Cristalophobia (fear Of Crystals): Symptoms, Causes And Treatment

Glass is a type of material very present in our daily lives, which makes up different objects, such as glasses and cups (dishes), jars, decorative objects such as vases, etc.

As everything that “exists” can be feared, an irrational fear of crystals can also occur: it is about crystallophobia, phobia of crystals In this article we will see what its characteristics are.

    Crystallophobia: symptoms

    Crystallophobia can be related to the fear of breaking glass, the noise they make when doing so, or tearing/injuring yourself with one of them.

    The symptoms of crystallophobia are those corresponding to the symptoms of a specific phobia In this case, irrational fear appears before the crystals. Crystals, as we know, are hardened, transparent and colorless glasses, which are used to make prisms, lenses, tableware, etc.

    The notable symptoms of crystallophobia are:

      Crystallophobia as a specific phobia could be included in the group of phobias of “other” stimuli, within the DSM classification.

      Characteristics of specific phobias

      Specific phobias They frequently present comorbidity with other anxiety disorders mood disorders and substance-related disorders.

      However, specific phobia is the anxiety disorder with the lowest degree of incapacitation, compared to the rest of the anxiety disorders (the most disabling is panic disorder with agoraphobia).

      This is because, if the person avoids the phobic stimulus or said phobic stimulus is not common in certain places (they do not have to witness it very often), their daily functioning does not have to be altered. In addition to the type of symptoms, which are not so serious or disabling.

      Regarding the course, They usually appear in childhood or adolescence, and at an earlier age in women than in men. The fact of presenting crystallophobia in adolescence (or another type of specific phobia) increases the probability of presenting a persistent specific phobia or developing a new specific phobia, but does not predict the development of another disorder.


        Regarding the causes that can cause crystallophobia, as with many other specific phobias, are not known reliably However, it could be related to the fact of having experienced negative, highly traumatic or emotionally charged events or experiences related to glass (for example, a big cut with a glass, breaking a glass in a robbery, injuries, etc.) .

        For specific phobias, a certain genetic predisposition to the harmful effects of stress has also been proposed, which establishes a basis for the appearance of the phobia.

        On the other hand, other factors must be taken into account when understanding the origin of crystallophobia, such as the person’s personality, cognitive styles learning by imitation or classical conditioning, which can favor the appearance and development of irrational fear of glass, as well as any other type of object or situation.


        Crystallophobia should be treated as a specific phobia, using specific tools. Psychotherapy can be effective, according to much research. Cognitive behavioral therapy has been shown to be the most effective and usually includes relaxation techniques, cognitive techniques (for example self-instructions) and exposure techniques (the latter are the most effective).

        As to exposure techniques the objective will be to gradually expose the person to the feared stimulus, in this case to different types of crystals (in terms of shape, size, etc.), ordered hierarchically (from least to most anxious or phobic for the patient).

        The ultimate goal is for the person with crystallophobia to be exposed to crystals (in different sessions in therapy, as well as outside of the office “homework”), until they no longer cause fear or anxiety. In the case of crystallophobia, for example, the first stimulus in the hierarchy can be a small, non-sharp crystal, and progressively increase its size, as well as the risk of it cutting.

        It will be sought that finally the person can touch the crystals without showing escape or avoidance responses or discomfort

        Through exposure, the person is able to verify for themselves that they are not in danger when facing the phobic object, and thus little by little the fear disappears and they learn that crystals are not synonymous with danger or harm.