How To Change Your Life Without Money

Although it may seem like a utopia in a world that revolves around material and economic matters, changing your life without money is possible. Sometimes, there are situations in which people are forced to change their lives but do not have the financial resources to start something new from scratch. Although this is a situation that, in principle, can distress us, we do not have to worry because there are several options to take into account that will facilitate the transition to this new life.

In the following PsychologyFor article we propose 8 tips on How to change your life without money or with minimal economic resources.

Request temporary accommodation from a family member or friend

First of all, if you need it, it will be a priority look for accommodation to live, at least temporarily, until our personal situation improves and stabilize a little. A possible option is to request shared accommodation at the home of a family member or friend. On specific occasions, it is possible that someone lets us live temporarily in an uninhabited house of someone in our family or acquaintances.

If this option is not possible, we can always search online for options to share a home in exchange for performing domestic services. In this way, our help at home will serve as a form of payment for the rent of the room or house provided.

Depending on our future projects and our way of seeing life, this accommodation can be temporary or, in the event that both parties agree with the domestic service-accommodation exchange, permanent.

Use the library internet to look for work

Taking into account that we live in a society where everything is driven by money, our second priority will be to try get a job that, at a minimum, gives us the income necessary to live. In this sense, one way to carry out an active job search is making use of the library internet public. From there we can search for work quickly, comfortably and more generally.

To help you prepare for your interviews, here are some Strengths and Weaknesses to say in a job interview.

Opt for highly sought-after jobs

An easy option that can provide us with the money we need to get ahead is opt for the most in-demand jobs, such as home cleaning and elderly care. Construction and hospitality would also be presented as very affordable job options due to the high labor demand that currently exists.

Although these jobs are usually undervalued in our society, the truth is that they are a very useful tool for certain social groups. For example, mothers who are separated or not who adjust this work with raising their children, young people who are finishing their studies or starting their career path, etc. Furthermore, although it may not seem like it, and despite their physical hardness (for example, in the case of workers and home assistants), these jobs can be rewarding on a personal level.

Use public transport or travel on foot

Another tool to find a job is deliver the resume in person to companies To do this, instead of resorting to the convenience of traveling by car, we can walk or use the different public transport options.

Currently there are also options for share a car with other people which allow transportation costs to be greatly reduced. To use this service, simply search online for ride-sharing options in your geographic area and negotiate the trip.

Perform relaxation exercises

Life changes always shake part of the foundations that support our lives. For this reason, after having addressed the issue of accommodation and job search, it is very important dedicate time to health care

Learning to breathe and relax is a fundamental technique to be able to address life’s problems in a much calmer way. Likewise, practicing breathing and relaxation exercises daily will help us stay strong and have enough courage to move forward in this change of stage in our lives. These exercises are simple and can be easily done at home without having to attend certain private classes.

How to change your life without money - Perform relaxation exercises

Exercise in park facilities

A possible option if we do not have much economic income is make use of public sports facilities which, in many cities, we will find in parks. Along with breathing exercises and relaxations, regular physical exercise will strengthen us physically and spiritually to better face the vicissitudes that may arise on our path.

Plan excursions to nearby natural environments

Another way to exercise and renew our strength by breathing fresh air and reconnecting with nature is to do excursions in natural environments of the surroundings. The connection with the birds, with the trees,… quiet walks along rural paths will help us calm our nerves and regain our strength to face the beginning of this new stage.

Associate with NGOs and associations

Finally, if you intend to make changes in your life, it is important to maintain good social relationships and spend time on hobbies that cover our personal interests. Taking into account that right now we do not have money, two good options to cover this need for social interaction and leisure is to associate with NGOs or specific associations that share common interests

Carrying out activities in these associations will nourish us internally by doing what we like, helping people who need us, in frequent contact with good people. As a beginning of this new stage of life, these options will allow us to carry out this transition without needing to be overwhelmed by not having many financial resources. In the following article you will find information on How to change your life at 40.

How to change your life without money - Join NGOs and associations

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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