How Many People Live In You?

How many people live in you

Have you ever woken up feeling like someone completely different? Maybe today you are the optimist who sees the glass half full, but tomorrow you find yourself trapped in the deepest of pessimism.

Even within the same day, you can go from being the adventurous person who seeks new experiences, to the “coward” who only wants to take refuge in the comfort of the known.

This emotional and behavioral swing will have made you ask yourself more than once, “but who AM I really?” The optimistic person, the pessimistic, the brave, the coward…?

Well, feeling and thinking like this is not a peculiarity of your personality. and the question “Who am I?”has already been raised by practically all the ancient sages, philosophers and thinkers, throughout the history of humanity. They are the ones who began to realize that, within us, there are multiple people. We all have within us a series of characters that emerge and take center stage, according to our experience, the moment in life we ​​are in, and the situations that surround us.

Understanding subpersonalities

Within us there is a diverse team, each with their own opinions, desires and fears. That’s why sometimes, we find ourselves thinking one thing, feeling another, and doing the opposite.

The Italian psychiatrist Roberto Assagioli was the one who gave the name subpersonalities to this group of different people who live under the same skin.

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    Subpersonalities are necessary for our survival

    Subpersonalities are not only normal, they are necessary. They arise due to evolutionary needs, in favor of our own survival. To give us strength, to protect us. But once they are inside us, some of them will try to predominate over the others, depending on the vital moment in which we find ourselves. All of them are in a permanent struggle to take center stage in our lives.

    When we say “I am like this,” we are referring to the person who predominates in us.

    Coming to understand this internal dance, in which child and adult parts, selfish and generous parts, aggressive and compassionate parts coexist, will help us to discover our true Self, what we really are. Our essence.

    To begin, we have to learn to know ourselves and identify the different people who live in us. Become aware that we ARE NOT our subpersonalities. They are just noise in our heads.

    The observing SELF: our conductor

    The sum of subpersonalities is like a great orchestra where each one has its own instrument. What happens when they all try to play at the same time? That fight we talked about before to take center stage arises, and a deafening noise occurs in our heads.

    We need someone to conduct that orchestra. And the only one capable of doing so is our transpersonal consciousness. It is she who is at the center of all subpersonalities. The only one with the power to see each one of them from the outside. It is our observing Selfwhich represents our true essence.

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    The observing Self has the ability to:

      The observing self is not only the moderator of our subpersonalities, it is that little voice that does not analyze or question anything. Just accept things as they are and commit to harmony, love, growth and abundance for everyone.

      Transpersonal coaching and subpersonalities

      Transpersonal coaching works with specific tools that help coachees to identify and know in depth the subpersonalities that have the most weight in your current life momentto redefine which of them you want to have greater prominence and discover your true SELF, your observing Self, your true essence.

      Do you want to train in transpersonal coaching to help others know their subpersonalities?

      If you are interested in learning the practical and theoretical aspects of transpersonal coaching, and helping other people identify and know their subpersonalities, Innerkey courses are for you. Here you will find options whether you want to train as a Professional Coach, or if you want to incorporate the principles of this coaching approach in areas such as leadership and team management, education, career guidance, and more. To learn more about Innerkey services, visit this page.