About The Trinity Of Being

Who I am? And who are you? About us? And equally important… Are we what we think we are? Why are we the way we are? Can we be any other way? ….

What is the trinity of being?

What does the trinity of being consist of?

  • essential self: potentiality to be updated. Destination. Innate and inherent capabilities of this existence. Absolute knowledge. Expression of the soul. Essential reality.
  • Unconscious: conditioning limits resulting from the experience of this and other lives. Coercion. Deep knowledge. Body expression. Existential reality.
  • Ego: cuirass, armor built by and for the defense of the unconscious. Distorted self-image. Protection from the outside world. Superficial knowledge. Expression of the mind. Social reality.

About us? Who do we want to be? Who can we be? What do we live for? Why are we here? Is there what we call “I”? We’re free? Life is a continuum happening of experiences that shape us as people. Some influence us more than others and some remain trapped within us, deep down, so that they will condition our daily life. Others go as unnoticed as the heartbeat of a butterfly or the sigh of an angel.

There is no universality in consequences of an experience: what may be deeply traumatic for some may not even be appreciated in others. Reality, experiences, are as subjective as our ego is individualistic. The perception that each person receives of a situation is determined by their nature and as a response to their essential self and their unconscious. The content of these, the information found in them, will be the cause of the condition that each one suffers or feels at all times.

Why are we the way we are?

Our “essential self “It is the pure and innocent part of being, authentic and genuine expression of divinity and link between all men and between them and nature and the universe. It is the best of being, but also the most fragile, although indestructible. It is the portion of the being in which potential virtues and talents are found, waiting to be actualized. It is the divine part of the being, whose information is written in advance, for the sake of the production or achievement of a series of predetermined experiences: the potential destiny.

I say fragile, because it is eclipsed, as soon as it is born, by the unconscious Later this eclipse will be reaffirmed by the ego. But indestructible, since it does not perish, just as it is not born. It is the divinity incarnated in the vehicle that is the body. It is the expression of the immortal soul. Pure essence that seeks self-realization, because it needs it, as a vital experience. The “essential self” needs to be expressed and shown.

The “unconscious” represents the existential limits of the essential self It is the learned restriction, deposited in the deepest part of the being, as an impediment to the expression of the essential self. It is a deep knowledge acquired from birth itself and from what has been learned in other lives. Like the essential self, it transmutes from life to life, but while the first changes, depending on each existence, to complete a series of tests or experiences, this one only expands, experience after experience, life after life, but remains essentially the same, although with more and more knowledge.

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Makes barrier modes for the essential self, as if he were their protector, although he is, in fact, their jailer. The lessons of life have been fixed in it, conditioning the responses of the being to each event, depending on the knowledge acquired, so that it responds according to pre-established patterns as a “habit”, since the consequence is well known and, therefore, Therefore, act on the safe side. It represents the image of experiential knowledge, expressed in the body as a vehicle of the essential self. The unconscious seeks safety and protection and remains hidden in the being.

He “ego “is the artificial construction of the unconscious for its safeguard and its perpetuity, in the face of the vicissitudes of social life. It represents the existential self-image in the face of a reality that is hostile to the unconscious. It is the result of superficial knowledge of daily tasks that responds to stimuli external for the sake of social acceptance.

As a protection against the outside, the ego is “appearance”, simulation of the being; It is the defense mechanism that the unconscious uses to feel safe, while justifying the coercion of the essential self, this time from a conscious perspective. It is the mental projection of the unconscious to satisfy their need for security from the outside world and social reality. It is, in short, what others see of you. It is the factual expression of being, deconstructed and artificial in nature.

This trinity of being, like the layers of an onion, shows the three-dimensionality of existence and the difficulty in what we come to call “personal development.” This expression is nothing more than the being’s attempt to rediscover itself. It is the search that starts from the essential self, as an essential reality, due to its need to be expressed and shown to the outside, for which it must resort to the ego, as an expression of social reality.

Why do crises exist?

Why do we have existential crises?

We call the result of the conflict that is established between this pretension of the essential self and the manifestation of the ego due to the prestructured unconscious “existential crisis “. It is the staging of a power struggle of one’s own being to be developed in its maximum expression in the face of the deformed reality that it has formed itself. The essential self seeks to be expressed as much as the unconscious places obstacles through the ego, in view of their survival.

The ego, then, is the mechanism that the being has used for its survival in the first years of life, and it is the result of these themselves, as a kind of Defense mechanism in the face of hostility and danger. But it becomes an obstacle to the extent that it represents the first impediment to the expression of the essential self.

When he is subjugated ego to the needs of the unconscious, goes from being the help of the essential self in the face of social reality, to being the existential impediment of its essential expression. This is why the being enters into conflict, which manifests itself in multiple ways (diseases, somatizations, vices, dependencies, etc.).

For the overcoming this conflict, it is necessary to start from the ego, the weapon that the being will use, to be able to delve deeper into the unknown ocean of the unconscious: authentic holder of the keys that open the door to the essential self. The unconscious, as an existential configuration of the multiplicity of experiences received, is trained to act and respond in a certain way, the result of that acquired experience. Necessary responses to external stimuli given deep learning, with which the only way to free the essential self is through the reconfiguration of its guardian, the unconscious.

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In the manner of a father who conditions his son to act in a certain way, denying him the possibility of fully expressing himself, with the excuse of his greater knowledge about life, in view of his protection and the best for him, this is how the unconscious acts against the ego. essential: it restrains his potentiality to protect him from the world he knows, preventing him from that expression that he so needs for his self realisation

But this need cannot be repressed, so there is no choice but to allow it to “be”, for which the unconscious will have to be shown the damage that being restricted means for the essential self; and for the entire being. Thus, what was initially a protection becomes an impediment that must be overcome. And what was a vital need (self-protection) becomes an essential deficiency (denial of self-expression ).

Through the ego we realize this need and this lack. Which leads us to deal directly with the unconscious The self-image “ego”, a symbol of protection of the unconscious, projects the need of the essential self in reality, which causes it to enter into conflict (existential crisis). From the resulting discomfort, the ego realizes the need to refer this struggle to the unconscious, the place in which it manifests itself. One becomes conscious of the battles fought in the unconscious through their expression in the body, the vehicle of manifestation of the unconscious.

For all this, it is through the ego that we realize the problem, and we go to the next level, which is the unconscious. At this point, the ego has already lost its power, because let us remember that it is nothing more than the self-image of the unconscious before the social reality Now, the new obstacle to the essential self is the unconscious itself, which cannot be dealt with either through the ego or the conscious mind (the ego is the expression of the conscious mind in social reality).

The depth and strength with which the unconscious defends what it has apprehended throughout lives and lives is not something that can be influenced from mere consciousness; precisely because it is beyond it. To do this, just as to break a glass glass using a vibrating sling, you must resort, you must go and find your “vibrational level” to fight the battle in your territory and win it with your own weapons.

Once the appropriate “slingshot” is reached, the unconscious becomes as vulnerable as glass, so that by “increasing the power” of the vibration, the glass ends up breaking. This is how it should be dealt with the conflict: open the door to the dimension of the unconscious, connect with your sling, and breathe new information into it that helps you reprogram yourself to unlearn what you have learned and thus stop protecting and restricting the essential self, which will now be ready to come out and express itself, in benefit of both the unconscious and the ego, to the extent that the three make up the being.

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To the reprogram the unconscious By default, since the ego is its self-image, it also changes and adapts to the new unconscious construct, which is no longer that protective shield of the essential self, but the essential self itself. Once the barriers of the unconscious are broken down, the social self or ego is nothing more than the pure social representation of the essential self. It is authentic in its essence and in its expression.

In short, it is a bidirectional process which begins in the ego, passes through the unconscious to reach the essential self, and then, from the essential self, rises upward, already reformulating everything, reconverting the unconscious and, as a consequence, also the ego.

The importance of change

Why is it important to change?

In this process we see different aspects of freedom that come into play. Being the freedom complete the pure manifestation of the essential self in its maximum expression, all of the above is, at most, a pseudo freedom or “limited freedom” or “conditioned”, because despite the fact that at all times we make decisions and choose from among several options one (the one that seems most convenient or adequate to us), this is not authentic freedom, to the extent that we are trapped within ourselves, in that existential struggle between the essential self and the unconscious.

Freedom involves freeing yourself ; and freeing oneself means eliminating the internal knots and obstacles that the unconscious has created as protection for the essential self. Until this is carried out, all freedom is nothing but apparent freedom and this is nothing more than the result of archetypal responses to external stimuli, so that although it seems that one really chooses, in fact one only reacts to responses. predetermined by oneself!

But this exercise of apparent freedom, like the ego, is the first mechanism that the being has for its liberation, so that it becomes necessary to the extent that it is through it that one can question the vital functioning of the unconscious. Through the exercise of apparent freedom, one can reach total freedom. And this is where the practice of will comes into play, because traveling this path is as hard and painful as the final reward is great.

The harder it is, the more ironclad the unconscious is and the more reticent it is to change But during this exercise, just as gymnasts do when preparing for the Olympic Games, one develops the strength, temperance and patience necessary to be able, once overcome, to purely and simply express one’s essential self and bring it to its maximum actualization.

Thus, given the bidirectionality of the process, what was originally self-protection, later becomes a prison, to end up being, in the end, the best of allies, since the unconscious will then provide as much help to the essential self, as obstacles it had placed. before his self-expression. Through the new ego, given the new self image that the unconscious will have of itself, instead of repressing the essential self, what it will do is enhance it and help it express it. Having arrived here, the being is free for the first time in his life, at least in this existence. Now it is potential actuality and actualized potentiality. Is.