I Don’t Allow Myself To Be In The Comfort Zone

Addicted to change, nonconformists, impulsive and very demanding. These are people who can’t tolerate routine. Discover how to get more stability in your life.

I don't allow myself to be in the comfort zone

I recently published a post talking about the comfort zone and the impossibility of getting out of it. From this publication a comment arose that prompted this week’s new post. Today I’m talking to you about those people who we colloquially call “restless asses”, people who do not tolerate stability and routine and need constant changes in their lives.

It is true that getting stuck in routine is negative, since it prevents us from making decisions and we often behave cowardly for fear of change. However, a certain routine is necessary to live with a minimum of peace of mind.

There are people that They can’t stand routine or habits ; are “addicted to change” and constantly need activity They are apparently self-confident people; After all, if you are willing to change jobs (for example) in the midst of a crisis because you are bored, you must have things very clear or have a profession in which change is easy.

Well no, this is not always the case. Not all people who constantly change do so because they are sure of themselves.

What are the personality traits of someone who loves change?

  1. Heterodemanding and nonconformist people: They tend to be excessively critical people, especially with others. What others do is never enough. It is for this reason that they cannot spend much time in a position or with someone. They usually have relationships that last a short time and never find someone who fulfills them. They find the slightest flaw in everything. They may have many friends but little depth in the relationship.
  2. Self-criticism: Constant criticism can also be applied to oneself. What they do themselves is not enough and that is why it has to be changed, even if that means a challenge or risk.
  3. Constantly new goals and a great spirit of improvement: They are not satisfied with what they have and always want more. The list of goals can be endless. They haven’t gotten something yet and they already want something else. For example, if a person gets a promotion at work, instead of being happy about the achievement, he is already thinking about what he has to do to get to the next position in the hierarchy. In everyday life it can also be observed: for example, he/she has just become independent and rented an apartment that is fine for him/her alone, but he/she is already thinking that the apartment is small and that soon he/she will have to look again. to get something better.
  4. Search for sensations: On many occasions, people who cannot have a routine are because they constantly need the adrenalin change. This leads them to do (sometimes) things that can be dangerous or take very high risks. They are usually adventurous and daring people who do not know the word “impossible.” This may seem fun and good, but taken to the extreme, the person can end up doing “kamikaze” acts with a very low probability of success. Following the example of changing jobs: a daring person will seek change because he gets bored easily and does not appreciate how difficult it may be to find a new position. This can lead to a complicated professional situation and economic instability that makes life more difficult.
  5. High impulsivity: They do this thing of thinking things before acting badly. Sometimes his words go at the same speed as his thoughts. They do not think about the pros and cons of situations and simply act on impulses, on what they feel at that moment. They are usually considered sincere people and they say things to your face, but the fact of not thinking what they say can offend and cause problems with others, be they friends, a partner or the boss.
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Do you feel identified? What can you do about it?

  1. You could sum it all up in the word “reflection “. It’s about thinking about what you say, assessing the advantages and disadvantages of the different options you have and choosing based on what you think is best.
  2. Before you speak, try create the dialogue in your head It only takes a few seconds and you can avoid a lot of disappointment and even some dismissal.
  3. try look for a certain routine, it doesn’t burn It has a positive part; Focus on discovering it.
  4. Think about the mistakes you have made for your impulsiveness and try to rectify them. Do a little retrospect to learn from the stones you have stumbled over.
  5. Appreciate the positive things you have the people around you and what you have. Don’t just criticize, value the good that is in your life, which is surely a lot.

I would like to end this post with a small reflection: What are you running from, if what you carry inside will accompany you wherever you go?