The 90 Second Rule To Manage Your Emotions

The 90 second rule to manage your emotions

We only need 90 seconds to identify an emotion and let it pass.

Most emotions last 90 seconds. If after 90 seconds we continue to maintain an emotional response to what happened, it is because we decided to stay in that emotional loop These are the conclusions of Harvard Neuroanatomy Doctor Jill Bolte Taylor. “When a person reacts to something that happens in their environment, a chemical process begins in their body. That process lasts 90 seconds.”

The 90 second rule

Let’s look at an example. When the amygdala, the area of ​​the brain responsible for detecting danger, considers that there is a possible threat to our well-being (for example, an unpleasant message at work), it begins a chemical process that prepares us to face the danger. Stress hormones (cortisol, adrenaline and norepinephrine) are produced and released into the bloodstream. Muscles tense, breathing and pulse change.

“Chemicals run through the body that puts it on full alert. For these chemicals to completely dissipate, it takes less than 90 seconds ”says the doctor.

Sounds wonderful. But… Why do our emotional reactions often last longer?

Feeding the loop

If after 90 seconds, the person continues to experience the emotion, “it means that they decide to stay trapped in the emotional loop,” explains Dr. Tayor.

Thoughts and interpretations stimulate the neural circuit again and generate the emotional reaction, and again. If you hit “rewind” an unpleasant conversation, you will still feel the same or worse than when it happened, even if hours have passed.

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This tendency to get stuck or think too much about things is called mental rumination. Rumination is associated with symptoms of depression and anxiety and inability to regulate emotional states effectively

The effect of Mindfulness on emotional management

Dr. Taylor’s essays highlight that the practice of Mindfulness can help emotions flow through us more easily. Mindfulness is the ability to maintain attention in the present moment observing the experience with equanimity and without judgment.

Next we are going to see the three steps of emotional management in 90 seconds.

1. Identify the emotion one is experiencing

All emotions have an associated physiological component. For example, if you are angry you may notice a rise in body temperature or muscle tension.

The challenge is being aware of changes in the physical sensations of the body moment by moment It is the skill that Mindfulness trains.

2. Give the emotion a name

Naming how you feel can help you regain control It doesn’t need to be said out loud. It can be a simple mental note. For example, “I’m getting angry” or “there’s a frustration inside me.”

Acknowledge your emotional state without judgment towards yourself or the experience. Remember that emotions are involuntary reactions and it is completely natural and healthy to feel the way you feel. As simple as that step may seem, it has a powerful effect on the brain.

3. Observe

Emotions are like waves in the sea: they appear and, If we don’t get caught up in them, they disappear This third step consists of observing the manifestation of the emotion, as it is, without trying to make it change, stop or be different.

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Mindfulness and emotions

This quality of observing without interfering or being affected is trained with the practice of Mindfulness.

Managing rumination

The additional key to that process would be to take control of rumination: the tendency to overthink and dwell on matters Trials show that Mindfulness helps contain rumination and that an 8-week Mindfulness intervention is more effective in reducing rumination and depressive symptoms than mindfulness techniques that one performs informally.

An example of a complete eight-week Mindfulness intervention would be an MBSR course (Stress Reduction with Mindfulness) from the University of Massachusetts. At the Mindfulme Center the MBSR program is facilitated in Spain, in Barcelona in face-to-face format and in online format for the rest of the country.


90 seconds is how long it takes for the body to eliminate the chemicals of stress emotions That means we have 90 seconds to observe the experience and see it go.

Speaking of unpleasant emotions… 90 seconds. It’s more than enough, right?