Changes Are Necessary

To evolve and grow, changes are necessary. “If you do what you’ve always done, you won’t get any further than you’ve always gotten.”

How can changes help you achieve your goals?

As the phrase indicates, if you want achieve something you never achieved, you must do different and alternative things. It may be that there is something that you are not doing well or that you are not even putting into practice.

How can changes lead us to success?

You may feel trapped in a vicious circle and it seems impossible to get out… You have asked yourself what you are doing wrong, or better… what you are not doing, and it is necessary to do to achieve change

But at the same time, change scares, gives fear, panic, creates uncertainty, resistance, nervous tension, even though we consciously know that change helps us improve. They may be vital or daily changes big or small, expected or not, that anyone has at some point in their life, and that contribute to altering the usual rhythm of life and generating a state of nervousness.

But life, whether you like it or not, is an adventure full of unforeseen events and changes, that they must face without escaping or fleeing, since this would not be living fully, but rather living in a state of permanent avoidance, controlling not feeling, not living. As a consequence, it would aggravate the situations and we would have an accumulation of unresolved conflicts.

Facing life and being able to adapt to changes adaptively it is a sign of intelligence. Connect with yourself, feel, think, reflect on your life and act accordingly. Make a list of topics that you want to face but you don’t feel ready and indicate the small steps to follow to achieve it. You are the change.

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