What Is The Mind And Where Is It Located? 5 Features That Differentiate It From The Brain

Do you know what the mind is and how it controls us? Do you believe that the mind is located in the brain? Discover the difference between mind and brain, and what their most curious characteristics are.

What is the mind and what is its difference from the brain?

One of the most difficult mysteries to decipher in life is precisely what is the human mind and how our brain works. Although the mind accompanies us in all the tasks we perform in our daily lives, the reality is that we know very little about this part of us.

What is the mind?

Philosophers, scientists and psychologists alike have tried to reveal what a thinking mind Although there are currently many advances regarding the mind and its meaning, the reality is that we still have a lot of field left that we must investigate accordingly.

We could establish a definition of mind as that set of cognitive abilities that allow us to have perception, thought, consciousness, memory, imagination, among many more faculties that allow us to process the information around us.

How does the human mind work? types of minds

The mind and brain They work differently. So much so that the mind is related to reasoning and its meaning. In this way, we could say that the mind has three ways of functioning or that there are different types of minds:

  • Engaged mind

This is a state of mind that allows us to be connected with the now and the present. It happens when we are completely focused on a task, whether it is a social event or alone. When the mind focuses on the here and now, people tend to be much happier and satisfied with their lives. So much so that according to various research, having an engaged mind allows you to reduce stress levels.

  • automatic mind

When the mind works It normally does this automatically since it requires being in a wide variety of simultaneous tasks. In this way, the mind works in ‘autopilot’ since it must respond to many activities at the same time, a fact that makes it resort to our past experiences to counteract all the information to which it is subjected. This same flow of data is part of ourselves as we spend a large percentage of our lives swimming in this same current. Therefore, when the mind works in this way, it tends to superficially judge everything that happens around us. When these judgments, made through information from past experiences, are constantly negative, it can lead a person to have pathologies such as anxiety or depression.

  • analytical mind

The human mind It can be controlled through the reasoning capacity that we have. That is, humans can use our willpower to control the flow of thoughts in our minds. The part that can reason about one’s own mind, control thoughts and reflect on them is called the analytical mind.

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What types of minds exist?

Difference between mind and brain

There are a set of characteristics that differentiate the mind and the brain

1. Where is the mind?

The main difference between mind and brain The first thing is that it is not in a physical place. So much so that the human mind does not occupy a defined place in the brain. Despite this fact, most scientists believe that the mind and the brain are the same substance and therefore cannot be separated.

2. It is not a physical entity

Another of the main differences that the mind and brain It is mainly, that this is not physics. That is, both the thoughts and ideas of the mind are not tangible.

3. It does not have a defined structure

When studying the brain we can say that it is made up of nerve cells and blood vessels, however when observing the mind Scientists cannot define a concrete structure.

4. They have different functions

On many occasions the functions of the human mind with those of the brain. The brain, for its part, is responsible for coordinating movements, thoughts and feelings. Instead, the mind is responsible for understanding everything that happens around us as well as a person’s consciousness.

5. Is it an organ?

We can say that the brain is an organ that is very important in our lives. On the other hand, when we refer to the thinking mind We cannot indicate what it is about.

How is the mind different from the brain?

Can you control the mind?

Reprogram our thoughts and know how develop the power of the mind It is a process that requires dedication and effort. Mental flexibility is something that is exercised. We must take care of our minds with healthy thinking habits. As? For detoxify your mind You need to carry out these small steps that will lead you to obtain great results:

  • Leave behind the “What if…”

He mental stagnation It is usually characterized by phrases that begin with the words “And if” both in relation to the past and the present. All this hypothetical mental exercise uses a lot of energy but does not allow us to change the present or the future. If you are certain that you want your life to change in some aspect, do not get stuck in the possibilities, set a goal and go after it.

  • Become aware

Being aware of your thoughts is important. Our thoughts limit us or empower us. When you feel bad, emotionally speaking, write down all the thoughts that come to your mind. Declare battle against those thoughts. The battle of the mind It is one of the most important.

  • Resist

It is easy to start but it is more difficult to resist and be constant. Courage together with perseverance brings assured victory. To do this, you must be attentive, at any moment, thoughts may attack you that return you to an unwanted state.

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There are various methods to exercise mental control and enjoy a completely healthy life. In each of them, it is essential to take care of our psychological health to be able to dominate the mind and enjoy everything that surrounds us.