Gastrointestinal Somatization

How can somatization affect us in a gastrointestinal way? How do emotions affect our digestive system? Discover the causes of this type of somatization and how to address it.

Gastrointestinal somatization

When emotions are not expressed, they become somatized. This is something that can be maintained over time, even becoming normal. The somatization in psychology It is defined as the appearance of frequent and varied physical symptoms whose appearance is not justified by a physical cause. These symptoms are characterized by affecting the person on a social, personal or work level. Various studies have confirmed that there are people who suffer from certain symptoms without there being an exact picture of the disease.

What is somatization?

He somatization disorder It is increasingly common among the population and especially in Spain, where it has a prevalence greater than 28% (Llano, A., 2022). A problem much more common in women than in men, but it can affect both genders equally and normally involves the appearance of physical symptoms without an apparent cause. They are usually associated with the accumulation of stress, anxiety, worries and/or emotions that are difficult to manage.

somatize It involves expressing, through physical discomfort, unreleased emotional anguish. This unreleased emotion causes stress and this, in turn, can lead us to experience unpleasant sensations that feed back into worries. Mind-body are seen connected and the psychological conflict is expressed through the body in the form of symptoms of different kinds.

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Where do the worries and stress that cause somatization come from?

Human beings obtain information and integrate beliefs as a result of the different experiences we go through on a daily basis. When these experiences involve a conflict or dilemma, internal or external, the person may feel stressed and limited when making decisions or actions, which are necessary for their personal development and well-being. Primarily, the source of this stress is internal, although it is triggered by external events.

Why do some people somatize and others not?

There are certain personality traits and specific situations that cause some to develop the somatization phenomenon Generally there is a personality pattern that makes the appearance of this disorder more likely. However, anyone who experiences constant stress situations can occasionally somatize. Among these features we find:

  • High negative affectivity, that is, people prone to experiencing personal dissatisfaction.
  • Egocentrism and dependence.
  • Negativism, pessimism and catastrophism.

Causes of somatization

They tend to be people who find it difficult to assimilate that the problem is psychological and continue to look for different professionals to find their medical diagnosis, going so far as to exaggerate the symptoms because they experience the situation in a dramatic way. Some of the factors that influence somatization are:

  • Biology: A person may have increased sensitivity to certain sensations, such as pain or nausea.
  • Trauma: Research shows that trauma survivors are particularly susceptible to somatization.
  • The unconscious: Some authors postulate that somatization may be a defense mechanism that protects us from intense and painful emotions that we cannot consciously process. This anxiety can find an outlet through the body, becoming a physical symptom.
  • Environmental attitudes regarding emotions: Some cultures, families and environments tend to stigmatize the expression of emotions. This can make it easier for the person to express physical symptoms than psychological problems.
  • Difficulties processing emotions: There are people who have more difficulty expressing their emotions, causing physical symptoms to become the focus instead of emotional problems.
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It is necessary to highlight that, regardless of why the somatization the symptoms are real and cause distress, generating even greater discomfort and an increase in symptoms, either in intensity or time.

Gastrointestinal somatization

Some of the symptoms that people suffer when somatizing are included in gastrointestinal problems, such as abdominal pain, flatulence, diarrhea, bloating,…

The digestive diseases generated by somatization, act as a knot of bodily conflicts that represents poorly digested mental disagreements. According to various authors, the digestive system is the “second brain” since it is controlled by the central nervous system and the autonomic system, but it also functions as an independent system from it (Sebastián Domingo and Sebastián Sánchez, 2018).