Perversion And Violence: How Are They Related?

Perversion and its characteristics in a process of violence/harassment and combined with narcissistic personalities and its impact on the victims.

Perversion and violence: How are they related?

We live in sociocultural contexts where perversion is developed and tolerated. Perversion does not come from any psychiatric disorder, but rather the perverse person has a cold rationality and there is a great inability to see that others are human beings and treat them as such. A perverse person They are always eager for approval and admiration. They have neither compassion nor respect for others.

Neurotic people, who in some way all enter there, can at some point have some perverse behavior at certain times (such as having rage attacks) but we are capable of moving on to other behavioral registers (phobic, obsessive, etc.) and those movements At some perverse moment they later give rise to reflection and in this way question them. A perverse person does not question their behaviors. But,How can we detect this type of violence??

What is perverse violence?

When we talk about perverse violence In relation to harassment we can see two phases:

  1. Perverse Seduction: Attracting insistently and also in a way where it is even capable of falsifying reality and in a cold way it usually operates by surprise and does not usually attack frontally but rather indirectly by knowing how to capture the desire of the other who is also someone who admires it. and that person knows it, it returns a wonderful image; In this way he also uses protection in what will little by little become his victim. It is usually a very narcissistic seduction. Baudrillard tells us the following: “It conjures reality and manipulates it, appearances. It confuses, it erases the limits of what is its own and what is foreign. It experiences the presence of the other as a threat and not as a complementarity. It tends to weaken in order to better transfer its ideas.”
  2. Violence: The perverse person does not usually practice direct communication because, as Hirigoyen says, “cwith objects one does not speak“. By not speaking he usually imposes an image of an absolute wise man.
    • It doesn’t name anything, but it hints at everything.
    • You have to prevent the other person from thinking.
    • The speeches are usually very tortuous, without many explanations, and that leads to the other person having to interpret.
    • The gaze is usually averted and there is obvious body tension, with a cold, monotonous, dull voice.
    • There is no affection.
    • He doesn’t usually raise his voice, that way he leaves the other person to get angry alone and in that way destabilizes them.
    • The messages are usually vague and imprecise and in this way they tend to generate a lot of confusion.
    • There is no commitment.
    • The perverse person cares more about the form than the content of his speech.
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Perversion and violence

The speeches are usually very paradoxical because at the verbal level it is expressed in a certain way and at the non-verbal level it denies that speech and in this way it once again destabilizes the victim. When there is also a narcissistic perversion, something that does not fall within personality disorders, we are talking about the Narcissistic person also having perverse functioning. Therefore, in addition to the perversion which has been previously mentioned merges with a narcissistic personality because:
  • The person has an idea of ​​himself of almost omnipotence
  • Many fantasies of success and power.
  • They are considered special and unique.
  • Need to be admired
  • They think they are owed everything
  • They exploit others with their personal relationships
  • They tend to feel envy towards those who have something that they do not have.
  • Not only do they lack emotional depth and of course a lack of empathy. There may be quick emotional flashes that can quickly disperse
  • Inability to experience authentic feelings of sadness, grief, longing, and depressive reactions.
  • Normally when they feel abandoned it may seem that they are sad but what is underneath is a lot of resentment and desire for revenge.

Normally if we join narcissism and perversion We find ourselves as people who usually have a speech of apparent wisdom before others with lessons to others.

Narcissistic perverse individuals are those who, under the influence of their grandiose self, try to create a bond with a second individual, attacking their narcissistic integrity in order to disarm them. They attack self-love, self-confidence, self-esteem and the self-belief of the other. They try to make it believe that the bond of dependency of the other in relation to them is irreplaceable and that it is the other who requests it.“.

Alberto Eigner

They tend to unload on the other person the pain that they do not feel and the internal contradictions that they refuse to perceive. They hurt because they do not know how to exist in any other way. They were hurt during their childhood and trying to survive that way. In this way they value themselves by devaluing the victim.

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