How To Improve Self-confidence

How to improve self-confidence

Self-confidence is not innate, so to improve it you simply have to learn and train to believe in yourself more. Self-confident people do not doubt their strengths and abilities, and increasing motivation and self-esteem is key to increasing personal well-being. It only takes a few simple exercises to significantly increase your self-confidence.

Do you want to know more about this topic? Keep reading! In this PsychologyFor article we offer you ten tips so that you can understand how to improve self-confidence.

Set a small goal and do it

The best way to achieve what you want is by setting goals. In general, starting to do this exercise can be difficult because we tend to always prefer the least tiring path, but goals only work if they help you trigger a virtuous circle in which with each achievement achieved you get a reward that motivates you to achieve. others even more important.

Therefore, stop giving yourself goals that you don’t even believe in and set some small goal that can be achieved in the short term. As you accumulate successes and defeats, your motivation and self-confidence will also increase.

Change a small habit

Speaking of small goals, do you want to believe in yourself again? Yes that’s how it is, change your daily routine. Next, choose a small habit that you want to eliminate, change or establish and set aside the appropriate amount of time to achieve it, such as a month. When you have managed to change that habit, you will be ready to move on to the next one.

In the following article we explain what a habit is and how to acquire it.

Face that situation that makes you feel uncomfortable

If we remember past situations faced successfully, we will have confidence in ourselves and our means. On the contrary, if every time you face an uncomfortable situation you run away, your brain will unconsciously begin to convince itself that you are not capable of facing that situation.

For this reason, what you should do is get out of your comfort zone and stop giving up on situations that may involve personal growth because of fear. If you gradually face situations that make you uncomfortable, the moment you succeed with any of them, the feeling of complacency and sense of power will increase, which in turn will improve your self-confidence.

Stop procrastinating

Do you want to feel better about yourself? Think about an activity or task that you have been putting off for too long and do it first thing in the morning instead of leaving it for the last day. If you need help with this, in the following article we explain How to stop procrastinating.

Keep your promises

Sometimes we lose confidence in ourselves when we don’t keep the promises we make to ourselves for too long. For example, when we return from vacation we may set out to get back in shape but forget the purpose after a few months.

Therefore, if you want to have more self-confidence, make yourself some realistic promises that you can fulfill and, above all, maintain them.

Celebrate your victories

Once you have achieved your aspirations by planning your goals according to the rule of “baby steps”, then notice your progress and reward it. We often forget to give value to the small achievements achieved, however, doing so It will help you enhance your sense of personal self-confidence and fill you with energy. Likewise, celebrating your victories will help you avoid giving up at the first hurdle.

How to improve self-confidence - Celebrate your victories

Train yourself

Constant training is something that goes beyond health, well-being and fitness, since any physical activity requires resilience, determination and motivation.

Likewise, also It is important to train what you already know how to do. If, for example, you know you have to play the piano at a friend’s wedding, practice in advance to be more confident instead of showing up with barely any practice and getting nervous five minutes before the wedding. event.

stop complaining so much

In some cases, complaining about what you can’t do or what you don’t have can become a habit for those people who don’t want to change. Learn to focus on what works in your life Instead of complaining all the time, it will help your self-esteem increase. Can you do something to solve your problems? smile and do it. Can’t you do anything to solve them? Smile and forget it.

In short, try to smile at life instead of complaining. This is a simple and effective gesture to improve your mood and boost your self-confidence.

Don’t compare yourself to others and surround yourself with the right people

If you focus on people who you think have done less than you, the problem would probably be solved. However, most people have a tendency to observe and compare themselves to people they consider more successful or “better.” Likewise, successful people generally do not compare themselves to anyone because they are already fully satisfied with what they have done.

Therefore, if you are surrounded by people who criticize you and do nothing other than repeat to you what you could do or become, without a minimum of acceptance, it is most likely that you should change friends and surround yourself with people who accept you just the way you are and that they transmit some positivity to you.

How to improve self-confidence - Don't compare yourself to others and surround yourself with the right people

Making mistakes is learning!

Accept your mistakes and don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Making mistakes is part of life and taking note of this is one of the milestones in developing healthy self-esteem. Keep in mind that mistakes can make you progress: if you live in the constant anxiety of making the wrong decision, you will never go beyond your limits to take a new path.

If after following these guidelines to try to regain self-confidence, but you see that you cannot, it is time to find external support, trusting a professional.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to How to improve self-confidence we recommend that you enter our Personal Growth and Self-Help category.


  • Giuliodori, A. (2021). 16 Modi per augmente la fiducia in se stessi. Retrieved from:
  • Lorusso, S. (2021). Self-esteem: 7 gold coins to increase trust in this case. Retrieved from:
  • Petrarch, A. (2022). Fiducia in se stessi | 8 strategies to increase it. Retrieved from:

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