How To Live With A Schizoaffective

How to live with a schizoaffective

There are people who may have diagnoses that indicate the presence of severe psychopathological conditions that require focused and precise attention to understand them. Especially if we want or have to live with subjects who can cause us feelings of anger, anguish, sadness, discomfort and uncertainty.

Given this, it is common for questions to arise regarding the ways of approaching people who have serious difficulties in interpersonal relationships, as well as in their moods. Having valuable tools to cope with relationships can lead to greater tolerance to the aspects that arise in coexistence. Do you want to know more about this? In this PsychologyFor article, we will provide you with information about how to live with a schizoaffective.

Look for information

Taking into account the particularities of people with a diagnosis of schizoaffective disorder can help understand modes of action from the same. It is important to keep in mind that schizoaffective disorder brings together characteristics from schizophrenia such as hallucinations and delusions along with mood variations that range from depressive and manic states. If we do not know the pathology, the way we use to connect can lead to dangerous behaviors on the part of those who suffer from it.

How to live with a schizoaffective - Seek information

Appeal to third parties to say no

To know how to live with a schizoaffective person, you must understand that people who suffer from this disorder have serious difficulties in accepting limits on their actions. In many cases, denying a request can lead to behavior that puts their own lives and the physical integrity of others at risk.

For this reason, when searching impose a limit against a certain order, one strategy consists of appealing to a third party that is not present so that major disturbances are not caused. As an example, if the person requested to be accompanied to the casino, one of the ways to address the situation could be to mention that there is a government regulation that prevents the population from attending these types of places.

Try to have professional treatments

Both psychological therapy and psychiatric consultations aim to enable the person to resolve certain conflicts that they have in the development of their daily life. Psychological therapy consists of a space for personal reflection regarding the emotions, thoughts and behaviors that command a person’s life.

Here it is essential to work on the situations that take place within the home to cope with them in a more enjoyable way. In cases of considerable severity, the provision of psychiatric medication may be effective only under the supervision of a professional.

Create routines

People with schizoaffective disorder present disorders in the organization of their lives. This can lead to various consequences that affect the people living in the home. For this reason, developing routines that involve physical, mental, dietary and sleep activity patterns It allows you to organize the emotions, thoughts and behaviors that generate problems.

How to live with a schizoaffective - Develop routines

Advocates for psychiatric medication

Schizoaffective disorder has a neurological component that generates unfavorable behaviors both for the person themselves and for third parties. For this reason, it is important to go to mental health professionals who prescribe psychiatric medications that aim at mood stabilization as well as decrease in psychotic symptoms in patients. It should be noted that the provision of psychiatric medication to a person with schizoaffective disorder is not recommended without medical indication from a professional.

Observe and anticipate crises

In this list of tips on how to live with a schizophrenic, observation and anticipation behavior should be highlighted. And people with this clinical picture have a tendency to have nervous breakdowns in which the characteristic symptoms of the disorder predominate. Being able to anticipate the possible behaviors that will develop from the observation of the person allows you to act in time in order to develop appropriate strategies to mitigate the consequences.

Strengthens the security and confidence of the person

In general terms, schizoaffective disorder lies in a person’s low self-esteem. This implies not only that the perception of one’s own person is considered negative in itself, but also that there is a belief that the environment is hostile. Given this, show the person that they are valuable It can lead to your self-esteem and confidence rising.

In this regard, our article How to psychologically help a person with low self-esteem may be of great help to you.

How to live with a schizoaffective - Strengthen the person's security and confidence

Practice modes of communication

Many times, people with this problem have difficulties understanding the message that you are trying to give them. Given this, the interpretation of the facts can be unfavorable and give rise to a series of problems in coexistence. Therefore, a very useful piece of advice on how to live with a schizoaffective person is to practice communication, because, if communication can be established in which the person’s privacy is respected and certain calm ways of speaking are developed, the relationship can become pleasant for the parties.

Respect personal recreation times

Taking into account that coexistence can become difficult at certain times, it is important to create moments that are a distraction for cohabitants. In short, the activities that are implemented can be both at home and outside of it. On the other hand, there are free times allows for a more peaceful coexistence both for the person with the disorder and for others.

Ignore irrelevant behaviors

Those people who suffer from schizoaffective disorder they seek to attract attention given that they have a low perception of themselves. They carry out this through behaviors that may be irrelevant. Therefore, our last guideline on how to live with a schizoaffective person is that you ignore these types of actions, so it is possible that these behaviors will subside and be replaced by others more in line with the bond with the cohabitants.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to How to live with a schizoaffective we recommend that you enter our Clinical Psychology category.


  • Lermanda, V., Holmgren, D., Soto-Aguilar, F., Sapag, F. (2013). Schizoaffective disorder. How much schizophrenia? How much bipolar? Chilean Journal of Neuro-Psychiatry, 51 (1), 46-60.
  • Rebolledo Moller, S., Lobato Rodríguez, MJ (2005). How to deal with schizophrenia. A guide for family members, caregivers and affected people. Madrid: Grupo Aula Médica SL

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