How To Combat Demotivation? 7 Methods To Leave Demotivation Behind

Do you feel unmotivated? Can you never overcome your demotivations? Discover what the causes of your demotivation may be and learn strategies to combat it with the help of psychology.

How to overcome our demotivations?

The demotivations They can take away our creativity, productivity and even happiness from our daily lives. When a person is unmotivated he can stop acting and work for each of his dreams and goals. In this way, leaving aside demotivation in life is essential to be our best version.

What are demotivations?

You probably know what that is demotivating that stops you from achieving what you really want in your life. Despite this, demotivation is not the problem itself, but in reality this feeling is telling us that we have something to review in ourselves.

In this way, the demotivations in life They do not indicate that we are not committed to action but rather that there are various reasons why they may appear. In order to leave behind the demotivational phrases that slow us down and invade our minds, it is essential to understand what can cause us to be unmotivated.

We usually associate demotivation with work or obligations, but sometimes we can also do it with things that initially interest us.

What are the causes of demotivation?

To combat demotivation or to stop demotivating yourself The first thing is to know the enemy. We have to know what causes us to become demotivated in order to motivate ourselves again.

1. Apathy

Often the demotivation It is related to apathy, which is the loss of interest or desire in things that previously interested you. Apathy is a vicious circle that is important to get out of, since otherwise it becomes more and more difficult to do things. The circle is based on the premise that you don’t feel like doing something, that leads you to do nothing, that makes you feel bad about yourself and this emotion is usually accompanied by self-criticism such as “you’re worthless.” That emotion and that self-criticism increases your apathy and thus the circle in which we increasingly bury ourselves is closed. Then you feel bad because you would have liked to go out and do something different and you blame yourself for how lazy you are. To get out of this apathy you have to force to do what you know will make you feel good later even if at first it makes you lazy. In addition, making this effort will also allow you to know how to increase self-esteem since you will achieve what you want.

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2. You have goals that you don’t like

Sometimes we insist on doing things because we believe it is what we have to do but we have not considered if we want to do it. In many cases a demotivating factor It is precisely because we are not clear about our tastes or our true goals. In these cases, both for motivation or to know what to do to raise self-esteem and everything related to our mental well-being, it will be essential to try to know ourselves. The solution lies in asking yourself: Do you feel like it? Do you want to do this?

3. Goals that are too demanding

Perfectionism can lead you to make a long list of things to do or simply things that are too heavy or require a lot of effort. Motivation cannot beat demand and little by little it wins the battle. To avoid both school demotivation as the work demotivation try to graduate and set a more realistic goal so that the predominant emotion is satisfaction for achievements and not guilt for not meeting expectations.

4. Absence of objectives

Acting on impulse also makes let’s get discouraged If you don’t set goals and act out of inertia, it’s rare that you’ll be able to finish what you start. One thought leads you to a different one and you see yourself with many things started but few finished. Try to establish priorities and organize your ideas. Try to finish the first one before moving on to the next as well as congratulating yourself on the goal achieved. This will make moving to the next goal not a difficult task and in this way you will be able to overcome what demotivates you to achieve your goals.

Why do we have demotivation?

5. Fear

You decide to do something but when push comes to shove you don’t put it into action because it scares you. It is unknown territory and you don’t know what you can lose, that’s why you don’t act. What happens is that it scares you because you see that it is a trial by fire and you prefer to be in uncertainty. To overcome the demotivation in life, it is vital to think about your objectives and the path you have taken. If you don’t check it you will never be able to improve or, if necessary, change your path. The only way out of fear is to look into its eyes. In addition, overcoming fear will also be a good way to know how to improve self-esteem.

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6. Lack of autonomy

You have always acted by obeying orders or with a person to guide you. Doing it yourself is a world of trouble and you choose not to do it or to be inconsistent. You don’t seem capable of doing it alone. Before you had the help of a professional and not only the help but the pedals. Think that if you don’t try, you won’t succeed. Accept the option of making mistakes and set out to discover what it is like to act self-sufficiently. Through this personal drive you will be able to overcome both demotivation at work and in life. school demotivation

7. Excessive self-criticism

If you are one of those who say “Either I do things well or I don’t do them”you are cannon fodder demotivation To get things done right you often have to make sketches, make mistakes and rectify them. If you try to get everything right the first time, you are very likely to get frustrated. Accept the error and value the successes and efforts made.

8. You have a mental illness

Sometimes the demotivations of life can come through a mental illness that is limiting you. Nowadays it is very common to suffer from anxiety, depression or suffer the ravages of stress. To overcome demotivation in this case it will be vital to go to a professional psychologist.

9. You have settled

Conformism often limits us in various aspects. In this way, people prefer not to leave their comfort zone so as not to risk failure. To live a life full of happiness we must discover a balance between what is comfortable for us and those ambitions we have in life. In these cases, upon winning demotivation we will be able to know how to have more self-esteem and confidence to leave our conformity behind.

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If you feel identified in any demotivating factor, it will be vital to work to motivate yourself again. In many cases, to overcome our demotivation it will be essential to consult with a professional psychologist.

How to get out of demotivation?

It may seem difficult to act against our demotivations According to psychologists, we can fight both work demotivation and school or personal demotivation through the following steps.

1. Keep your goals in mind

Remember your goals and why you set out on this path. Learn to be consistent and remember your reasons for going in this direction. In this way, in order to leave that behind demotivating What stops you will be essential to try to keep your ultimate goal in mind.

2. Learn to value your effort

Appreciate your efforts and enjoy the small achievements. Set small daily goals and congratulate yourself when you have achieved them. This will allow you to enjoy what you are doing and forget the discouragements around your goals.

How to overcome demotivation?

3. Set small goals

Do things one by one and focus your attention on what you are doing. If you are doing one task but thinking about another, it is normal that you get demotivated Live the task you are performing with all five senses.

4. Set some times and allow yourself to rest

It is okay to set goals but these must be accompanied by breaks and relaxation. That will make you not stress about your goals.

5. Know yourself and accept yourself

Self-acceptance and self-knowledge is vital to confront what it demotivates you That is why you must keep in mind your virtues and defects, as well as what you really like in life.

6. Remember your successes

In those moments when demotivational phrases They do not stop arising in your thoughts, it is vital to try to maintain concentration on what you have achieved in your life.

7. Practice good internal dialogue

Sometimes talking to ourselves in a positive way can be the force that overcomes the demotivations which we face. In this way, you must rationalize the negative thoughts that hold you back.

Now it’s time to put it into practice to stop feel demotivated or unmotivated You can combat demotivation, you just have to know the cause that causes it and find a way to resolve it by following these tips. Fighting against demotivation will help you achieve any of the purposes you have in mind.