What Is Divergent Thinking And Why Should You Practice It?

Are you looking for a different way to face life? There are alternatives to solve your problems. Discover what divergent thinking is and how it can help you.

What is divergent thinking and why should you practice it?

There are different ways to solve the problems that life throws at us. When faced with them, each of us adopts different strategies. But although there are many types of thoughts, The reality is that there are some that are more effective in solving the problems that arise.

Although in most cases an effective solution can be reached in different ways, many times we can obtain a better resolution through divergent thinking This style of thinking means that you not only focus on the quickest solution but also that you can visualize different ways to solve the problems that arise.

What is divergent thinking?

This type of intelligence It is closely linked to creativity. Although having more options does not always mean finding the best solution, divergent people will always tend to offer new ideas since they can visualize different possible solutions.

Therefore, divergent thinking is a mental process in which multiple solutions are explored for the same problem, generating creative ideas to solve it. He meaning of divergent refers to the fact that it develops in different directions. That is why using this type of mental skills allows you to open your mind to different paths to be able to find multiple solutions to the same problem.

What is divergent thinking

Characteristics of divergent thinking

People who use this way of thinking have some common characteristics that define their way of behaving.

  1. They are spontaneous: By having the ability to find many solutions at the same time, a divergent person is much more spontaneous than those who think in other ways.
  2. Open-minded: Being able to see a problem from different perspectives makes these individuals much more open-minded. They also tend to be more empathetic because they can put themselves in the shoes of others more easily.
  3. Non-linear thinking: Divergent thinking is mainly characterized by not having a way of seeing things in a linear way. People with these skills do not settle for a single solution.
  4. They are very creative people: An essential aspect in these types of thinking is creativity. Divergents use the creative process to extract a variety of different solutions and then come up with the one considered best.
  5. They take risks and are curious: Many divergent thinkers tend to want to explore and experiment with new ideas, even if they are controversial.
  6. They have a lot of imagination: Divergent thinking allows you to visualize and think of completely original ideas.
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Divergent vs convergent thinking

One of the clear differences between the divergent or convergent thinking, is that the first always discovers new ways to solve a problem even though there are already existing solutions. In this way, divergents open new doors instead of choosing those that have already been predetermined.

On the other hand, convergent thinking is another way to face a problem. This type of thinking consists of applying logic to find the most efficient and fastest solution. Unlike divergent thinking This is linear, that is, it focuses only on one point.

Although these two mental processes seem completely contrary to each other, the reality is that divergents use the convergent thinking to reach the solution. That is, they begin by examining many paths but end up choosing the most appropriate one through convergent thinking.

Advantages and disadvantages of divergent thinking

At first glance it may seem that the divergent thinking It only has advantages. In many situations in life, being able to think from different perspectives can give us benefits, but there are also times where convergent thinking is much more useful.


  • You don’t just see black and white: The divergent thinkers When faced with a situation they not only see the white side or the black side, they can look at the gray shades between them. In this way, divergent thinking allows us to see beyond our beliefs and keep different options open.
  • It’s more creative: Not only focusing on the safest and most effective option expands the creativity in every sense. Furthermore, divergent thinkers offer different ways of seeing the same problem and finding a solution.


  • They are not always able to specify the correct answer: By being able to observe a wide range of solutions, the divergent thinkers Sometimes they get lost in the multitude of options and cannot find the best alternative.
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Divergent thinking and creativity

Although both concepts are closely related, they do not mean the same thing. Researchers define the creativity as the ability to use original ideas in a unique way to solve different problems. The fact of thinking creatively means that there is much more innovation when facing certain situations.

Still, creativity is not possible without a style of divergent thinking In this way, divergent thinkers encourage creativity as they can visualize many different solutions. That is why these two concepts are closely linked.

Creativity and divergent thinking

How to enhance divergent thinking

Having divergent thinking is not something that just happens. This way of thinking is driven by different activities that you can put into practice. Being able to see life from different perspectives is possible if you learn to develop these types of thinking

  1. Brainstorm: An emotional way to develop divergent thinking It is through brainstorming. To brainstorm, you just have to write down all the solutions you can think of for the same problem. The key to this exercise is to inspire you and enhance your creativity.
  2. Idea trees: One of the ways to put aside linear thinking is to create trees or maps of your ideas. The objective will be to see the paths to which each of the ideas you have thought lead to to find the solution to a problem. Generating these mental schemas will allow you to see a situation from different perspectives.
  3. Keep a journal of ideas: Have you ever thought of something revolutionary but forgotten the next day? Let go of these creative ideas that come to mind at unexpected times will not help you have more divergent thinking. That’s why a good way to enhance your most creative side will be to carry a notebook with you to write down each of these ideas.
  4. Practice free writing: A great way to get into the divergent thinking It is through writing. To undertake this art, you just have to sit down and start writing about a topic that crosses your mind. The idea is to let go of structures and planning to make way for freedom in your thoughts.
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Why don’t you have divergent thinking?

The way we live today can cause you to acquire a number of psychological barriers that prevent you from expanding this way of thinking. In order to live with all the advantages that this way of thinking implies, the key is to overcome each of these emotional obstacles that you are putting on yourself. There are different barriers that prevent you from acquiring these types of thoughts.

  • Procrastination: One of the main problems facing our society is procrastination. Leaving things for another time and not getting to it quickly can be one of the obstacles to not acquiring this habit for more effective thinking.
  • Time: Not spending enough time solving your problems can have consequences in the long run. Many times the quickest solution is not necessarily the best.
  • Organization: Although being organized is a real advantage for many, the reality is that for the divergent thinking It’s quite a barrier. Relaxing and allowing yourself the luxury of being somewhat messy is an effective way to innovate and generate brilliant new ideas.
  • Fear: Divergent thinkers must assume the risks that arise from creativity Failure goes hand in hand with true success.
  • Accordance: Although sometimes it is good to be grateful for what we have, the reality is that fear and conformity are often closely related. Learn to stand out and have different thoughts It will allow you to experience life with much more color.

All these obstacles arise from problems that we may have been dealing with for a long time. For this precise reason, enjoying the creativity and divergent thinking It goes hand in hand with a good emotional balance. If you want to improve your way of thinking, you can always count on the advice and tools that a professional psychologist can provide you. Divergent thinking will be a way to face your life with much more creativity and imagination, something that will make you enhance all your abilities.