A Path To Freedom From Suffering: The Noble Eightfold Path Of Buddhism

Buddhism is basically a path to happiness with more than 2,500 years of proven effectiveness by countless people. The Noble Eightfold Path is a guide to achieving happiness.

Psychological benefits of Buddhism

The Noble Eightfold path is a guide to life. It is the path that, according to buddhist teachings, leads to states of happiness and nirvana. It is a gradual process of growth. It is normally represented by a rudder with eight arms, each of which symbolizes one of the aspects to be cultivated as a guarantee of obtaining true happiness.

What does Buddhism teach us about life?

These issues to take into account are the following:

1. Correct vision

Correct understanding or harmonious perspective. It is essential to clarify the purpose of our life What am I doing, what is the meaning that I am giving to my actions, why live, what is the deep meaning of existence, what is my mission in this life, who am I and what is this. This correct view counteracts the obscurantism of our ignorance. Where I invest my time and energy, if something is not lasting it is not worth spending too much time on it.

We are the owners and heirs of our actions. Knowing this, it is worth asking what I want my future to be like. Before performing a bodily, emotional or mental action, you must think about whether it will increase your own pain or that of others. Contact with a teacher helps you connect with the right vision. To achieve correct vision, judgment or criticism is not helpful. It is advisable to abandon it because it does not serve to achieve happiness. With judgment I cannot prove or experience or verify for myself that samsara (the relative world) is impermanent and is not a source of lasting happiness.

2. Right intention

Right thinking u harmonious orientation What is correct thought: the thought of renunciation, free from cruelty and full of good will. Any thought that brings suffering to me or others, causes difficulties and distances us from nirvana, is incorrect thinking. As one realizes where that incorrect thought leads, it loses power, becomes cold, and can be abandoned. Whatever is thought frequently becomes a tendency of the mind. It is important to be aware of what you think, thought has the power to materialize.

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A example of bad thinking It would be rejoicing in the misfortunes of others, since this is entering into rejection. If before acting or speaking we are aware of the type of thought behind it, we can abandon the incorrect thought for the correct one, in this way the incorrect thought will not manifest itself in the interaction with others. An example of correct thinking would be renunciation, which means becoming aware that we have limited time and energy, it is not containment or repression but wise action in which we choose to direct our attention to what will really bring us greater happiness ( although in the short term it is not the most comfortable). Another example would be righteous intention, which is the materialization of righteous vision. With the right motivation you overcome all obstacles. The correct motivation is mujo hotsu weddingishin, to give free rein to the desire for happiness until its ultimate and total consummation. Not seeking happiness for oneself but rather universal happiness. Not creating a good child intention but allowing what we already are to flourish.

As a final aspect, it should be noted that, generally, in Western culture, attachment to rational and discursive thinking must be cut, reaching a balance with other aspects of intelligence. such as intuition

3. Correct word

Harmonious speech and correct language. Do not lie, or say anything malicious, rude or frivolous. He correct language It consists of Timeliness (said at the appropriate time), Veracity (contains the truth), Kindness (with affection), Beneficial (having a thought of good will).

4. Correct action or harmonious action

It is the one that arises from intention of not doing evil, doing good and seeking the good of all beings. We must be aware of the interdependence of all beings, we are interconnected with other people, with animals, plants, with the environment, the planet, etc. There are three actions of special importance: do not kill, do not steal and harmonious sex.

  • Do not kill – means being kind, gentle and compassionate (includes not wasting energy, not consuming more than necessary, not polluting), it is about taking care of yourself and all beings on the planet.
  • Do not steal – If you take what is not given to you, you move from lack and not valuing what you have. It is worth asking what we really need, when we generate an excessive sense of ownership over things we are already “stealing”, since we are losing perspective on the fact that we are in life passing through and we are not even owners of our own body.
  • Harmonious sex – It is important to remember the interdependence between us and all beings and pay attention to ensuring that our actions are not harmful to ourselves or others. Sex has an energetic aspect, if you become obsessed with searching only for this happiness, you will not have the time or energy to search for unconditional happiness.
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Relationship between Buddhism and psychology

5. Correct way of life

Talk about the way make a living Buddha criticized working only to earn money. It is a mistake to make earning money an objective: “living to work” is a mistake. There are recent studies that show that, above the minimum survival threshold, one is not happier or less happy for having more or less money (statistically and psychologically proven). A sober and balanced lifestyle is advisable, not spending more than you have or can afford, nor worrying about earning more than you really need. You have to dedicate the right energy to sustenance.

The attitude with which the work is done is important. You have to ask yourself if it contributes to the happiness of others or creates more problems. Buddha said that one should not deal with weapons, poisons, or people. Earning money and using it wisely is considered a right way of life.

It is better to live a lifestyle that gives us time and energy for spiritual practice without waiting for us to have it later. “..now I’m busy doing the house etc.” It’s not a good thought, it could be too late.

6. Correct effort

It’s about making good use of our energy. He effort is essential For everything in life, it must be a diligent and persevering effort because it is not easy to abandon incorrect understanding, rationalization, limiting language, incorrect action, etc. We must strive to be in a state of presence moment after moment, avoiding extremes of tension and laxity, trying without ceasing. How is it done? Doing it, without giving up, with faith and perseverance. In Buddhism we talk about “being tuned like a lute”, neither too tense nor too lax, finding a state of physical, emotional and psychological balance, which allows a state of attention and alert without tension. This applies to everything one does in life. The obstacles that hinder correct effort are:

  • sensory attachment
  • Aversion
  • Drowsiness and drowsiness
  • Agitation
  • Doubt
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On the contrary, the beneficial states are the so-called 7 lighting factors:

  • Mindfulness or “Sati” in Sanskrit.
  • Penetrating observation
  • Energy
  • Joy
  • Distension
  • Concentration
  • Equanimity

Lighting factors are antidotes to harmful aspects we can say that:

  • Penetrating observation, energy and joy counteract drowsiness and drowsiness (kontin)
  • Relaxation, concentration and equanimity are antidotes to mental agitation (sanran).
  • Mindfulness balances both.

7. Correct care

It is the straight attention or harmonious attention Traditionally, it was advised to “be alert as if your head would be cut off if you were distracted.” Correct attention is an antidote to the worst states of consciousness. The instructions for practicing mindfulness are collected in the Satipatthana sutra, recommended reading for those who wish to deepen their practice and enjoy its benefits.

8. Correct Meditation

Meditation is a moment in which one collects oneself and turns one’s gaze on oneself. With the regular practice of meditation, all the previous aspects are refined, being a fundamental practice to achieve true happiness