Breadcrumbing: 5 Signs They Are Playing With You Emotionally

Do you know this new way to leave someone? Have you ever been a victim of Breadcrumbing? What can you do to avoid it? Discover what this emotional manipulation consists of.

Breadcrumbing: 5 Signs They Are Playing With You Emotionally

Breadcrumbing This is a term that indicates when a person sends signs of affection but without a real intention of achieving a commitment. Typically, people use this type of manipulation to maintain some control over it. But what does it mean and how can we detect it?

What is breadcrumbing?

He breadcrumbing It is a type of emotional abuse that is used to attract a person romantically despite not wanting to delve into that bond. That is, the person will leave small signs or signs of interest towards the other person, but always with the intention of not wanting something more with that person. Normally, this emotional manipulation occurs in relatively new relationships where there is not great stability and both parties do not yet know each other well.

Signs of Breadcrumbing

Some signs that may indicate that a person is breadcrumbing you are the following:

  1. His actions do not match his words: When a person you are meeting acts differently than how they talk to you, this can be a sign that breadcrumbing exists For example, if this person tells you that he wants a more committed relationship with you, but he never has time to make plans with you, then this implies that he is not matching his words to his behavior.
  2. They respond inconsistently: Another example that may indicate that a person is breadcrumbing you It is when communication or contact with them occurs inconsistently. That is, they talk to you, but then disappear without giving you a coherent explanation.
  3. They do not fulfill their plans: If you make plans with these people, it is very likely that they will never happen because they cancel it, or have other commitments. This may be a breadcrumbing sign because a person who takes you seriously will always keep his commitments.
  4. They don’t share much about their life: He breadcrumbing It can also mean that people don’t share much about their lives, as if they are hiding something specific. That is, although they show signs of interest, these people do not go too deep with you or open up to share their experiences.
  5. You feel bad about yourself after spending time with them: When a person does breadcrumbing With you, this will most likely lead you to experience a roller coaster of emotions. These sensations should give you a warning signal, since being in a relationship you should not feel bad about yourself, or experience certain insecurities.
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These are some of the signs that could indicate that a person is doing you breadcrumbing Given these signs, it is important that you communicate it or try to think about your relationship.

Why does Breadcrumbing appear?

Why does Breadcrumbing appear?

Principally for two reasons: The first is due to a fear of breaking the relationship at its roots, being direct or not wanting to hurt the other person. The second reason is due to feeding that person’s ego (having someone at their feet for when they are interested, and when they are not interested, moving on from him/her). That is, people who have this type of behavior may be because they do not know how to manage their relationships or they have self-esteem or personal insecurity problems.

How to respond to breadcrumbing?

If you think you may be in a relationship with a person who is breadcrumbing you you must take into account the following:

  • Analyze the situation from the outside: The first thing we usually do, especially if we are people who are not very sure of ourselves, is feel guilty. Therefore, try to analyze the situation as if it were a movie and you are a spectator of what is happening. What would you recommend to the protagonist?
  • Value your rights as a person and as a couple: Do you really want a relationship like that? Think about what your ideal relationship would be like and what the relationship you have is similar to it. If it doesn’t match much, move on to the next point.
  • Set limits for the other person and yourself: Think about what you are willing to put up with and what you are not, express your confusion and give yourself license to feel lost and angry. Wait to see if the person reacts, give them some time and when the time comes, act with your brain and not your heart.
  • Go to therapy: If you feel like you don’t know how to manage this situation and that it is affecting you, going to therapy can be very helpful. A psychologist will help you see what you can do to deal with this bond and how not to let it affect you on an emotional level.
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Remember that you have the right to be happy and enjoy your relationship. That phrase “whoever loves you will make you suffer” is totally false, so don’t fall for it. Whoever loves you has to value you, appreciate you and show their affection and love.