How To Be A Good Team Leader: 9 Tips

Teamwork is one of the fundamental components both in organizations and in other less formalized contexts. Many situations require the cooperation of groups of people, and reaching the objectives set in this way is not something that can be achieved simply by joining forces. Someone is needed to coordinate and supervise the entire project, motivate, generate changes in the division of labor, etc. In other words, you need a leader.

In this article we will see What are the skills to develop to be a good group leader?, going beyond the individualistic perception of “everyone doing their own thing.” To do this, we will review some basic principles of leadership.

    How to be a good leader at work

    In each group made up of people, regardless of their degree of specialization, it is necessary for someone to play the role of leader. Despite the confusion surrounding this concept, it should be noted that leadership is not based on imposing one’s own interests over those of others, but on adopt a strategic decision-making role that directs the group towards its goals in the best possible way.

    Taking this into account, let’s look at several tips on how to be a good leader, although the specific skills to work on also depend on the specific characteristics of the type of organization you are in and the work environment you want to enhance.

    1. Get used to having everything organized

    Chaos is not an option. As a leader has to be attentive to many work processes at the same time, it is essential to know at all times where the necessary information can be consulted, who is in charge of what, and what tasks must be carried out during the day, week and the month. Failure in this aspect can generate dysfunctions that negatively affect the entire structure of the group or organization.

    2. Learn to communicate

    The strategic nature of the leader makes it essential to establish a constant flow of communication between him and the workers he supervises. It is necessary to keep in mind what he knows and what the rest do not know, so that errors of interpretation do not appear and do not assume that the other understands what is being talked about when speaking using references.

    The latter is especially important if the authority that the leader exudes means that some people do not ask when ambiguities appear in the communication.

      3. Make the functions of each one clear

      It is key to have the ability to resolve doubts when doubts arise about where one type of work ends and the other begins. In this way, there will be no gaps in responsibility and each one knows from whom he receives instructions and who he supervises.

      4. Go through experiences

      This last aspect is key. To be a good leader you always need to have experience in the area in which you work, for a very simple reason: when you start working, it is impossible to foresee the situations you will face, regardless of their importance. That’s why, you have to encounter problems to learn from them

      5. Know how to delegate

      In order to manage your efforts well, it is necessary to know when the time has come to delegate a task to another worker. To do this, it is necessary to carry out an assessment of the group’s competencies, and see if this workload is significant and helps the group in general to function better.

      6. Train assertiveness

      A leader cannot avoid situations that may displease him or another member of the team simply by not going through that experience, if doing so is necessary to positively affect the team as a whole Therefore, we must respect other people’s points of view while expressing very directly what we hold ourselves, even if it contradicts the opinions of others.

      7. Know how to motivate

      Each team and each person have different motivation dynamics. Knowing how to find the formula to keep everyone performing at a point of balance between production and well-being and personal satisfaction It is key, and for this you have to know how to mobilize groups.

      8. Learn from the sector

      It is essential to know what the group or organization works with. To do this, it is very useful to go through all the phases of the work process, or as many as possible, to see how the workers in each department or segment of the work chain experience it, if this system exists.

      9. Listen to constant feedback

      Within a company or a work group a very valuable amount of information is generated It is necessary to know how to listen to them to know the needs of the rest of the team, the problems that arise, their interests, etc.