How To Act With A Narcissistic Boss

Labor relations can become reasons for conflict that extend into various areas. Lack of communication is presented as one of the main problems that affect employees in companies. This can cause misunderstandings both between bosses and those who share the same workplace. These inconveniences have a negative impact on the team’s work performance, resulting in poor performance and a constant lack of motivation. This scenario becomes more acute when it comes to bosses with malicious intentions who seek to manipulate any situation to obtain benefits. The idea of ​​generating discomfort towards an employee, regardless of their position, tends to attract them constantly, causing serious problems for those who must tolerate their attitudes.

In this PsychologyFor article we will provide you with information about how to act with a narcissistic boss

Subtly set limits

When we have a close bond with a narcissistic boss, it is common for difficulties to impose conditions because these types of personalities have a marked tendency to manipulate the situations they experience daily and obtain benefits in their favor. To counteract this condition, it is most convenient to set limits subtly so that the boss does not become an adversary and can understand them.

If you want to learn to recognize narcissistic people you can read our article What is it to be a narcissist?

Take distance

For the relationship with a superior to be more bearable, it is pertinent stay away for as long as possible that is possible. In this way, a narcissistic boss will have a very difficult time establishing orders that lead to a tense and uncomfortable bond.

Avoid the fight

When dealing with dominant and persevering people, it is preferable not generate major conflicts because they will not see reason. In other words, narcissistic bosses show an inability to consider their own flaws and take their mistakes into account.

Likewise, this modality has the effect that fights are a waste of time for both narcissistic bosses and their employees. For this reason, avoiding fights is a notable option.

Maintain neutrality

On several occasions, the narcissist seeks to establish alliances with the people within his reach. To achieve this, he makes biased comments with the aim of obtaining benefits in return. In contrast, neutrality is manifested by refrain from making value judgments about the topics that a narcissistic boss may address

Use your sense of humor

Narcissistic people may have a sense of humor, but it is a quality that is only present in an intimate circle. Therefore, communication may not be established correctly and misunderstandings may occur.

As a result of all this, make use of a sense of humor It can destabilize these types of individuals.

Keep calm

In general terms, these people can make repeated attempts to dominate the situations they experience. In a complex work environment, tensions are present at various times of the day. To avoid having major problems with narcissistic bosses, keep calm It becomes another viable option to avoid problems.

In this sense, performing breathing exercises can help reduce anxiety and stress.

Establish clear communication

Narcissists may also try to twist other people’s words. One of the most effective ways to avoid these problems is through a clear and concise communication which prevents the employee from suffering moments of uncertainty.

To achieve this purpose, try to use simple vocabulary without double meanings.

How to deal with a narcissistic boss - Establish clear communication

Leave everything in writing

Writing is an effective tool that facilitates complete understanding with other people. This is achieved because no one can alter what has been written without the consent of its author. Thus, document in writing what was discussed prevents narcissistic bosses from taking advantage of their employees.

Avoid flattery

On many occasions, people may believe that they should make positive comments to their bosses as a sign of admiration. However, it is essential take a distant attitude with those people who want to stand out and feed their ego.

The goal of this is to prevent narcissists from feeling superior and having unpleasant attitudes in the work environment.

Seek support from colleagues

To prevent the work environment from becoming a hostile place, it is essential to emotional support and peer support In this way, the person who is in contact with a narcissistic boss will feel significant relief that will allow them to have greater peace of mind.

How to act with a narcissistic boss - Seek support from colleagues

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to How to act with a narcissistic boss we recommend that you enter our Personal Growth and Self-Help category.


  • Pereira Palacios, V. (2022). Narcissistic personality disorder. A comprehensive approach based on Young’s Schema Therapy. University of the Uruguayan Republic, Faculty of Psychology.
  • Serra Undurraga, J.K. (2016). The diagnosis of narcissism: a relational reading. Magazine of the Spanish Association of Neuropsychiatry, 36 (129), 171-187.

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