The Consequences Of Neglecting

When we neglect our hygiene or our diet, it means that we do not give it adequate attention or care. What happens when we neglect ourselves or another person?

How not to neglect others?

Neglecting means: “Failing to apply appropriate care, interest or attention to a thing, person or event.” When we refer to dental hygiene, for example, we see clearly the consequences of not taking care of our teeth: bacteria proliferate, which attack our dental plaque and lead to cavities. In the same way, neglecting any other aspect implies its progressive deterioration. Whether it is neglecting our interior or our exterior, this act implies a wear effect in which he rarely returns to being the same.

What does it mean to neglect ourselves on a psychological level?

It happens when we do not meet our needs, whatever they are. Here we do not go into talking about what they should be, since it is considered that they depend on each person. Someone will need to trust themselves, other people will need to learn to calm down, others will need a safe space to express themselves freely…

Whatever your need, if you do not attend to it as soon as it arises, psychological warning symptoms appear: anxiety, depression, food, psychotic, addictions,… These tell you that something is wrong with you or your environment and deserve special attention It is not easy to know what those needs are, much less how to give them to us. What is clear is that if you don’t give it to yourself, the need will still be there.

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What happens when we neglect someone we love?

Exactly the same thing happens as in other cases: relationship is deteriorated and little by little what once was is being lost.

“What is sought is found. What is neglected is lost.”

Just like a plant, if it is not watered correctly, it ends up dying. We must also keep in mind that not all people need the same care, in the same way that not all plants need the same care. require the same attention Knowing how to understand and give what the other needs is an art!

What can we do to take care of others?

What to do to care?

To begin, we must have the attitude of paying attention, interest and looking after others or ourselves. Start by listening and attending, without judging or attempting to discuss whether that need is legitimate, as long as it falls within ethical and dignified limits for those involved. How many times have we read about taking care of the small details! And certainly, it is that simple and that complicated. without intending fall into perfectionism or demands giving ourselves what we need and giving what the other needs is the key to caring.