Arsonphobia (fear Of Fire): Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

Arsonphobia, fear of fire

Throughout the history of humanity, fire has played a role as both an ally and an enemy of man. Thanks to him, a large number of advances and inventions have been possible that have improved the development of humanity.

However, we cannot ignore the danger of this. Since poorly controlled, it can be fatal, hence the fear it arouses among people. Nevertheless, When this fear becomes excessive, we may find ourselves facing a case of arsonphobia

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What is arsonphobia?

Within the long list of existing specific phobias, Arsonphobia is an anxiety disorder in which the person experiences a pathological fear of fire or fires This phobia can also be known under the name of pyrophobia.

As with the rest of specific anxiety disorders, when people with arsonphobia face or think they must face the feared stimulus, a series of reactions begin, both bodily and psychological, typical of very high states of stress and anxiety.

It is understandable that a person can experience a certain degree of fear in the presence of fire and even more so in the face of a fire; this is considered a normal and adaptive fear, which appears as a survival response. However, If this response generalizes to any situation and is disproportionate, it can be considered a specific phobia, specifically arsonphobia

How to differentiate it from a normative fear?

There are a series of specific characteristics that allow us to establish a difference between a habitual reaction or response to danger and a phobia or pathological fear. To do this, we must take into account what consequences or direct effects this fear has on the person’s daily life.

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Therefore, in cases in which the person suffers from arsonphobia, they will experience strong anxiety reactions when the phobic or aversive stimulus appears; in this case the fire. Furthermore, it is very possible that this fear causes interference when carrying out a normal life, so it is always advisable to consult with a psychology professional.

Finally, it is necessary to take into account a series of requirements and qualities typical of fear disorders, which serve to define the phobia and enable its diagnosis. These qualities are the following.

1. It results in disproportionate fear

One of the features that differentiates a natural fear from a disproportionate fear is that in arsonphobia the sensation of fear experienced is completely disproportionate compared to the real threat posed by the phobic stimulus.

In this case, the person may overreact to the perception of a burning match or even in front of a lit kitchen stove.

2. It is irrational

Subjects with arsonphobia They are absolutely incapable of finding a reasonable and justified explanation for their fear reactions To the point that, in many cases, the person is perfectly aware that the stimulus is not dangerous in itself but is still unable to prevent the anxiety response from appearing.

3. It is uncontrollable

Finally, the third characteristic that defines a phobic fear is that This fear is absolutely uncontrollable for the person with arsonphobia. This means that the person cannot prevent the appearance of anxiety and fear reactions, nor can he control them while he experiences them.


Because arsonphobia is one more of the list of specific phobias, Its symptoms are very similar to the rest of pathological fears of this type The clinical picture is distinguished by being anxious in nature and appears every time the person faces or thinks about situations related to fire or fires.

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This clinical picture is classified into physical symptoms, cognitive symptoms and behavioral symptoms; which usually appear automatically and suddenly, and only disappear when the person has managed to escape or avoid the phobic stimulus.

1. Physical symptoms

The first symptoms that the patient with arsonphobia is aware of are physical symptoms. The appearance of the phobic stimulus, fire, causes hyperactivity of the person’s nervous system which triggers all types of changes and transformations in them.

Between the symptoms that can appear throughout a phobic episode we find:

2. Cognitive symptoms

Another group of symptoms that appear in arsonphobia are cognitive symptoms. These consist of a series of beliefs and speculations, which can become obsessive in relation to the fear of fire and fires.

These distorted thoughts and ideas favor the advancement and development of the phobia and are distinguished because the person has a series of illogical and irrational beliefs about the danger of fire. Furthermore, these symptoms are usually accompanied by mental images of a catastrophic nature about this element.

3. Behavioral symptoms

As in the rest of specific anxiety disorders, arsonphobia is also accompanied by behavioral symptoms. These symptoms They manifest themselves through avoidance behaviors and escape behaviors

Avoidance behaviors refer to all those behaviors or acts that the person carries out to avoid encountering the phobic stimulus and thus avoid experiencing negative sensations. An example may be the refusal to cook with fire or to use any gas appliance that could cause a fire.

On the other hand, escape behaviors manifest when the subject has not been able to avoid confrontation with the phobic stimulus, so they will carry out any behavior that is necessary to escape from the situation in which they find themselves and generates high levels of anxiety.


Although it is sometimes difficult to determine the specific origin of a phobia, since not even the patient himself is able to associate it with any traumatic event, There are a series of factors that can favor or enhance the appearance and development of this pathological fear

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The existence of a genetic predisposition to the effects of anxiety and stress, together with the experience or experience of a highly traumatic situation or one with a high emotional charge in which the fire appeared in any way, can very likely trigger , the appearance of arsonphobia.

In any case, the impact that vicarious learning or imitation can have at the time of acquiring a phobia is being studied.


Although the exact incidence of this phobia in the population is not known, it is estimated that it appears more frequently in those people whose jobs involve contact with fire to a greater or lesser extent, such as firefighters or forestry agents. .

Both in these cases and in any other person who suffers from this disorder, there are some interventions and psychological treatments that can reduce the symptoms and even help the person recover and overcome their phobic fear.

Psychological treatment is based on three different principles or actions The first consists of carrying out a cognitive restructuring that promotes the modification of the distorted thoughts that the person has regarding fire.

In addition, live exposure or systematic desensitization techniques will be carried out, through which the patient is gradually exposed to the phobic stimulus or situation. This can be done live, in controlled environments and contexts, or through imagination.

Finally, these techniques are accompanied by training in relaxation skills, which reduce the levels of excitation of the nervous system and help the person to be able to face their fears in the best possible way.