How Do I Know If I Suffer From Work Stress?

Do you know someone who has never felt stress at work? Do the exercise of remembering the last time you suffered from it. I am sure that you will quickly be able to identify that moment.

We live in a society that lives increasingly faster, and the work environment is not exempt from this situation. Everything is for yesterday. In fact, it is strange that within a work experience we feel happy with our work on a perennial basis, since only the fact of working on many occasions makes us remain in states of alert.

In this article I will teach you to identify what causes us to be subject to burnout syndrome and what to do to feel good again in our work environment To do this, it is very important to know the difference between healthy stress (eustress) and work stress, also called burnout.

    What is work stress?

    Work stress or burnout syndrome refers to a state of extreme physical, mental and emotional exhaustion, to which a person reaches due to their work situation

    That is, they are those stressful situations experienced within the workplace that harm the employee’s lifestyle.

    On January 1, 2022, the WHO already classifies burnout syndrome as a disease, and the International Labor Organization (ILO) estimates that 36% of employees work excessively.


    The main trigger for burnout comes from the worker’s working conditions. The difference between burnout and stress is that stress can be positive (eustress) since it can make us be more effective, react better to adverse situations and be more adaptable, among others.

    Burnout is a chronic work stress that makes it impossible for us to remain in a state of calm and tranquility in addition to paralyzing us both physically and psychologically, therefore, burnout is always something negative.

    Stress at work


      Below, I list a series of factors that can trigger the appearance of burnout



          The symptoms are classified into different groups depending on what human activities they affect It is important to know that depending on the biological predisposition of each person, they will be more or less predisposed to each of them. I classify them below.



            • Muscle pain and contractures.
            • Excessive sweating, usually in the hands and feet.
            • Stomach problems (tummy pain, constipation, gastritis…)
            • Hypertension problems.
            • Tachycardia.

            • Vomiting or nausea.
            • Headaches.

            • Sleep disturbances.
            • Significant weight gain or loss.


            • Tendencies to stay up late or sleep excessively.
            • Social isolation.
            • Problems communicating with others.
            • Absences from work.
            • Dietary changes.
            • Predisposition to have aggressive behaviors.
            • Incomprehension.
            • Addictions to pharmaceuticals, tobacco, alcohol, drugs, coffee…


            As you have seen in the article, work stress can incapacitate us in our daily lives. It is therefore necessary to know how to prevent it.

            1. Job satisfaction

            Ask yourself why you are not happy in your job and what can you do to change it

            2. Have a healthy lifestyle

            Do physical exercise, have a good diet, practice relationship techniques and enjoy everyday life, among others. They will help you extract all the stress that is caused by your work

            3. Personal support

            It is essential that you present your current situation to those closest to you; this It will make you see things from another perspective and they will provide you with support for those decisions you have to make.

            • Related article: “How to give emotional support, in 6 steps”

            4. Job development

            Feeling in continuous work development It will prevent you from falling into the blockage of feeling stagnant at work and, therefore, we will avoid the lack of personal fulfillment that so characterizes burnout syndrome.

            5. Control schedules

            Don’t overdo your workday Working more hours on a specific day cannot become habitual.

            • You may be interested: “How to better manage time at work: 12 tips (and what to avoid)”

            6. Don’t push yourself too hard

            Reduce the number of parallel tasks.

            If you experience stressful situations in your work environment and you do not know how to manage them, through coaching and neurolinguistic programming (NLP), I can help you reverse the situation and find your personal and professional benefits.