Be Bad In Order To Be Good

Wellbeing is the state of a person where their physical and mental conditions provide them with a feeling of satisfaction and tranquility.

be bad in order to be good

“Live better”, “You can”, “It’s in your hand”, “Smile”, “Go for your destiny”, If you want, you can”, “Let go”, etc.

How many times do we hear similar messages, where it seems that well-being is something easily achievable if we follow the correct instructions? “You just need to want it” reminds us that if we don’t get it it’s because we don’t want it. Not only in the messages, but also in everything that surrounds us. Everything is designed for our well-being and comfort.

In this way, everything that deviates from that direction is poorly considered. Be it discomfort and discomfort, everything is rejected in the flag of well-being as a supreme good Wellness has become an imposition, with an underlying message of “if you’re not well it’s because you don’t want to and that’s wrong.”

I’ve been thinking about this topic for a while now. It is evident that no one wants to live in discomfort and stay there for life. It is natural that we seek “being well”, who wouldn’t!

The problem arises when we deny being wrong so much that we are denying a part of ourselves and our personal growth process. And because?

It’s as if we were hiking and noticed that we have a little stone on our foot, the kind that bothers us with every step. Furthermore, our backpack is very heavy, it is preventing us from moving faster and, furthermore, our entire back hurts.

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And instead of stopping and seeing how we can improve, we continue trying to pretend that these are not harming us.

Seen this way, it sounds absurd, right?

Because the anxiety, depression, anger, sadness, the fear. All of this arises for a reason and we can use it for something: to learn from it and overcome it. Yes, with effort and good support it is possible. We must be willing to walk paths that can be painful, it is inevitable: it is our pain and only we can take care of it.

In this way, these internal states mature and change. With good support from a professional, we can deal with everything that is blocking us and that we want to eliminate so much.

It is about seeing it face to face, knowing it, accepting it, integrating it and, thus, overcoming it. It’s like stopping on the road, sitting down, checking our shoes, our backpack, and settling in so we can make the journey in a lighter way.