What Is Smiling Depression? 8 Reasons Why This Disorder Is Hidden

What is smiling depression? Why can people hide depression? Discover the signs to detect this type of depression and why it is hidden.

What is smiling depression?

Almost everyone knows what depression is, if I asked you now, a very sad person would come to mind, crying, with very little motivation…however, there is another way to experience depression. The smiling depression is a term we use to describe the fact that a person tries to mask many of the signs of depression behind a smile.

In these cases, a person is cheerful and smiling even though inside he is struggling with feelings of hopelessness and sadness. Thus, people who suffer from this ‘smiling depression’ often do not receive the treatment they need because no one helps them take this step. But why does smiling depression happen?

What is smiling depression?

Even though the smiling depression It is not a clinical diagnosis, the reality is that it is a more common phenomenon than we can think. In general, this hidden depression usually occurs when a person suffering from depression masks each of their symptoms, due to fear or insecurities, related to this type of disorder.

That is, the person experiences an internal reality (depression) that is not expressed externally. These types of people usually smile and try to pretend they are okay. In this way, people who suffer from this ‘smiling depression’ They often do not receive the treatment they need because no one helps them take this step. But why does smiling depression happen?

How do you know if you have smiling depression?

The main smiling depression symptom It is trying to pretend that you are happy even though you experience constant sadness. In fact, people who suffer from ‘hidden’ depression often pretend to be fine despite feeling sad, having very low self-esteem and perceiving themselves as worthless and empty. Although it may seem contradictory, it is not uncommon for those who suffer from this disorder to strive to appear cheerful or appear extremely normal, even if they are directly asked about their emotions. This is due to the stigma that exists around mental disorders. Therefore, it is important to detect some of the common signs of suffering from depression:

  • Changes in appetite: People who try to appear happy despite feel sad Due to depression, they usually have many changes in their appetite. In fact, they may overeat or, on the contrary, lose interest in food. Therefore, weight changes are very common with any type of depression.
  • Sleep problems: sleep is closely linked to this problem, it has been seen that people who experience depression have less REM sleep, which helps us with memory, learning and mood, which in turn can increase the feelings of sadness and hopelessness of depression. It is also known that in this problem the level of serotonin that we secrete is much lower and that this hormone is essential in the wake-sleep change processes.
  • Feelings of sadness and hopelessness: Although this depression is masked, the reality is that people often show phrases or words that indicate feelings of guilt, worthlessness or hopelessness. Their internal dialogue is also usually based on criticism and pessimistic thoughts about themselves and their abilities.
  • Loss of interest in activities: Another sign that can reveal a smiling depression is that these people are usually not interested in those activities that they used to enjoy before.
  • They have very low self-esteem: They don’t have to show it, but they feel low self-worth, they tend to want to receive it from outside.
  • They are very evasive: They do not show many emotions, they tend to want to distract themselves, occupy their time. It is as if they could escape from that depression by entertaining themselves with other activities.
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The majority of people who suffer from a smiling depression They usually appear completely functional to others. That is, despite a minimally low mood, they usually maintain their work as well as an active social life. In these cases, it is important to make these people feel the courage to open their feelings and go to a professional psychologist.

Hide depression

Why do people hide their depression?

There are many reasons why a person may try hide your depression through a smiling and happy attitude. Among the most common causes, we can highlight the following.

  1. Fear of overwhelming others: Many people think that if they show their hidden depression They can cause a ‘problem’ to others. For this reason, sometimes they simply hide behind a smile because they do not know how to ask others for help, they feel that they would be a burden, or that they have to solve it themselves.
  2. Shame: Some people believe that depression can be a defect or a sign of weakness. They even have the false belief that if they are worth enough they should be able to ‘get out of it’. This is why they feel ashamed to accept that they suffer from depression.
  3. Denial: Another reason why people suffer from a ‘smiling depression ‘is that she can deny that she is really depressed. This makes it easier for these people to pretend that they are fine rather than open up and say how they really feel.
  4. Fear of violent reactions: The people that suffer from depression They think that others may react badly to this type of behavior.
  5. Concern about appearing weak: Mental disorders such as depression are often mistakenly associated as something typical of a ‘weak’ person incapable of facing their own problems. Because of this false belief, many people can pretend to be a smiling person despite everything they are suffering inside.
  6. Blame: Feelings of guilt often accompany depression. In fact, many people who they are depressed They feel like they shouldn’t be like this because they have everything to be happy.
  7. Unrealistic visions of happiness: Social media portrays happiness that is not realistic. Nowadays, many people spend too much time on these types of platforms, which translates into thinking that perhaps they are the only ones suffering from a mental health problem.
  8. Perfectionism: People who tend to be too perfectionistic may try to constantly appear perfect to others. This implies that although have a low mood these people will try to camouflage it by smiling at life.
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People with a smiling depression They are more at risk of suffering many of the consequences of not treating this mood disorder. Therefore, it is important to help them leave behind the false beliefs and stigmas that may lie behind depression or any mental health disorder.

Alba Sanz, psychologist Centro Ahora