Company Policies: What They Are, Types And Characteristics

Organizations are places where people do more than just work. Human contact is inevitable and, from it, an organizational culture is created which is very different from company to company.

That is why, sometimes, among staff, rules can be implicitly accepted that all workers try to follow, but this can become somewhat confusing and lead to misunderstandings.

To avoid this type of situation, companies write company policies, with which they specify what and what workers cannot do, what is the philosophy of the organization and what the interaction with buyers should be like. Let’s take a closer look at what they are about, in addition to describing some of the types that exist and what they are intended to achieve.

    What are company policies?

    Company policies are statements of general principles that an organization undertakes to respect and enforce This type of document specifies the rules and guidelines that govern the operation of the company, establishing the best way for workers to behave, how they will interact appropriately with potential clients, and establishing how the rest of the documents will be prepared.

    To facilitate the dissemination and understanding of the company’s workers, it is recommended that this type of document be no more than two pages and that the points addressed be written as clearly as possible.

    Once the policy has been developed, This must be documented and included in the manuals where the management of the organization is specified What is written in it must be respected, implemented and serve as a reference for good behavior and work environment within the organization.

    Types of policies according to their scope

    Depending on the scope that has been sought to be achieved when developing the company policy, they can be divided into three types:

    1. General policies

    They reach the entire organization and mark its general lines. It must be verified that all departments are aware of these policies since they serve as a guide for the behavior of all company personnel.

    2. Departmental policies

    These are the rules by which each specific department is governed Within this type of policies, the most common are those that specify the quality objectives to be achieved by a branch of the organization, environmental policies, prevention of occupational risks…

    3. Specific policies

    They are those policies that are set to meet momentary needs or temporary activities that the company can carry out at a given time.

    Types of policies according to what they address in organizations

    There are several standards that must be stipulated in the form of company policies that include a series of aspects. Depending on the characteristics of the organization and its needs, it will be necessary to develop different points in the form of company policies. Below we present some of the most common:

    1. Quality management

    The company must indicate policies that are aimed at meeting the requirements and commitments set by the company

    They should also indicate how the organization intends to improve quality in the short and long term, and what system it has that is focused on this. This policy must be reviewed periodically.

    2. Environmental management

    Companies are required comply with current environmental regulations, and promote behaviors such as recycling, reducing pollution the use of public transportation.

    It is recommended that the company have some protocol to be able to deal with any incident in which the environment has been damaged, although the ideal is to have procedures that guarantee respect for nature.

    3. Safety and health at work

    It is essential that standards are available to guarantee responsible use of machinery and other tools in the company, with the aim of avoiding accidents and guaranteeing the physical and mental integrity of staff.

    There must also be protocols for action in the event of a workplace accident what are the rights and obligations of the worker for their own safety and that of their colleagues, and to what extent the company is responsible for improper use.

    4. Corporate governance

    How the organization is led must be specified. It is essential to understand who is behind the company’s movements, since this will clarify what the objectives of this organization as a whole are and what its philosophy is.

    5. Staff conduct

    The policies focused on this point indicate What tasks employees perform and their responsibilities when they are in the workplace

    This point can be fundamental to guarantee a good work environment, however it can include aspects that can generate some controversy, which is why it must be made very clear what workers can and cannot do.

    Some of the topics discussed at this point are the dress code or when electronic devices can be used to communicate with family.

    6. Compensation and anti-harassment policies

    It is essential to specify how the company acts in situations of injustice between employees or if there has been any type of incident related to harassment or abuse of power.

    In every organization there must be a clear policy regarding this, and indicate what rights and compensation employees who have been victims of inappropriate conduct can request

    Disciplinary measures must be indicated for those who have committed the abuse. It is especially important to ensure that when the contract is signed it is clearly indicated what is meant by discriminatory conduct and/or harassment.

      7. Substance use

      These types of business policies are not so well known because it is usually implicit that a company cannot consume alcohol, hallucinogenic drugs and other narcotics within it or during working hours. However, given the characteristics of some organizations (e.g. brewery) sometimes it is necessary to specify that it cannot be consumed in the workplace

      It may also be the case that it is necessary to indicate that the consumption of drugs such as tobacco or even substitutes such as electronic cigarettes are not allowed in the facilities.

      In addition, action plans can be included if there is a suspicion that the person who has consumed alcohol at work could really be suffering from a substance abuse problem and, knowing this, the company can act to contribute to their rehabilitation.

      8. Privacy and confidentiality

      If a service is offered, it is very important that the organization specify To what extent will you use data from both workers and customers?

      These types of policies are usually aimed at protecting the company, but they also allow us to offer a certain degree of transparency towards the market and the workers themselves.

      Confidentiality policies protect sensitive information held by the organization, in order to guarantee a good legal relationship between staff, the company and buyers.

      9. Refund

      Depending on what product or service the organization offers, it must be prepared for situations in which the client has expressed dissatisfaction with what they have received

      It must be clear, either on the organization’s website or in the instruction manual that the purchased product may include, in which situations the customer will have the right to a refund.

      10. Ethics

      It should be clarified that ethical behavior of staff is understood both when interacting with other workers and with buyers or people interested in the company’s service.