Depression In Men: 13 Symptoms To Detect It

Why is male depression less diagnosed? Is depression different in men than in women? Discover the signs to detect depression in men and how to deal with it.

Depression in men

The signs and symptoms of depression can be different in men and women. For example, although one of the clearest signs of this disorder is constant feelings of sadness, men are more likely than women to show more aggression and abuse substances. We must keep in mind that in the case of men, they are less likely to talk about and seek treatment for depression, which is why they tend to be less diagnosed with this disorder. So how do you recognize the signs of depression in men?

How does a man with depression behave?

Depressive disorder can go unnoticed in men. Although this disorder affects men and women in the same way, that is, affecting people’s feelings, thoughts and behavior, the reality is that men tend to express these symptoms differently.

In fact, statistically, depression is more common in women, although this may be because men are less likely to receive a diagnosis of depression. Therefore, it is important to understand how depression symptoms may differ between men and women.

Symptoms of depression in men

Some of the main symptoms of depression tend to affect men and women in the same way. The most common signs of depression are the following:

  1. Constant sadness: People with depression often feel sad and empty. This may involve crying more than usual and even feeling guilty about experiencing these feelings.
  2. Lose pleasure: When someone is depressed they usually end up losing pleasure in those activities that they have always enjoyed.
  3. Changes in appetite: Depression can also affect the feeling of appetite, so people may experience changes in weight and in their eating habits.
  4. Changes in sleep: In addition to appetite, people with depression also have their sleep affected. For example, they may end up experiencing too much sleep and sleeping a lot or, on the contrary, not enjoying a good rest.
  5. Constant fatigue: Depression affects people’s energy levels. In many cases this means that the person constantly feels exhausted.
  6. Problems concentrating: Even if they are small tasks, people with depression can experience problems concentrating on even the most mundane tasks (such as making the bed, doing the dishes, etc.).
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We must emphasize that not all people with depression experience the same symptoms and with the same intensity. Above all, there may be differences between how the depression in men and women

Signs of depression in men

Most common symptoms of depression in men

Some behavioral signs of depression can manifest differently in men and women. One of the examples is the consumption of alcohol and drugs, which tends to be more common in men with depression Additionally, in the case of men, they are more likely to show greater anger and risky behaviors. On the other hand, men have a tendency to avoid talking about their emotions and feelings. Thus, some of the signs of depression in men are usually the following:

  1. Frustration: The men with depression They tend to experience more frustrations due to depression-related symptoms.
  2. Irritability and aggressiveness: There is a greater tendency in men with depression in taking more aggressive attitudes. In fact, this can lead to more anger and fights with others.
  3. Substance abuse: Men may turn to alcohol and drugs to cope with all the symptoms that are related to depression. This ends up being counterproductive because it emphasizes the symptoms of this disorder.
  4. Social isolation: In addition, they tend to avoid family or social situations, isolating themselves due to the sadness they feel.
  5. Work obsessively: Men also have a tendency to escape the symptoms of depression through obsessive work that may even involve not taking adequate breaks.
  6. control obsession: The male depression It can also cause sufferers to become more controlling or abusive in their relationships.
  7. Risk behaviors: This includes engaging in gambling or even sexually inappropriate behavior.
    Suicidal thoughts or suicide attempts: men with depression They are more likely to commit suicidal behavior or commit suicide.
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One theory regarding the differences that may occur between depression in women and men is that these behavioral changes may occur as a result of men attempting to mask depression. This attempt to hide depression can cause men to end up engaging in self-destructive behaviors.

Why is male depression often undiagnosed?

As we have mentioned, statistics indicate that women are almost twice as likely to experience depression as men. However, this may be because the male depression is less diagnosed. This can happen for the following reasons:

  • Lack of recognition of depression: In many cases, people believe that the main symptom of depression is sadness, but for men this may not be the case.
  • Minimize signs and symptoms: Men may not recognize or admit that they are depressed. Furthermore, they can end up suppressing, ignoring or masking depression.
  • Don’t talk about the symptoms of depression: Men may not be open to talking about their feelings with family or friends, much less to a professional psychologist.
  • Treatment resistance: Even if they suspect they are suffering from depression, men can avoid the diagnosis or refuse treatment.

How to help a man with depression

What is the treatment of depression?

There are different ways in which a depressive disorder can be treated. In fact, normally, psychotherapy and specifically cognitive behavioral therapy techniques are used to deal with the symptoms of a depressive disorder. In some more severe cases this treatment can be combined with drugs.

How to deal with male depression?

In addition to going to a professional psychologist, there are certain lifestyle changes that can help us control the symptoms of depression:

  1. Create a structure: Having and sticking to a daily routine can help offset feelings of guilt associated with depression.
  2. Divide the tasks: People with depression often experience difficulty concentrating. This way, you can try to break down larger tasks into smaller ones that you feel you can handle.
  3. Practice yoga, mindfulness or meditation: These practices are not only useful for reducing stress levels, but can also help manage the symptoms of depression.
  4. Talk about it with friends and family: Sharing your feelings with others can make the symptoms of depression feel less overwhelming.
  5. Avoid alcohol and drugs: Reducing or eliminating alcohol and other drug use can improve mood.
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How to help a depressed man?

If you detect signs of depression in a friend, partner or family member, it is crucial that you try to talk to them and try to encourage them to go to therapy with a professional psychologist. When dealing with someone who suffers from depression, it is important that you be very patient because sometimes they will act irritably towards you. When this happens, you should always try to discuss these problems without judging them. With the right treatment and support, a man with depression can overcome this disorder.