
“There is greater joy in giving than in receiving.” We have all said phrases similar to this on some occasion; However, reality shows that our levels of generosity are in decline.


“There is greater joy in giving than in receiving.” We have all said phrases similar to this on some occasion; However, reality shows that our levels of generosity are in decline.

At a psychological level, it is confirmed that generosity is a psychological health factor that provides great benefits not only to the person who is the object of generosity but also to the person who exercises the generous action.

Why have we decreased our acts of generosity on a social level?

In large part it is because we expect to receive something in return. When we talk about giving, we should not expect anything in return, something that is difficult to assume on an emotional level when we seek to be reciprocated.

The most common thing is to enter into a dynamic of give and take, where we measure how much we give and how much we receive; and based on this emotional mathematics, we modify our level of generosity. Thinking about these emotional mathematics wears us out mentally, depresses us on many occasions and does not allow us to obtain the benefits of the generosity exercised.

In this way, it is important to be generous and also not expect anything in return to obtain a great psychological reward.

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