Celebrate The Small Moments, Increase Well-being And Reduce Anxiety

Celebrate the small moments, increase well-being and reduce anxiety

Did you know that to reduce anxiety you can not only do relaxing activities, but also celebrate? By celebrating small moments you will put into practice appreciation and gratitude, two essential ingredients to reduce anxiety and stress, increasing your well-being.

Anxiety is a state of tension in the body and mind that originates from the way we act and think. Often, when anxiety is high, we look for brakes to reduce it, combat it, minimize it. So we use various practices, such as meditation, yoga, among others. These activities give us a break from the hustle and bustle, discomfort and tension. By the way, they can also become good healthy habits.

So, There are several ways to reduce anxiety and stress On the one hand, you need to find what is causing the tension and make the necessary changes. On the other hand, it is good to move the balance of sensations and emotions positively and this is where relaxing activities and celebration come in.

Celebrate as an ally of well-being

Celebrating, as I tell my clients, is a moment of awareness in which we use two great allies of well-being: gratitude and appreciation Both are triggers of positive or pleasant emotions.

Gratitude has important favorable implications for health, social relationships, and helps reduce anxiety and stress levels. In the field of positive psychology, there are numerous studies that affirm that putting gratitude into practice allows you to activate the emotion of gratitude and thus have a more satisfactory life.

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Small celebrations

The assessment of what is good for you, your relationships, what you have, what you are good at doing, the assessment of small aspects of everyday life… All of this isadd to your quality of life because satisfaction with life is precisely the product of its positive evaluation.

Remember that valuing, thanking, becoming aware and sharing are essential ingredients for your well-being and happiness.

Celebrating is an act in which we value something that is good for us. Celebrating is not necessarily synonymous with having a celebration. Likewise, when celebrating is shared, its benefits are doubled, since celebrating and sharing with others adds health and well-being Hence, toasting is a shared symbolic act that puts a seal on a moment that will not only be a source of pleasure at that very moment, but every time you can remember it.

4 types of celebrations

What are we celebrating? There are countless celebrations and celebrations associated with each culture, each country and region. From tribes to cities, from prehistory to our times, celebration is part of our lives. We have learned to celebrate some dates, such as Christmas, anniversaries, and also achieving some achievements, but we forget something important, celebrating small moments.

For this reason I have developed a classification of four types of celebrations:

Before we get into the last category, maybe you are thinking:
“I’m not a fan of celebrating,” “I can’t feel happy celebrating when I should,” “Planning a party isn’t pretty and it’s extremely stressful,” “I’m not good at celebrating,” “I can’t find important reasons to celebrate.” ”. Now tell me yourself: Do you identify with any of these ideas?

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Well, if your answer is yes, perhaps you think that celebrating is just fulfilling scheduled obligations, such as cultural celebrations and anniversaries. Also, it may happen that you consider yourself to be or not to be a person of celebration when this is not about “being” but about generating beautiful moments, and we all have that potential capacity.

Celebrate small moments

Celebrating small moments is a category that I have designed, after researching happiness and well-being and is based on putting into practice appreciation and gratitude in small moments.

This is a celebration that only you choose when and what to celebrate. It allows the celebration not to be limited to those marked dates or to be thought only for major milestones. We can benefit from celebrating a small moment each week if we follow the steps that I will explain later For example, you can meet a friend this week, choose a nice place, and toast by saying loud and clear that you are toasting friendship that day.

Two tasks and four guidelines to celebrate small moments

To celebrate You must generate a beautiful moment and for this I recommend two important tasks:

  • The first, reflect. Write down all the things you are grateful for and beautiful in your life. Think about who you are, what you want to be, what you have, and what you do.
  • The second, get into action. Start generating your celebrations.

Keys to take into account

To generate your celebrations, These guidelines may be helpful:

  • What to celebrate Choose a reason to celebrate from your list.
  • When: mark in your diary what day and time you will celebrate,
  • Where and with whom: choose a nice place, in your house or outside it. Think about whether it will be just you at this celebration, or better yet, if you will invite another person.
  • Celebrate: on the day of the celebration you should do two things. Put into words: “Today I/we celebrate…”. Toast to it by valuing and thanking that moment.
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It is important that celebrating is something chosen by you pleasant and not something imposed.

As we have seen, celebrating not only adds beautiful moments, but also allows us to put into practice the appreciation and gratitude for countless things in our lives.

Remember, celebrate small moments. You don’t need a big celebration to celebrate a wonderful moment. Celebrating will add well-being and reduce anxiety that reduces quality of life. Well, now it’s your turn. Celebrate!