Coping With Anxiety: Mindfulness Techniques To Reduce Stress And Anxiety

Stress is a natural response of the body to challenging situations, but when it becomes chronic, it can negatively affect our physical and mental health. Mindfulness, or full attention, is an ancient practice that has proven to be effective in reducing stress and improving quality of life. In this article, we will explain mindfulness techniques that you can incorporate into your daily routine to manage stress more effectively.

What is mindfulness?

Mindfulness is the ability to pay attention to the present moment in a focused and non-judgmental way. You are aware of your thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations here and now. Víctor Fernando Pérez López explains: “Mindfulness or full attention is a set of tools that allows us to develop skills to welcome the internal experiences that we live in the present, facing them from a positive, welcoming and accepting attitude.”

This practice not only helps reduce stress, but is also a valuable technique for coping with anxiety in challenging situations, providing clarity and calm to respond more effectively.

Benefits of mindfulness to reduce stress

They stand out:

    Mindfulness techniques to incorporate into your daily life

    The most important ones are:

    1. Mindfulness Meditation

    It involves spending time focusing your attention on a focal point, such as breathing. How to practice:

      Víctor Fernando Pérez López mentions: “It is not about having a blank mind or stopping thinking, but about realizing all these experiences that we are going through and, if we realize that we are going to the past or the future, kindly being able to return to the present moment.” Mindfulness meditation is also ideal for meditation exercises, helping to reduce stress and promoting a state of mental calm.

      2. Body scan

      This technique involves directing your attention to different parts of the body to release accumulated tension. How to practice:

        3. Conscious observation of thoughts

        Instead of getting caught up in thoughts, watch them pass by like clouds in the sky. You don’t need to judge them, reject them or conflict with them. I’ll show you how in session. How to practice:

          It is normal that in your first mindfulness practices, you manage to do it for a few seconds; sometimes for less than 1 minute, it will improve. I will guide you to strengthen your mindfulness in session.

          Integration of mindfulness into everyday activities

          It is not necessary to set aside long periods to practice mindfulness; You can incorporate it into your daily routines.

            Tips for maintaining a consistent practice

            You have to take into account:

            • Start little by little: Spend a few minutes a day and gradually increase the time.
            • Be patient with yourself: It is normal for the mind to wander; The important thing is to return to the focus without judging.
            • Establish a routine: Practice at the same time each day to create a habit.
            • Seek support: Consider joining individual therapy with a mindfulness specialist to successfully develop this practice.

            Mindfulness is an accessible and effective tool to reduce stress and improve your overall well-being. By incorporating these techniques into your daily life, you can develop greater resilience and adequately resolve moments of anxiety in the face of challenging situations; living fully and consciously.

            As Víctor Fernando Pérez López points out: “These techniques allow us to recognize everything that is happening in our present moment and face it from a positive, compassionate and accepting attitude.” Start practicing mindfulness today and discover the benefits it can bring to your life.

            Do you want to improve your quality of life?

            In addition to our anxiety specialist Víctor Fernando Pérez López, ENDI En Directo has a team of mindfulness experts. We offer you personalized tools to help you reduce stress and anxiety, improving your general well-being.