What Are The Emotional Effects Of Spring?

Emotional effects of spring

Although the arrival of spring is a desired event for a large part of society because we tend to associate this season with flowers and more hours of sunlight, we rarely stop to think about the specific effects that changes of this type have on our life. mind.

Changes that, by the way, do not always bring us well-being ; Some people suffer significant emotional imbalances in the first weeks of spring.

These types of phenomena, both positive and negative, have been widely studied in the world of psychology for several years, and knowing them is good for understanding, among other things, why Sometimes when spring comes we can feel bad

What are the main emotional effects of spring?

This is a brief summary of the emotional effects that spring can have on us. You must keep in mind that these are patterns that occur in the general population, and that you do not always have to experience them, nor be aware of them.

1. It can help us be in a better mood

One of the most noticeable changes that spring brings with it is an increase in daily daylight hours and a rise in temperatures ; and this has consequences that often go far beyond being something pleasant for many people. In many cases it has significant psychological effects on people’s lives, making them more likely to be in a better mood.

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What are the emotional effects of spring

Greater exposure to sunlight allows us to synthesize more vitamin D and activates our nervous system more, something that in addition to producing well-being makes us more capable of motivating ourselves for the activities within our reach. That is, the mere fact of receiving more sunlight daily makes us feel more active than in the winter months, more willing to get involved in hobbies, social collaboration tasks, and in general, not to adopt a lifestyle based on passivity and being at home on the couch or in bed during our free time. And by the way, when we come into contact with new “hobbies” that fit our abilities and talents, this contributes to keeping our self-esteem in good condition.

We must not forget that As belonging to the order of primates, our lineage has evolved mainly in areas with warm climates and plenty of sunlight, and this has implications for the functioning of our neuroendocrine system.

2. Greater social activity

As we have anticipated, with the arrival of spring, most people experience an increase in their willingness to carry out social activities of all kinds, due to the improvement in temperatures and also the fact of noticing how the days are gradually lengthening. .

This is not a simple detail considering that our entire lifestyle as a species is based on socialization, and the fact of being inserted in complex societies. Constantly interacting with others has been the survival strategy that has allowed us to adapt to all types of environments including those in which there is a notable difference between winter and spring.

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That is why spring is the season in which all kinds of social, leisure and even nocturnal activities begin that we had previously tended to avoid, such as university parties, clubbing, nature excursions or end-of-year trips. In some way, our most social side is revived during these weeks, especially in young people.

The increase in frequency in social relationships also affects positively on an emotional level because it makes it easier to have face-to-face emotional support from others, make new friends, etc. And it makes us be better both with ourselves and with our environment.

3. Increased physical activity

Increased physical activity is also a key element in the arrival of spring, which has a very positive effect on people’s moods and contributes to both their physical and mental health.

Carrying out sports activities of all kinds, as well as nature excursions, water activities or climbing helps us release endorphins into the bloodstream a fact that once again contributes to improving our mood and making us feel happier.

4. Spring asthenia

Just as the arrival of spring usually has a very positive effect on people’s physical and mental health, in some cases it has opposite emotional and physical effects that generate some discomfort. This occurs especially when what is known as spring asthenia occurs.

Spring asthenia is the set of symptoms related to generalized tiredness both physically and mentally which coincides with the arrival of spring, and which can appear more or less due to the same actions made for several years in a row.

It is experienced by some people at the end of winter and the arrival of the first days of good weather, and is linked to the beginning of climate changes, temperature, humidity or pressure typical of the beginning of spring. These changes can unbalance the dynamics of the functioning of our neuroendocrine system, accustomed until then to the months of cold and darkness.

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This phenomenon is usually temporary and is generally related to feelings of apathy, sadness, little desire to do anything, irritability, insomnia or mood changes. Some of the physical symptoms of spring asthenia are: muscle pain, headache, digestive problems, dizziness or hypotension.

6. Concern about the physique intensifies

The arrival of spring and its connection with the beginning of the most relevant social activities of the year can also cause a state of discomfort in many people concerned about their physique. It is something that happens especially in women who have been suffering from complexes with their appearance for some time ; The arrival of spring does not cause this problem, but it makes it more evident and intensifies its symptoms. The social pressure reflected in spring clothing trends that leave areas such as the belly or legs visible can become a nightmare.

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