How To Be More Spontaneous

If you want to be more spontaneous, you need to free yourself from certain mental patterns that, learned in the past, limit you to living only in a certain way. A spontaneous person is one who experiences each situation as if it were a new situation each time; he is not governed by rigid customs that, in reality, restrict freedom of action. Therefore, the living of new and wonderful experiences.

This does not mean that spontaneous people do not rely on previous learning or that they are not governed by norms or modes of conduct and coexistence. However, everything learned is constantly reviewed in the face of each new challenge and life experience, adapting everything that needs to change in each situation. Spontaneous people are those who manifest in themselves a flexible, happy and changing life. In this PsychologyFor article, we are going to show you effective tips on how to be more spontaneous

Listen to the voice of your heart

Spontaneous people are those whose hearts beat to the rhythm of life itself. They are very vital people in keeping with the fluctuating and joyful rhythm of life The reason why they act like this is because they follow the instructions that their soul dictates to them. The spiritual heart of human beings is connected with all life, with our neighbors, with nature, with animals, etc.

If you want to be more spontaneous, listen to that voice and the voice of universal consciousness, which allows us to stay alive and act freely.

Stop the voice in your mind

In contrast to our inner voice, the voice of our mind is censoring and limiting and rigidly restricts our behavior to previous learning, barely offering us the opportunity to experience new experiences that could nourish us considerably.

Many of the psychological problems come from a lack of spontaneity, of life and a great submission to this mental voice that tortures us and does not allow us to live with true freedom. So, if you’re wondering how I can be a spontaneous person, stop that mental voice, or at least try to reduce its impact selecting those messages from which you can take advantage. This will greatly benefit listening to the inner voice of the soul and, with it, spontaneity.

Use meditative breathing

Listening to our inner voice and discarding the mental voice as a means to be more spontaneous people is not an easy process. Therefore, we must arm ourselves with patience and make use of all those tools that help us achieve it.

One of them is meditative breathing, which consists of deep, calm and observant breathing that allows you to sharpen your attention and inner ear It is not about directing your gaze towards anything in particular, just focusing on your breathing and observing the messages that your inner voice transmits. In this article you will find other breathing exercises that can help you.

With patience and time, you will learn to differentiate between both voices, checking how the mental voice emits messages that produce restlessness, while the voice of our soul dictates advice that facilitates our journey in life. As you learn to differentiate them, as well as reduce and eliminate negative force of the mental voice, you will be more spontaneous, happy and calm.

How to be more spontaneous - Use meditative breathing

Rejoice and rejoice

As we have previously commented, a spontaneous person is highly connected to life. These people, like life, are happy, flexible and adaptable to situations, creative, etc. So, if you want to be more spontaneous, you should make an effort to make yourself happy and to make others happy, because that It will help you feed the life force within you and, consequently, to appear much more spontaneous.

Create empathetic and cordial relationships

Another characteristic of spontaneous people is that they are naturally affable and cordial with everyone. They have a great ability to connect with the people around them. Thus, work on empathy and healthy relationships and cordial will help you open your heart and, therefore, trust more in life, in your neighbors and be more spontaneous.

If you need help doing this, in this article, we’ll show you how to practice empathy in my life.

Maintain contact with nature and animals

Nature and animals are important and inseparable elements of life. As we have mentioned before, spontaneity constitutes a pure manifestation of life in the person himself, while we are connected to each other with nature and with animals.

Therefore, if you are wondering how to be more spontaneous, approaching these two environments will help you manifest the life that lives inside you and, therefore, appear much more spontaneous.

How to be more spontaneous - Keep in touch with nature and animals

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  • Gramsci, A. (1931). Spontaneity and conscious direction. Marxists Internet Archive.

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