How To Ask A Man On A Date With A Message?

Thanks to new communication technologies, we currently have alternative methods to ask a man on a date. If you are shy and have a hard time telling a guy that you would like to go out with him, An easy way to do this is by sending a message

How to ask that boy you like on a date?

You just have to know a series of very easy steps to do it correctly. Throughout this article we are going to break down the proper way to start a fruitful conversation.

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Next We tell you these steps and how to execute them

Step #1: Think of the right scenario

When you are completely determined to propose a date by message to a man you are attracted to, the first thing you should do is devise this first date, that is, What would be the best option for you to feel safe while you think that this idea could be interesting? for the person you like.

Ambiguity in the message you want to convey is not advisable, you must calmly weigh what you want to say and how you are going to say it and above all be concise. Propose a place, the day and the time, never use general formulas such as: “let’s see if we can meet up someday”… so that when you make your proposal, you have a firm base to hold on to. Otherwise your invitation may not be clear or cause uncertainty due to your nerves and this may result in your appointment never being formalized.

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That is to say, If you don’t have a clear idea about what the appointment should be like, you may not get any results

If you know something that especially interests or likes him, think about something that is related to it, for example, if you know that a certain music group he likes, propose to go to a concert of this group in this way you will specify a place and date while carrying out an activity that matches their tastes, this will make them feel comfortable and have a good time with you.

However, if it happens that you don’t know this person very well even though he or she catches your attention, try a standard formula, for example, meet for coffee in some elegant establishment, this way you can start a conversation with him, get to know each other better. mutually, without the date prolonging too much in case there was not too much feeling.

Step #2: Establish a pleasant conversation

Try to start a conversation before trying to invite someone this way you will pave the way, especially if you only know each other by sight or you study/work together but in different sectors so that you only say hello and goodbye.

It begins naturally and spontaneously, without any apparent intention do not just jump on him because perhaps this could scare him away, for example, after greeting him, ask him how his life is going, what he did over the weekend… this way you will subtly show that you feel interest in him.

Also, by applying this simple step, You can probe the person and find out if they are interested in you If she answers your questions and is also interested in you in the same way, this may mean that she is possibly interested in you too.

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If you are not absolutely sure that this person has your mobile number, then introduce yourself first in your message.

If you have only known him for a short time or if you were recently introduced to him, for example, at a meeting of friends or celebrationthe ideal would be for you to remind him of his name and where and circumstances you met or who introduced you.

Step #3: Take action and propose a meeting

If you have already gone through these steps and have started a conversation with this person, and you have messaged each other, don’t hesitate to invite her Let her know that you would like to get to know her more deeply and if it turns out that this person feels the same way about you, then make your invitation for a certain day and place.

If they reject your plan but it turns out that they propose to see you on another specific occasion, this is a good way to find out if this person is really interested in you. If the day you have proposed is not suitable for him (for whatever reason, he may have an appointment with the dentist…), but he proposes any other day, then you will know for sure that this person is interested in you

If, on the other hand, she tells you that she can’t on that day but doesn’t offer you an alternative to meet at another time, then it’s better not to insist because she’s probably not interested in you.

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Step #4: Take care of the small details

When the person you are interested in has accepted your date, make sure you have all the ends tied up, you must be clear about the meeting place and time so that there is no room for error. So once you have all this ready, let him clearly know that you are very excited to meet him and then say goodbye with a “see you” or something like that.

Anyway, You have to keep in mind that on the first date the nerves always come out more Therefore, you will have to find a way to mitigate them, remember that by following these steps you have a 90% chance of success.

Step #5: If something goes wrong, look to the future

Finally, if for whatever reason that person revokes your invitation, Don’t lose your nerve, let him know that you just wanted to get to know him a little better and then say goodbye politely And above all, do not despair, you will find many more opportunities.