.

  • Self-criticism

Self-criticism is another of the obstacles that we encounter when we cannot live the moment In these cases, people judge themselves and others too much.

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In many cases when people cannot learn to live in the present It is usually the cause of a mental health problem. For this reason, if you think this is your case, it may be necessary to go to a professional psychologist.

Keys to enjoy the now

How to live in the present?

To live day to day we must do quite extensive inner work. In these cases, we must therefore keep in mind the following tips to enjoy the moment

1. Calm your mind

One of the first steps to learn to enjoy life It is calming our mind and the thoughts that dominate it most. In this way, we must know how to stop the thoughts that invade our mind or at least redirect them to others that are more productive for us.

2. Focus on solutions

When negative thoughts invade our minds, they are usually focused on problems rather than solutions. Therefore, for live the day-to-day We must focus on solving our problems.

3. Identify the thoughts that invade your mind

One of the first steps we must do to be able to live in the now It is precisely to identify the nature of our thoughts. By identifying them we can see what the problem is behind our thoughts. For example, perhaps thinking so much about the future can reveal anxiety problems.

4. Work on past problems

To forget the past and live for today, it is important to try to work with the problems that invade our minds. In this way, it is essential to try to identify where these worries come from and work on the memories that harm us mentally.

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5. Practice mindfulness

Meditation or the practice of mindfulness allows us be in the present So to live from day to day it can be a good exercise to try to be in the now. In order to practice it we must distance our thoughts and identify everything that surrounds us in a conscious way.

Keys to living in the present

6. Boost your self-esteem

As we have said to be able live in the present We need to put aside self-criticism and all those thoughts that harm us. For this reason, we must leave behind the self-criticism we make of ourselves and focus on the positive aspects of our personality.

7. Enjoy what you do

There is no better way to learn to live in the present than trying to enjoy every moment. This way, you should learn what your life goals are and focus on what you are really good at and enjoy. Although on many occasions we will not be able to do these activities, you can also focus on the positive of everything you are doing now.

Live in the present and now It is much more difficult than it may seem at first glance. Although being in the present is essential to enjoying life, many of us end up not living in the moments. In order to stop living in the past or the future, it is essential to work on ourselves.