How To Face The First Job Interview In A Selection Process

The first job interview is very important, since it is the first contact you will have with the company you want to work for, and the phase in which you pass the initial “face to face” filter of an organization, in which the discards are more numerous. In addition, perhaps this will also be when you will meet your future superior or supervisor and, therefore, it is essential to make a good impression.

If you have managed to be interviewed for the job, it means that you have already passed the first resume filter, that is, they have received your resume and it fits the job profile they are looking for. In this way, it will be important to face the first interview correctly to confirm the skills and abilities that have interested them.

Below we will introduce you Some recommendations to keep in mind the first time you face a job interview in a company so that your execution is as appropriate as possible, showing your strengths and adapting to the characteristics of the job we choose.

    How to go through the first job interview in a company?

    It is important that when facing the first job interview you are clear about a series of issues, this means that it is recommended, to achieve an adequate first contact, to take into account a series of aspects both prior to the interview and at the time of perform the.

    Factors to take into account before the interview

    Given the importance of the first interview, since as mentioned it is the first contact with the company, It is essential that you carry out prior preparation and keep in mind some factors that can help or benefit you when doing it

    1. Practice the interview

    As with any other action that you want to execute correctly, it will be very important to practice, rehearse, prior to conducting the interview, Keep in mind what you want to convey, how you want to do it, what points you want to highlight, what skills and abilities you would like to show

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    You can do this exercise alone, for example, in front of a mirror. This will allow you to practice what you want to say and observe your body expression or you can also use the role playing technique, which consists of simulating the interview situation with the help of a family member or friend, acting as interviewer and interviewee.

    This way you can practice your way of answering the most recurring questions. This last technique also It allows you to have feedback on your execution from another person

    Work interview

      2. Gather information about the person interviewing you

      Know the name, as well as the job position held by the person who will interview you, It helps you show that you are prepared for this and allows you to create a closer first contact, not so impersonal

      If it is possible to access this information, do so and demonstrate that you have done so in a subtle way, something that you can easily do in the final phase of the interview, which is when you are expected to ask your questions about the job, the company, supervisors, etc.

      3. Information about the company

      To show interest, it is good to have been informed, for example by visiting the organization’s website and knowing both the most basic data about how it operates and produces goods and services, as well as the company’s values ​​and the most general aspects of its work philosophy and even about the competing companies it may have.

      4. Data from your previous job

      It is very likely that the interviewer will ask you about your previous job, what work you did, what the company was like, how many years you were working, as well as the name of your previous boss and contact information.

      It is important not to speak very badly or criticize the company where you worked in an unconstructive way nor to your boss, since this fact shows a bad attitude.

        5. Know your resume

        The resume has been your letter of introduction to get to know you and select you; For this reason, it is essential to prepare what aspects you want to point out about it, what you are interested in putting emphasis on. Don’t consider bombarding them with information about yourself and your work past since that would overshadow the really relevant aspects about your candidacy.

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        Also prepare possible doubts or questions that they may ask you, since in many cases you are expected to ask several to see to what extent you are interested in the position and have informed yourself about the company.

          6. Collect information about the job you choose

          Evidently, knowing what functions and what work you are expected to perform is essential so that the interview is fruitful and is not limited to answering questions with answers that are technically adequate.

          In addition, it can help you prepare and select which aptitudes and abilities of yours you want to highlight, trying to make these the most relevant and associated with the job you aspire to.

          7. Confirm access to the interview location and control times

          To avoid possible setbacks, it is important that you make sure where the interview will take place, what is the best way to get to the place and what day and time it is scheduled. It is recommended to arrive at least 5 minutes early to be able to find the specific place where the interview will take place, to be able to relax before starting and make a good impression.

          In this way, confirming all these variables beforehand will also help you increase your security and feel calmer to reach the place without problems.

          8. Take care of the aesthetic

          In the same way that we have already pointed out some aspects to take into account to make a good first impression, such as being informed about who is interviewing you, it will also be essential that the first physical contact is positive. It is recommended that you prepare in advance the clothes that you will wear to the interview, trying to make it suitable for the job and the company

          Remember that sometimes less is more; especially if you are very young, don’t try to dress like something that is too far from what you really are. In most cases and jobs, you have to demonstrate professionalism, but without great pretensions or desire to impress or attract attention.

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            Factors to take into account during the interview

            The execution of the interview will be the decisive moment, key, to show that you have the capabilities and qualities to satisfactorily perform the functions of the job for which you are applying. Next, we will mention aspects to take into account.

            1. Be calm and show security

            If you have followed the advice that we have given you in the previous section, you are prepared to have a good interview; You know how to proceed, what you want to show about yourself, and you also know the company and your interviewer. Therefore, you have most of the variables under control, and when faced with what you cannot control, it is important to maintain a stoic attitude.

            In many ways, if you are not going to be selected, it is most likely because at the moment that position is not really for you not because you make small mistakes during the interview.

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            2. Follow the protocol in the first contact

            When you greet, shake the hand of the person interviewing you firmly and, following the protocol in these cases, address him with Mr. or Mrs. and his last name unless they tell you otherwise; In this way you will make a good impression, showing initiative and thus helping you feel a little calmer.

            Once the greeting has been made, wait to be offered a seat and for the interviewer to proceed with the start of the interview.

            3. Do not neglect verbal and physical expression

            The most important thing is to keep your back straight and not interrupt eye contact for many seconds ; In this way, you show that your focus of attention is on the conversation with the person interviewing you.

            It is also important to respect the speaking turn, letting the interviewer speak, not cutting him off, answering when he asks you and in an appropriate and concise manner but without answering only with monosyllables.