Despertares Psychological Consultation, Awarded With The Dr. Fleming Award

Despertares Psychological Consultation, awarded the Dr. Fleming award

In a recent edition, the European Society for Social and Cultural Promotion brought together the main personalities in the Spanish health sector. The ceremony took place at the exclusive Hotel Wellington in Madrid on Friday, September 29; At this event, tribute was paid to outstanding professionals in medicine and science in Spain in their third edition of the Dr. Fleming Award for Healthcare Excellence.

Representing Psychological Consultation Awakenings Present were Roberto John Roberts, deputy director of Consulta Despertares, and Beatriz Romero Martín, director of the clinics. The gala was masterfully conducted by the journalist and communicator José Luis Toral. During his opening speech, Toral highlighted the essence of this recognition, which honors those who dedicate their lives to medicine and scientific research, highlighting generosity, humanity and the search to save lives and improve the quality of life of patients.

Luis María Ansón, Honorary President of the European Society for Social and Cultural Promotion, could not attend due to health problems, but delivered words of congratulations virtually. She emphasized the importance of this sector and extended her congratulations to the awardees, including the director and founder of Consulta Psicológica Despertares.

Consulta Despertares receives the award in the Best Health Psychology Clinic section

The expected moment has arrived and José Luis Toral began to narrate the beginnings of the journey of Consulta Psicológica Despertares, as well as the outstanding career of its founder. A video was projected on the screen that recounted the history and achievements of Consulta Despertares. Immediately afterwards, Beatriz Romero, the director of this project that already has with 8 centers in the Community of Madrid, was invited to the stage. With visible emotion, she wanted to highlight the change in perspective that our society has experienced, especially since the beginning of the pandemic, when it comes to mental health.

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“When I started in psychology, more than 12 years ago, psychology was taboo, people needed it but were very ashamed to admit it, and of course, very ashamed to go. That evidently harmed the therapies. That little by little changed until we experienced a very important event, which was the Covid crisis, where, as you will remember, we all generally had a very bad time. That was the starting point of the change. People began to recognize that they were having a very bad time, and that they needed help, so psychologists, who had been in the background for a long time, came to the fore to help people during the crisis, and also after. Today, there are many people, some even famous, who admit to having a mental disorder and go to a psychologist. This was a call to the entire population, since a psychologist is not a shrink, as was said before. He is a professional prepared to help people manage those situations that they do not know how to manage correctly. Having said all this, I am happy to say that psychology has finally found a good place in our society.”

At this event, the renowned psychologist and first Ombudsman for Minors in Spain, Javier Urra, was appointed Honorary Member of the Council of the European Society for Social and Cultural Promotion. After expressing her gratitude and receiving her diploma, she began the gala.


This outstanding recognition has been granted to both Consulta Psicológica Despertares and Beatriz Romero, by virtue of their tireless work for the benefit of society and the profoundly positive impact they have generated. During the 11 years of successful history of the Consulta Despertares clinics, its team of professionals has maintained a constant commitment to excellence in the provision of services.

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“I would like, in the acknowledgments section, to thank the European Society for Cultural and Social Promotion for having granted us this award. Also thank the Despertares team, but also the past team, because in the end many psychologists have passed through our team and they have all helped with this recognition, the patients who have come to us, who in some way have taught us a lot, to the Despertares administration team, which thanks to their help has allowed us to grow, to Roberto, the deputy director of Consulta Despertares, the person who gave the necessary turnaround to the company that allowed us to grow widely, to be able to open clinics. And lastly, and this is special for me, I would like to thank my parents, who from heaven, where they are, will be happy with this achievement. Thank you so much!”

On behalf of the entire Despertares Psychological Consultation team, We want to express our sincere gratitude for the trust you have given us during these 11 years. We have always sought to offer the best of ourselves, although sometimes we have not reached our own standards. We will continue to work tirelessly to improve and continue to provide our support in a professional, personal and warm manner.