What Is Frustration? 7 Psychological Methods To Overcome It

Do you feel frustrated? Do you think you can’t overcome your frustrations? Discover why you feel frustrated in your life and how you can overcome this situation thanks to psychology.

How to overcome frustration?

When we refer to a frustrated person, many times we think that this has a negative and pessimistic thought. The reality is that frustrations can occur for many reasons and it does not have to be something entirely negative. Discover what the true meaning of frustration is according to psychology.

What is frustration?

The frustration It is an emotion that is perceived as something negative and arises from not fulfilling an expectation, project, idea or desire. It is due to an illusion between perceived control and reality. We constantly generate it and the fact of doing so is determined by our level of emotional development or emotional maturation.

Adults manifest many behaviors that are part of normal development in human beings in childhood stages. So much so that not having received adequate emotional education causes a stagnation in this development and we face life from there. Making us unable to tolerate our frustrations

In this way we could say that the meaning of frustration in psychology It refers to how we know how to manage our emotions in the face of our limitations. The definition of frustration in psychology points out the importance of development during childhood. Therefore, frustrations are better managed depending on how we have been raised in our childhood.

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Causes of frustration

There are a few reasons why people tolerate their drugs better. frustrations Among the best known to psychologists there are the following.

1. Type of parenting

The childhood stages are when the child manifests selfish and egocentric behaviors since they are part of the development and evolution of the being, however, we label it as something negative. This negative connotation that we give it favors the manifestation of this type of behavior in adulthood, preventing its evolution and development.

2. Narcissistic feeling

Between 3 and 6 years old, the child considers himself the center of the world and that others do not exist. The empathic capacity at these ages is very precarious and underdeveloped. At these ages, children behave narcissistically.

3. Lack of empathy

Empathy is something we need to develop and learn. To do this, it is necessary to have an optimal environment that enhances or facilitates this capacity. Can overcome frustration It goes hand in hand with developing both empathy and getting rid of the narcissism and egocentrism typical of the first stages of our life.

The development of the emotional frustration It is closely related to the way we have been raised in our childhood. So much so that we will be able to handle our frustrations better if we have received a good emotional education.

Types of frustration

The frustration It can come from different sources. In order to understand what is frustrating, it is necessary to understand where these frustrations come from.

  • Internal

Both the job frustration and the emotional can come from our efforts and results. In this way, in this type of frustrations we can exercise a type of control.

  • External

The frustrations External means that the focus of attention is not in your control. For example, there are frustrating situations such as traffic delays or some physical impediment that we cannot change.

Symptoms of a frustrated person

Symptoms of frustration

There are some facts that indicate that a person is frustrated. Thus, the frustrations They can affect the personal and work life of an individual in various areas.

  • Aggression: They react aggressively or with tantrums when they feel frustration.
  • Abandonment of the task, they do not persist. Lack of focus
  • Impatience and impulsivity.
  • Search for reinforcement or immediate gratification. Need to be praised or receive a “pat on the back” for carrying out their task.
  • They demand demandingly.
  • Polar or radical thinking, little flexibility. White or black.
  • Intolerance of error or failure. Intolerance to the natural learning process.
  • The buzzword “procrastination.”
  • Difficulty adapting to changes. Difficulty letting go of what is no longer useful and seeing and taking advantage of new opportunities.
  • Difficulty in decision making.
  • Avoidant behaviors (excessive exercise, excessive eating, substance abuse, avoidance of reality, etc.)
  • Anxiety.
  • Unsafety.
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If you think you have many of these signs, it is very possible that you are a frustrated person To learn to tolerate these frustrations, it is first necessary to put resistance aside, and recognize how many of these behaviors are part of the identity we have formed.

How to overcome frustration?

By not tolerating frustration It makes us emotionally inept and disabled. It is very important to learn resources to face everyday life situations without having this intolerance and without suffering these emotional outbursts whose consequences affect your entire life.

In this process of Emotional development It is very important to recognize without judging what emotions are occurring within you and how you can transform them in a way that can allow you to make decisions from a more serene and clear state of consciousness. You can make these difficult situations an opportunity to learn and develop.

How to overcome frustrations?

1. Allow yourself to make mistakes

Many frustrations They go hand in hand with self-criticism. Therefore, it is vital to try to face challenges but without judging yourself when you make mistakes.

2. Become your own reference

If there is something you want to improve before idealizing someone you admire, search your memories. Surely you have faced millions of situations and have acquired a lot of resources that you yourself are unaware of. If you don’t find it, then copy, but let go of that character quickly and search for your essence.

3. Don’t take challenges that are too high or too low

A certain degree of stress helps us enhance our abilities, look for your balance. Find your rhythm to tolerate your frustrations. Remember that there is always a way to go, everything is learning. There is no greater satisfaction that a human being can experience than his ability to constantly learn.

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4. Use your frustration as a driving force

Identify your frustration, let it be and use it to take the career that you didn’t give yourself, to study more or find out about that event that generates frustration for you. Well-channeled frustrations are an infinite source of motivation.

5. Do not minimize or cancel crying

Crying is a necessary, positive and subsequent response to the aggressiveness that it generates. frustration Therefore, it is a previous step to neutralize helplessness and feel more prepared for subsequent learning.

6. Be truly empathetic

Listen to people, learn from their stories, live them. Every time you talk to someone and get into their story you are reliving and enriching your own experience, their story becomes your story.

7. Task persistence doesn’t have to be pushy.

If you are trying a task that doesn’t work for you, or that you can’t get through, don’t waste your time. Leave it and do something else before experiencing a emotional frustration When you change the focus of your mind, return to it from another state of consciousness, this will be a good method to overcome frustration and evolve towards your purposes.

8. Ask for help when you need it

Asking for help is very important, but you have to know how to ask for it. Don’t do yourself the disservice of becoming useless. When you feel like you can’t overcome frustration you can go to a professional psychologist to be able to jump over this small emotional wall.

The frustrations They can appear on many occasions in our lives. In this way, to leave frustration behind you must know yourself and admit all the emotions you hide behind it. Solving them will allow you to be the person you so much want to be.