Why Do I Behave Like This?

What is human behavior like? Any aspect of our life can be improved but few changes are as satisfactory and lasting as the improvement of our attitude.

How to behave better

Today I was thinking about what human behavior is like and what its consequences are. From a global vision, people present different behavioral styles These are behavioral tendencies that have been formed throughout our entire life experience. The social interactions we have had, the behaviors we have observed in others, the rules we have applied to ourselves, the beliefs we have acquired… in short, all of our experience is what has shaped our style of behavior. And many times, after all that learning, we realize that we are not behaving as we would really like, that we are not getting what we are looking for with the way we behave.

Are there better behaviors?

It is clear that there are some ways of behaving that are more appropriate than others and we have all experienced situations in which we have not felt proud of our behavior. Having inappropriate behavior, depending on our personality or the moment we are living, can lead to a great psychological discomfort: negative feelings towards oneself, inferiority, contempt and even anger or bad mood with others when we see that our behavior has been ineffective.

This is found in the origin of some disorders mood, anxiety symptoms, self-esteem problems or experiencing stress in the social, family or work environment. Many of you will have experienced it, months or even years of small situations that are not resolved well and that weigh more and more, creating an unsustainable coexistence or animosity towards others, whether they are bosses, friends, partners or colleagues.

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How to behave better

Can you learn to behave better?

But we are in luck because as I have told you the way to behave we learn and therefore we can modify it. It is not easy but if we wish, with some discipline and a little self-observation we will be able to change important aspects of our behavior that will contribute to making us happier and more efficient when communicating and defending our rights in any situation, creating many more opportunities to feel good.

Do you feel insecure or insecure, unable to introduce these changes without help? In this case, do not hesitate, go to your primary psychologist. It is not a disease, you do not have a disorder but it does cause you discomfort. We as professionals will help you identify the problematic behaviors and to find more satisfactory alternatives to increase your well-being.